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The Forum > General Discussion > The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?

The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?

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I broke my own rule and watched OTB's Chaser Youtube on the Greens, my 'puter is now a pile of ashes on the floor, ha ha, but I love that skit, one of their best. Beach i didn't know you had any humor in you. I thought you were just dead pan miserably serious all the time, perhaps not, did you win lotto or something? Well done son.

I also love the Bin Laden at APEC conference skit.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 8 July 2016 5:52:09 AM
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Sorry, Paul, you misunderstand what I am trying to get at. Like most of us, I'm interested in how young, relatively well-educated, but unemployed people around the world (or people whose employment is constantly under threat), in different contexts, respond to their longer-term futures as they see them. That goes for supporters of the 'Arab Spring' (remember that ?) in Egypt and Syria and Iran, and supporters of Trumpf and Sanders in the US, young Bremain supporters in the UK, as well as young people here.

Understandably, in most of those cases, young people are impatient, frustrated and disillusioned. I'm not suggesting that their responses to their situations are similar, let alone identical - I'm certainly not trying to paint them all with the same brush - just that they tend to reject the dominant ideologies wherever they are. So they tend to break either to the Left or to the Right of the mainstream.

Of course, I AM suggesting that Islamism is Right-wing, extremely so, there is nothing whatever progressive about it. Any political movement which relies on unchanging, ancient texts is likely to be, by definition, reactionary in the Old Left sense.

I'm also suggesting that Islamism, jihadism, ISIS and al Qa'ida etc., are far to the Right of the world capitalist system, and a long-term threat to fiercely-won notions of democracy, equal rights, freedom of expression and scientific investigation.

That might be where we disagree :)


Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 8 July 2016 8:38:50 AM
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I understand what you are saying Joe, but why have you tried to create a link between young radical Islamist's and The Greens, saying we are the party that would be most likely to support them. We simply do not, if such a person was to turn up at my branch, and spout violent radical Islamic jihad, they would be quick smart shown the door, some years ago a new woman member was given the boot, not over Islam, over something else, she wanted people to get violently involved. I am a pacifists and would not be a member of any party, Labor and Liberal for two, that support violent action, or supported people in their violent behavior, I understand why people get aggressive in the world, but I do not support that violent action, always believing there is a better way.
Radicals are not a homogeneous bunch, I'm sure different factions have different opinion, with individuals having different levels of radicalization, and may seek to achieve outcomes through different methods.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 8 July 2016 9:09:57 AM
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Hey, Paul, would you kill an attacker if that was the only way that you could save your partner's life?

Would you USE a gun to do so?

Or would you stick by the Greens' principle No 7 and also ring "000"?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 8 July 2016 9:37:23 AM
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Hi Paul,

No, I'm not suggesting links, let alone 100 % support etc., just that many Greens would have a rather casual attitude towards human rights in the Middle East, to making any judgment on the burning of young women or the tossing of gays off rooves [roofs?], lest they offend some imam, or seem to offer in any way the slightest support to the Great Satan, the US.

Perhaps you could prove me wrong ? Have the Greens made any condemnation of ISIS etc. atrocities ? Perhaps you think that it wouldn't be relevant, since the Greens are just an Australian party ? What might be the greens' policy on, say, hypothetically, a request from the Iraqi government for more Australian troops to combat ISIS ? Or, in the future, to combat the successors to ISIS, once it has been militarily defeated in the next couple of years ?

Yes, I agree with you, there are very, very many ways to be 'radical', or even 'progressive'. Or, I suppose, 'conservative'. Nobody can stop freedom of thought or belief, thank Christ.


Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 8 July 2016 9:38:54 AM
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Is Mise, there you go again with your morbid obsession with killing people, Since you never answer questions I'll ask another one. At what age do you think school children should be allowed to carry loaded guns to school. High school age, or should they get used to killing each other from a much earlier age say kindergarten?

Joe, you seem ignorant of Greens and what they believe, simply influenced by the radical sections of Australia's right wing media.
I know of no Greens who support ISIS atrocities and the party has condemned such vile acts, including terrorists bombings etc. I know after the Paris attack a resolution condemning the outrage was unanimously passed at my local branch. Likewise I find no support from Greens for human rights abuse in the Middle East or elsewhere, You simply throw out the provocative line "many Greens" when you know nothing of such people, provide evidence, you can't. as it is nothing more than a fabrication that only exists in your minds eye.

A Liberal Party member Chris Nelson, was found guilty recently of racial abuse of Aboriginal senator Nova Peris. From that can we judge that most Liberal party members are racists. Did you support Nelson's action, I have not seen you post anything condemning it, so you must support it. I gave you time but,,, Just as you gutlessly claimed I support ISIS. Something you have not retracted I do note and remember. Any apology from me concerning your web site content does not extend to you. I have an opinion of you based on your posts, not your web site. It may be nothing more than a innocuous sham to fool the ignorant, I don't know.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 8 July 2016 11:36:55 AM
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