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The Forum > General Discussion > Does Australia Need A New Flag?

Does Australia Need A New Flag?

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Our Prime Minister feels that there should not
be a push for a Republic at the moment. Hence
I would take it that there's no pressing need
for a new flag:

Here's the explanation he gave:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 6:40:49 PM
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First off in is the British Union Flag that is on the Australian Flag, the Union Jack is the flag flown from the Jack shaft of Naval ships that belong to a country that is a Union, the USA has a Union Jack as did the old USSR and the former Union of South Africa.

The Cross of St, Patrick is BS and doesn't and never did represent Ireland.
When that country was forced into union with the rest of the British Isles the Government in London needed a symbol for Ireland on the Union Flag. The recognized Irish symbol was the Harp but it couldn't be fitted into the new flag without putting it in a dominant position so the Red Saltire of the Fitz Geralds (a Norman family) was chosen as it fitted well with the Scots Cross of St Andrew.

The other piece of BS associated with it is that only Martyrs have crosses and St.Patrick was not martyred but died peacefully of old age, in bed.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 6:53:37 PM
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Don't bother with Mr O. You cannot reason someone out of a prejudice that they haven't reasoned themselves into. Mr O has decided we're being overrun by the great yellow hoards and and little things like the facts aren't really of concern for him.

Its a perfect example of uninformed drivel and it just demeans others to try to reason with that drivel.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 27 January 2016 8:04:28 PM
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Josephus, how exactly do you know the people you see are from those countries you mention?
Is it just their facial features, speech and colour you are going on?

How do you know they weren't all born in Australia, or maybe even have family who have been here for generations?

You don't know...
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 28 January 2016 1:20:30 AM
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Dear mhaze (& others of a like persuasion),

Can you really blame me if I don't like the fact that Australia's politicians and business leaders have been selling out the Anglo-Australian nation to China for the past three decades?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 28 January 2016 4:34:22 AM
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Hi o sung wu, I do like the Aboriginal flag, and there were plenty flying at the demo on Tuesday, but I do not want it for Australia's national flag, I don't believe it is inclusive enough of all Australian's to warrant it becoming our national symbol. It can be part of it, but not in its entirety.
On the Aboriginal question, I am about reconciliation with our indigenous brothers and sisters, not confrontation, there are those within the Koori community who are angry, and justifiably so, and want to direct that anger towards confrontation with the gubba, but they are a minority and not supported by the vast majority. As a pacifists I cannot, and never will, support any kind of violent action to achieve any goal, no matter how desirable it is.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 28 January 2016 5:11:58 AM
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