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How to prevent or contain terrorist acts in Australia?
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Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 11:10:28 AM
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Shoebridge is an attention-seeking, headline-hunting ass (there is another spelling that is also appropriate for this fool), Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 11:55:39 AM
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Dear Paul,
Practically anything that we do has an impact, pro's and con's, on our health and on our safety, so those who want to stretch that argument could claim for example that religion should be banned because it has (in their view) a detrimental effect on my mental health; that in fact any non-conforming thought should be legally banned because it's "unhealthy" or "unsafe". The question is, let's even suppose that indeed a specific action of mine, is detrimental to my health and safety - what right has the state and its government(s) to ban it given that I never entrusted my health and/or safety to them? The next trick in the government's bag is to turn my personal health and safety into a matter of "public health" or "public safety". How come? Just because I happen to be a member of the public? Raw milk is not contagious and given that no allegations of fraud were ever suggested and those who drink it know exactly what they take, it can only affect those who knowingly drink it. I would expect a party that claims to be "always mindful of civil liberties and the encroachment by government into our hard won rights and freedoms" to have strong and uncompromising principles in this matter, in the same way as the Greens currently have such uncompromising principles on environmental issues. (then we also have the very interesting question of what happens when environmental principles clash with principles of civil liberties) I am encouraged to learn that the Greens are greatly concerned about the conditions in prisons: someone should indeed be there to stop that cruelty. Why only in NSW? Isn't this a problem for the rest of Australia as well? Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 12:02:54 PM
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Underfuhrur Beach, David Shoebridge is an elected member of the New South Wales Parliament. Unlike your mentor and leader, the criminally insane Jim Saleam. Your rabid rantings concerning The Greens fortunately are of no concern, as you, like Saleam, have no political standing what so ever, simply viewed as the rights ratbag element with those most radically extrest views.
Yuyutsu, what you say concerning raw milk gets no argument from me, In fact I drank such milk as a child with no detrimental effect. Like that issue there are thousands of such issues, fluoridation of the water supply, food additives, etc, the list goes on. It is impossible for any political party to have a "policy" covering ever single issue, but as issues enter the public arena its important for political parties to take a stand where required. With the prison issue it is a state matter as prisons generally fall under their control, as I am in NSW, I am familiar with matters in this state, but others in other states are also engaged in this an other issues at a state level. That is the only reason I made reference to NSW. The team of 10 Green Senators do an outstanding job of putting forward our parties alternative view when it comes to matters of a federal nature. Not always popular with some but important that our views are put forward as part of the democratic process. Unfortunate if some were in power that alternative view would soon be silenced, right Beach! Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 30 December 2014 9:42:51 PM
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Beach, me old buddy, Paul Broad, a Liberal Party lackey, with a sell it off at any price mentality. The Colongra Power Station at Doyalson has been sold to Snowy Hydro for $234 million, a price that is less than half its building cost of 5 years ago. Who is the buyer of this cheap cheap power station, Snowy Hydro, a mob Broad heads up, a business which on the 23 July 2013 appointed Broad Managing Director & CEO. The same Paul Broad was the buyer of the corrupt Nick Greiner's old house in Sydney, Greiner appointed Broad boss of his fire sale outfit Infrastructure NSW, jobs for the boys ah!
AND, we know the Liberal Parties track record in Newcastle since obtaining government in 2011 ICAC investigations, MP's resigning, cash everywhere, uncontested by-elections. Hummm. AND, know Bob Hawes conflict of interest, the article posted by you speaks for itself. Dave just keep up the good work! Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 31 December 2014 6:43:32 AM
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I have to wonder why Muslims don't appear to want to go to Japan, China, Vietnam etc.
Let's face it, for these people our way of life is just as foreign to them as the previously mentioned countries. Our religious beliefs have also been amended since the 14th century to the point where Catholics and Protestants have no longer continued bloody battles over their different faiths. It appears that the Muslim religion hasn't changed since the 600's, so isn't it time they also overhauled their thinking too, and realise this is the 21st century, and it's time for peace, not constant conflict. I understand our puppet masters realise war is good for certain businesses, but I would think that the man in the street has very different needs. First should be duty to family, then community, then country. We need cohesion and individual's pride to return, which would dent our present nanny status, and deter those looking for us to support them from the moment they arrive here. I would humbly suggest that the promise of virgins has to also be outdated. Just how many virgins can be left for martyrs to enjoy after all these centuries. Muslim kids are indoctrinated from the start that they must memorise and follow the Koran to the letter. I'd call that brainwashing of vulnerable children at their most impressionable age. Posted by worldwatcher, Monday, 5 January 2015 9:56:24 AM
The prison issue is of great concern to The Greens and our spokesperson in NSW David Shoebridge has raied several matters in relation to NSW prisons in the state parliament. Items 4 and 5 I do not believe are compulsory, but not being an experts on all these diverse matter you raise I stand to be corrected. Contact with the Greens spokespersons on various matters is freely available on the parties websites.