The Forum > General Discussion > OPEN LETTER TO SALVOS Here you Go David Boaz.
OPEN LETTER TO SALVOS Here you Go David Boaz.
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Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 31 May 2007 8:51:36 PM
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Rojo Hi.
I wont get into lost jobs or figures on this thread just yet. Same to Turnrightleft about the old Boys club the Nationals. For a while I want to concentrate on comments from other posters about attitudes towards leadership reasonsibliyts of Church Groups. Call it moral if you like. People either agree they have a clear duty to at least speak out or they dont. I am not cutting you short just been a long day. To The Salvation Army and Other Church Leaders I will offer you a olive branch. Why dont you come on this link and support our movement to improve Animal Welfare. Here- Click On Halal Kind meats Where you see the Dove. Christian Organisations have worked co-jointly overseas with Muslims so I dont see why you cant help us contact farmers regarding this programe. Wouldnt it be something to see our Christian and muslim Leaders in Australia working side by side united to improve Animal Welfare. Please consider. You can judge a nation by the way it treats its animals. And its leaders. Gods creatures dont care who helps them Together we should stand - People Against Live exports and Animal Cruelty. All people must speak out especially our spirtual leaders Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 31 May 2007 9:43:16 PM
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My quibbling over employment numbers is pedantic, but to be credible you have to be reasonably accurate with everything you write, otherwise the risk is people overlook your more salient points. Posted by rojo, Thursday, 31 May 2007 11:14:27 PM
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PALEIF: "If public donations are split council to council across regional areas and the farmers all get to choose’ what they prefer’ it will."
No. It won't - not compared to the drought assistance program, which is already sinking much more money into the problem. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 1 June 2007 9:25:01 AM
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Tell that to the farmers and dying animals. Many hands made light work. I am asking the Salvos to help kick off schools to sponser farms. Again that costs them nothing. We mentioned this before. Each school to fund raise and sponser feed for that farmers stock. We have offered to kick it off with our language school. The more the better. The question for this thread is- should churches take a perecentage to distribute public donations?. Should a member of the public donating five or ten grand have say how that money is spent and what they want it allocated to? Should the farmers who are the people the public has donated to have a say.? Or? Should we all be forcred- the public and farmers alkie to fund people to sit and pray with farmers? Should the Church include Gods Creatures and what do you think of church Leaders working together with other religious organisations as one- united to assist in time of national disasters/ And the bottom loine here is why have Churches been SO SILENT regarding Cruelty to Animals. Remember the words turnrightleft spoken to me by the lady incharge. Well to be perfectly honest wendy I have never even thought about the Animals? There is the attitude of our chuch Leaders for goodness take regarding their responsibilty as leaders to protect God most innocent I call a spade a spade and this is a shoven full. There are some fantasic people giving their time to the Salvos for free. Get rid of the high paid political heirarchy Not Good Enough. Churches MUST do their bit towards God Creatures. Their track record is shameful Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Friday, 1 June 2007 11:00:08 AM
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PALEIF: I also note you make some mention of the notion that drought assistance funding should be put to a vote.
Well... the government makes many funding decisions without putting to to a vote. How is this different? And do you oppose this drought assistance funding? What's your view? It's already in place, yet you're suggesting that it go to a vote when many other funding issues don't? I don't see how that would result in more assistance to farmers. Seems odd to me - you're advocating that the salvos switch their funding to offering feed, yet you're suggesting a review of the fact that the State offers drought assistance. The drought assistance funding actually is significant and makes a difference - the salvos funding couldn't in any signficant manner. So if your suggestions panned out we would have what? A vote on drought funding, which could result in it being canned I suppose? And then a trickle of salvos funding which would do nothing? That would result in farmers being utterly screwed and they'd abhor that suggestion of yours... if this is how you 'help' them, please reconsider your suggestions. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 1 June 2007 11:01:33 AM
Firstly turnrightleft. Hi from pale you said-
The Federal Government offers drought assistance to Drought Declared properties.
Pale replies. – Yes correct and that’s the public money. We say give the public a say.
Turnrightleft said-
So why do I bring this up?
You are dead right in that farmers would probably prefer stock feed to gifts at Christmas time.
Pale replies
Yes your correct.
Turnrightleft said
The thing is, the Salvation Army's resources will do next to nothing
Pale replies
If public donations are split council to council across regional areas and the farmers all get to choose’ what they prefer’ it will.
Mind you nobody to charge wages and administration costs in cases of exceptional circumstances. Not for PAID staff to visit and pray anyway.
Turnrightleft said
. That's the pragmatic view –
Pale replies.
Its called leadership.
Turnrightleft said
So yes - while buying stock feed is more practical, the Salvation Army has always focused on the human element - drought.
Pale replies-
Rubbish. Its SO wrong. The don’t even slightly understand the phycyie of these proud people.
The Salvation Army and most other church leaders have never listened to the farmers. Once more they have done diddims in any way towards having a reasonsibilty to Gods Creatures. Lets leave the fund raising for droughts out of it for a moment.
Now tell me what the church Leaders have done in regards to speaking out about intensive farming of those poor bloody chooks in pens so small they cant spread their wings. Did they say ONE word about the cruelty of live exports?
It costs them "nothing" to speak out about Gods creatures being mistreated.
I am going to post a media release put out by Australian Muslim Leaders.
We ask the Salvos and All other church Leaders
The song God Is watching From A Distance will in the future be on TV with questions to Church Leaders.
Church Leaders DO NOTHING even if it doesnt involve money to speak out for the most innocent- Gods creatures.