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Take it Outside

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Pisces, if this is about dual identities then "" might be part of it.

I'm not sure why but Wendy appears to have had two ID's running on OLO at the same time. If I've got it right the details are something like
Posts under "People Against Live Exports (PALE) conj. RSPCA QLD" had it's first appearance on 18th September 7:26 am and the last post (deleted) for that account was on 21st September 6:12PM. The user of that name claimed to be Wendy .
Wendy's last post under her own name was 19th September 11:06.

Graham's post at is relevant.

I've found pigfarmers comment to Taryn at

I don't know if that brings any clarity to things, I'm still confused by it all.

Taryn, my apologies - I had seen that post and forgotten it. When I went searching for it I recognised it. I read a different context into the post and did not see it as an attempt to denigrate either your breasts or baby but rather part of an overall dislike for cityslickers on pigfarmers part. I might be wrong.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 13 October 2006 2:27:24 PM
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Yes, Pisces, there are two different issues.
A membership does not protect one from being banned.

Oops Yabby (has he been banned as well?) if you read this- sorry you didn’t make the remark about Taryn, Pigfarmer did and then you quoted it.

RObert, thanks for posting those old posts. It is clear to me that I have been misinformed.

It seems that Wendy did use dual identities- it might well have been a mistake or misunderstanding, but the fact is, it is against the rules and ground for suspension.

I was under the impression that Wendy was banned before she even posted anything new. I was told this and now it seems that she did post. The facts are there.

Perhaps I’m mistaken but although some might argue that it was not ethical to ban Wendy so soon after she became a member, I cannot see that Graham did anything unlawful- the things he did were within the rules.

Whether it is ethical is a different issue again but no ground for a courtcase as far as I can see.

I sincerely wish Wendy all the best- sometimes a little misunderstanding or neglect of rules may cause us a lot of trouble.

I have learnt from this as well- since I am generally too lazy to read rules and privacy statements and merely glance over them in about 10 seconds.
I have read the rules now and will make it a habit in the future before I cause trouble for myself.
Things like this could happen to anyone- not just Wendy, we must take care!

As long as we learn from our mistakes, we can use all experiences in a positive way.
Posted by Celivia, Friday, 13 October 2006 4:23:20 PM
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I dropped the forum when the nasty posts were not taken off. When I read Yabbys comments about taryn ripps kid of Titty and rushes to key board I thought it would be taken off straight away. I actually was ashamed that any bloke would say that about a one week old mum. I dont blame taryn for being upset. That comments is still up tonight. I just checked

I made a comment back then that I thought they should have been taken down so I am not going over old ground.

I have been overseas since then and was sorry to see what had happend to these people who clearly only cared about Animal Welfare.
I took the time to find out the facts.
She joined telling him it would have to be in the name of their organisation.
He told her to cancel her name and replace it with the other name. He did not tell them it had to be done on each and every thread.
I think its all been a misunderstanding from what I can make of it.
Be fair Cilia. If the person in charge told you to cancel your registration and re register you would think he knew what he was talking about wouldnt you?
To those who are interested I am trying to get some normal comments on animal welfare. I thought it was the least one person could do.
I am a butcher by trade but strongly object to live exports. I have loaded them on the ships in my younger days and it still haunts me. I guess if I can do something to pay for my actions now it will make me feel better.
Look for the new thread. Be warned I am not getting involved in any comments about Wendy.
I think shes been burnt badly and I know she only cares about improving things for animals.
Cant see any harm in that.
To me the subject is off limits.Hope you all think about the animals for once.
This thread is for all your hard work Wendy
Posted by benny_sampson, Friday, 13 October 2006 8:12:59 PM
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Cilivia it is scary sometimes what we agree to when we just tick the “I accept” button instead of having a good read. I have been caught before and always take a look now.

Thanks for that Robert, you certainly know your way around this forum.

“Wendy does have a relationship with RSPCA. To what degree we are no longer going to explore” There seems to have been some dispute over Wendy’s right to use RSPCA in her business name? I must admit, I would have wanted clarification of that because I have never seen another entity using it. No offense meant, it just seems unusual to me.

I wont cut and paste the other comment because I know TarynW will be offended, but Robert I think you are right. If you read the remark in context with the rest of the paragraph, its not offensive I don’t think. It did give an instant picture in my head, and I admit I did smirk, ( Especially after my discussions with TarynW this morning, she does get very passionate in her discussions), but I would understand if you thought it was a bit crude.

It is plain as day that Wendy was switching between two different identities well before she was banned.

This morning TarynW you said it was coming up on google? How? Even if you searched your name it wouldn’t come up. It has been spelt Tamyn in that comment. I don’t think you need worry about too many seeing it, and I wouldn’t worry about people thinking badly of you because of it.

Benny. I bit too obvious don’t you think?
Posted by Pisces, Friday, 13 October 2006 8:35:23 PM
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Whats Obvious to me is that you are one of the trouble makers.

Go find a life but dont start on me lady.

I spent almost the whole day looking at this co joint venture in person.
Its the best plan anybody has put up as a alternative to live exports.

If I can help then I will.
I dont need some old fussy following me around the forum.

I dont know what the rules are on picking fights but we will find out in a minute because I wont hesitate to hit the complaint button.
Thats why i stopped coming on here last time but this time I will call the person in charge personally.
I am not known as a bloke who stuffs around.
Posted by benny_sampson, Friday, 13 October 2006 9:29:03 PM
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A lot of this argument started because pigfarmer (with the support of Yabby) on the Animal Welfare thread said, among some other criticism, that PALE was not working in conjunction with RSPCA without getting her facts right. PALE does work with RSPCA- last time I checked PALE was on RSPCA's website as "RSPCA in conjunction with PALE".

Pigfarmer just made assumptions in an attempt to make Wendy look unprofessional so I don't blame Wendy for getting upset about that.
Wendy did go into defence, which is a natural reaction but even then she did not attack the business of her pigfarmer. Because all she does is think of the animals and she agreed with the pigfarmer's work.

I agree that the mix-up of dual identity posts was a most likely a misunderstanding- but the damage has been done. The OLO rules state that this is ground for suspension.

Because this is all very serious and probably going to court I don't want to say anything that could cause more arguments or trouble for people involved in this argument.

I wish Wendy well.

This was my last post on the matter.

RObert- I can still post about the original topic: I think indeed that yours was a good suggestion- there should be the option to take things outside.
I was thinking not only of this private message option, but also of an icon perhaps next to the 'recommended for deletion' icon which would be an icon for 'recommended for outside discussion'.

For example, there could be a rule (more rules!) that if say 3 people in a discussion have clicked the 'recommend for outside discussion' icon, a post would warn people to take the argument outside and any more posts on the argument would be in danger of deletion and the posters of suspension.

So it would be more of a voting icon- if 3 or more people get sick of the argument- the fight will have to continue outside.
Just an idea popping into my head.
Posted by Celivia, Friday, 13 October 2006 10:11:22 PM
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