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Take it Outside

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I think you mean pale in conjunction with RSPCA QLD dont you, Not RSPCA.

The People Against Live Exports works in conjunction with RSPCA QLD"


YES sorry- that's what I meant! RSPCA QLD
Thanks for pointing this out, it is important.
Posted by Celivia, Saturday, 14 October 2006 2:24:05 PM
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I was emailed this article which I found interesting enough to paste here.
This might be a good enough reason for taking things outside not only when they get annoying to others but also when things can get ugly.
Posted by Celivia, Saturday, 14 October 2006 2:40:58 PM
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People who donate their time finding alternatives to live exports do so for the sole reason of improving animal welfare.
However a lot more needs to be done.
The answer to the live exports is to sell direct to the buyers of the meat in the Middle East or other countries. AFIC have a responsibility towards the accreditation of the meat to ensure it is Halal for their customers.
Working together with RSPCA QLD and Australian Federation of Islamic Council gives any foward thinking farmers a chance to expand.

Apart from educating the general public about live animal exports it is important we also look at the opportunities for outback people to add whatever infastructure they require to become a exporter or as well as farmer.

With the help of AFIC its possible to redirect some of the animals going live and reopen a few dead horse country towns. All Governments need to get behind this. Many people think abattoir work is only manual labor. Some say that animals are dropping like flies in paddocks especially in WA.
However the real facts are animals are trucked thousands of miles from state to state to reach these ships to make up the quota.
We are blessed to have Mark Townend RSPCA CEO QLD who has met with Church leaders and others assisting in the education of Animal Welfare.
Education of the public is the number one starting point to improving Animal Welfare.

The Reach out for Christ Church who Mark met with have put their hand up to speak to their flock about live exports.

This is a good start and we thank Steve Ryder and Mark.

There are two other Churches who have made contact also wishing to get involved.
There is a need for more people willing to give up a few hours of their time to assist the Church people who have shown willingness to start including animal welfare in some of their bible classes.
Should anybody wish to help you can contact us by clicking below and scroll to the ban Live Exports icon
Posted by benny_sampson, Sunday, 15 October 2006 11:17:08 AM
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Benny thank you for explaining clearly.

I suggested deletion of that mistake but even Graham (chief editor) said that there is nothing to worry about (since I have corrected the mistake when I was made aware).

Once a mistake has been recognised, admitted and corrected, it is a bit unfair to come back on it and use it to suit yourself.
Posted by Celivia, Monday, 16 October 2006 10:34:38 AM
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Hi Robert,

I agree with the original message of the article.
The long threaded discussion confirms your point :
Take it outside!
Posted by Fellow_Human, Monday, 16 October 2006 11:40:16 AM
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Thanks Tauras

Yes it was actually a low act trying to discreit Wendy and PALE because of her stand against the blind eye of the Churches towards animal welfare.
As for Pig Farmer she requested we expose Animals Australia for refusing to support free range farmers.
Then did an about face when it was posted on OLO.
The thing is she originally asked for it to be posted on our web site.
Sad isnt it that she didnt have the balls to stand up to them
Still after all is said and done I guess she was concered she would be hassled by DPI and effect her biz.
At the end of the day she still at least in her own way has more common decency than those who tried desperatly to gag us educating the public about the lack of concern regarding Animal Welfare by church Leaders using unfair priveledges .
Let that be a warning to anybody who tries to delude themselves there is freedom of speach anywhere.
Guess there must be a few too many church members ah .
The good news is after intensive investigation the bank belived Wendy not the other bloke and she was refunded her ,money.
With it she paid for half a dozen strippers to attend the AWB enquiry and two churches to protest their lack of action.
PS watch this space. Some people dont! want you to know the truth
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 10 February 2007 4:52:16 PM
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