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Take it Outside

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Something has come up. Wendy said to tell you that she attacked nobody.
She said that all Churches have a reasonsibilty towards animals cruelty.
Second if you read each and every post you wont find one rude remark such as for example has been made about myself for example and my baby.
I suppose you are going to say Robert you didnt see them
How typical

Wendy was banned after just hours after giving eleven hundred dollars to Graham. She was contacted by another poster who warned her that Graham Young has written some very personal remarks about Wendy to her private email address.

Wendy confronted Graham about this. This person offered copies of those emails.

They warned Wendy That Graham Young had it in for her because Wendy had found a copy of something he had written on another thread which read= The Lord Is Thy Shepard and a good Shepard would lay down his life for his sheep .

Wendy copied it and posted it under the Thread titled Churches Turn Their Baks on Animal Cruelty.
She wrote one word underneath
Nothing wrong with the thruth good On her.
So the good christian took her money and banned her
Nice Guy!
You know that is the truth because I do not think your name is the one you are posting by.

your little speach about fairness is a joke.

You can not take funds and then not provide a service.

On top of that he has allowed people to defame her and her organisation and even done so himself while stopping her from defending herself.

None of you like being exposed as the two face people you are.
Oh am I attacking you
It seems telling the truth is now attacking people.

Where were you with your standing up for others when yabby was refering to my tits and saying dreadful things about our one week old baby.
Posted by TarynW, Monday, 9 October 2006 7:09:35 PM
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TarynW, "Wendy said to tell you that she attacked nobody.". Is that supposed to mean something when Wendy's posts are mostly still around? She clearly attacked other posters.

"You know that is the truth because I do not think your name is the one you are posting by.", are you suggesting that you think I'm Graham posting under an alias? For the record I've not met him but have swapped a few emails with him relating to the site (and none made reference to Wendy). I don't use a name that I can be easily identified by because I post on family law issues and also because I don't want uninvited contact with some posters.

As for Yabby's attacks on you I did see a reference to them at one point but for the most part I've tried to skip over most of those posts that were personal attacks. If I'd seen the particular post and it said what has been claimed I probably would have requested it's deletion. I don't like sledging and bringing your breasts and baby into a debate on animal welfare is low level sledging. If Yabby did post comments like that it says a lot about Yabby and nothing about your chest or child.

I've been saddened by the refusal of people who claim to care about the welfare of animals to care enough to stop playing schoolyard games. It seems that some would much rather fight than find a way forward.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 9 October 2006 8:08:30 PM
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wendy Slamed the Church Leaders because it was true. Thats her job to highlight how they are. I might addd not all. She would be the first to say that. I know she works with some. A good example would be a person who gave up the church because of their refusal include Gods Creatures. Her and Wendy are close. There is nothing in any of the posts put up by her that are not true. Thats what you do not like.
There was no reason to ban her. She was the only one! who did not make it personal.!
Pig Farmer over and over again made personal crude rude comments. Yabby is discusting. None of them had to guts to post in their real names just Wendy.
As for your friend Graham he didnt like being shown up. He didnt like it either when Wendy confronted him about sending private emails about her to someone he met on the olo. That! someone told !Wendy. Sadly it was about six hours after Wendy being the very decent person she is acted on Grahams plea for money.

Despite the fact he had been rather rude to her on the forum and despite the fact that he was in her eyes a hypcrit she still did the christain thing and paid eleven hundred dollars.

Get it through your head that you dont take money off someone and ban them six hours later. She had not even posted.

Taking money under pretences is not a good thing to do.

If he really didnt like her that much because she showed him up as the hypicrit he is like many Church People but not most her should not have taken her money.

Regardless of that even if she had not have paid he has no right to allow creatures like yabby and pig farmer to demane her organisation or anybdy else.
No I was not suggesting you are Graham. Certainly not.
Oh yeh you didnt see the discusting talk about myself and one week old daughter.
Oh sure.
Posted by TarynW, Monday, 9 October 2006 10:33:53 PM
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Stop whining TarynW. Seems that you are doing a lot of defaming yourself. Do unto others .....

Robert if the idea is to keep this sort of thing off the main threads I'm all for it.
Posted by Pisces, Tuesday, 10 October 2006 6:31:51 PM
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Pisces, well said.

TarynW believe what you want. You have got so much else wrong that I have no reason to believe your acount of the reasons for Wendy being banned. The comments made by Yabby and Pigfarmer probably have little impact on most thinking posters. You are correct they spend to much time on personal attacks and I suspect that most of us treat the views of those who focus on that fairly lightly.

What has hurt you is the on line behaviour of people claming to represent your organisation. Your team have demonstrated an utter unwillingness to try and see the other side of an any issue you are involved in, you have shown an utter lack of respect for the rights of others to express a contrary viewpoint. Wendy has demonstrated an unwillingness to work with common ground where it exists, it seems to be her way of the highway. That is what is hurting you, not Yabby and Pigfarmers dislike of us city slickers.

Wendy has made it personal, if nothing else her suggestion that I needed to be ashamed of myself was a personal attack and not true. As I've said before a minor slight but Wendy involved herself in plenty of other attacks. If I recall correctly Antje was talking about seeing other posters in court in the same post that he suggested that another poster was insane (could be some defamation there).

Your team has behaved offensively and agressively towards others, your failure to recognise that is quite telling.

And yes I genuinely did not see the particular post you refer to.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 10 October 2006 6:54:15 PM
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I checked back on here to see what is happening and I found all these accusations! I wondered what RObert has ever said to deserve these attacks. Did I miss something?
So I went over the older church posts to refresh my memory and to check if I did miss something, but there is nothing that RObert said to make him deserve these attacks.

At the time I remember thinking that the misunderstandings had been cleared up and that it was the end of it.

Wendy, on September 11th, said:
"Robert. Thanks for all your posts and comments. They have been very balanced and fair.
I have not meant to ignore you but you have always seemed so balanced.![smile] Pew Thank Goodness we have some normal posters."

Why drag it all up again?
I really think that all this petty bickering is a waste or posts, time and effort.
Posted by Celivia, Tuesday, 10 October 2006 7:48:19 PM
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