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You're Paranoid !

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Pssst Boaz... Take it on the chin and roll with it man!
Posted by SPANKY, Wednesday, 23 May 2007 5:34:25 AM
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hahaha :) spanky.. WHERE WHERE YOU last night ? :) this is hilarious.. I currently have a rather black eye..again, but this time specifically due to a rather heavy whack in the face by one un-named individual who is renowned in our gym for interpreting 'light' sparring as meaning 'full on street brawl' :) and he gave me a cut under my eyebrow which resulted in streams of red liquid rapidly flowing down my face.. but hey.. it goes with the territory and next time I have his jaw in the sights of my rather heavy right cross, I won't pull it back and the last moment and look at him with the 'Now see that..I COULD have" look....So, it was the eye, not the jaw.

WOBBLES.. I understand your points, but I simply encourage you to always go to the earliest most original sources (as I do) and if you cannot find a direct link to them, not much value in posting about em, specially when they are disputed.

F.H. for you, todays lesson is about the Al Fatah Al Islam (or whatever their name is) who have taken over the Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon.

ONE person, went there, and by his powers of persuasion gathered a 100+ fighters, and now they run the whole camp. As one of the reporters noted, "How are ordinary people going to stand against a hundred blokes with guns"?

Remember my 'mantra' ?
-Radicals will influence moderates, not the other way around.

For me, this confirms the need to clearly identify and publicize the core religious issues which are likely to be exploited by such radicals.

Remember Sheikh Feiz ? "Grunt snort... Jews are pigs" etc.....

"Who" is Sheikh Feiz ? the man at the helm (until a while back) of the Islamic Youth thingy in Sydney.

I don't have a quarrel with you, but I DO have a quarrel with him and all like him. If he speaks in the public arena.. so will I.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 23 May 2007 10:01:13 AM
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WOBBLY.. abit more for you mate.

1/ I would be MOST vocal if I sensed that any group.. Jews or otherwise was promoting such ideas in Australia, if you can show me where such a group is active,..I'll sick my pitbull onto them :)
(my keyboard is my pitbull)

2/ Sikhs... I noticed yesterday on the news that in another country, some Sikhs were threatening violence against some cult where the leader dressed like a Sikh Guru.

MESSAGE TO ALL SIKHs in Australia... "If someone wishes to lampoon your religious teachers.. get over it, and too bad!"

We are a free society, and while I don't advocate the 'mocking' of any faith for mocking's sake.. if idiots decide to do it..the ONLY recourse you have is the LAW.

Christians and Priests are mocked daily. We don't like it but it happens. Freedom is more important than Oppression on issues of free speech about particular religions. If the truth of the faith cannot stand the test.. its not worth following.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 23 May 2007 10:07:00 AM
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Thanks for the thumbnail character sketch horus, very amusing.

But it does interest me that my ramblings here remind you of the Chamberlain of appeasement fame.

This would indicate to me that you are one of those people who decide that "if not A, then B".

If Chamberlain was determined to avoid England going to war, then he must have been an utter wuss, and deserving of our scorn. With the convenient clarity of hindsight, his trust in Hitler's promises, and consequent betrayal of the Sudetenland, look foolish. But that's history for you - a harsh and judgmental mistress.

If the current stupid stand-off between religious fanatics does lead to the Holy Wars of the 21st Century, then yes, I will look as foolish as Chamberlain. But there are some fairly major differences in the political and cultural environment.

I see no significant military build-up, no claims on territory, nor any threats of either.

What we do have, is an exercise in religious mind-games.

If I make enough growling noises, your religion will pack up its tent. Then everyone will embrace my religion and we'll all be happy.

Check Boaz' posts - his "answer" to the problem is that they all become Christians!!

Terrorism is of course very real, but the principle object of our present fear, militant Islam, is to disrupt, not conquer. Terrorism in this style, for its own sake and opportunistic, cannot be victorious in anything except engendering more terrorism. There can be no end because there is no end. But ultimately they will fizzle out and go home, like the Red Brigade and Ananda Marga.

Or more likely, become middle-aged and domesticated.

To imagine that Islam is in the process of taking over the world, and then to set out to vilify the religion at every opportunity as a means of preventing it, seem misguided and foolish, respectively.

"If not A, then B"

If I protest that Boaz' rants are more likely to fan the flames of hatred than to bring an end to the conflict, I am in your eyes somehow pro-Islam?

Sorry. Wrong.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 23 May 2007 12:16:22 PM
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I agree with Spanky and wobbles: just take it on the chin!
If you like to mix religions and Intl politics so much, suggest you move to Rwanda and join your fellowship of the ring in their fight against the non-Christian infidels (800,000 killed so far).
In my belief lies will always catch up in this life or the next.
Good for you your belief system is different :).
Posted by Fellow_Human, Wednesday, 23 May 2007 1:08:41 PM
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You either still don't get it or you're just trying to side-step the issue.
The point is that these quotes ARE in dispute - as are yours - and have been so for a very long time.

The outcome has led to the suffering and slaughter of literally millions over the centuries.

As for their age, the quotes are actually older than Islam itself and predate the New Testament.

Jesus himself argued with the Pharisees about many of the things in the Talmud and paid the price.

Yet you take an identical position against Islam and use the same sort of arguments, incite hatred, and expect a different result.

Come on, indulge yourself. All the specific references and eloquent details are here -

It'll be like looking into a mirror.
Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 23 May 2007 3:55:32 PM
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