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The Forum > General Discussion > What does Australia Do when the oil runs low

What does Australia Do when the oil runs low

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Ah, OUG, how does it run in your car ? Does it perform well in cold weather ?
Does it dilute the oil ?
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 9:19:28 PM
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o sung wu, I think we are OK till 2017 but after that as the Bakken &
Eagle Forge tight fields start their decline and that added to the 4%
decline of conventional fields we will be seeing about an overall 5% decline.
It will take a few years after that before it could cause a GFC Mk2.
It took from 2005 to 2008 before peak oil caused the GFC.

There seems to be a rider on that however and it is a financial catch22.
If interest rates in the US increase, the finance for drilling may dry
up very quickly and reduce the tight oil drilling virtually instantly.
They seem to be worrying about that on Wall St because the profitability
of the tight fields is marginal.
However if interest rates stay near 0% then it will continue and their
will be a search for more fields like the above. There seems to be a
lot of pessimism about their chances.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 9:39:48 PM
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A bit of simple arithmetic.

World consumption of oil = 89 million barrel per day.
Decline rate 4%.
89,000,000 x 4% = 3.560000 barrels decline per day each year.
Saudi Arabian production 9.3 Mbarrels per day.
9.3 / 3.56 Mbarrel per day = 2.61 years

That is every 2.6 years we have to find another Saudi Arabia.
This would just keep our heads above water and not allow China to
increase its consumption without the rest of us surrendering some oil.

Bit dodgy isn't it ?
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 9:55:32 PM
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Bazz: World consumption of oil = 89 million barrel per day.
Decline rate 4%. 89,000,000 x 4% = 3.560000 barrels decline per day each year.

Bazz that consumption & that's going up. You can't take the decline from the consumption You have to take it from the total production.

Bazz: Saudi Arabian production 9.3 Mbarrels per day.

That's a decline of 372000 Barrels a day in Saudi Arabian production.

Is the 4% decline an average over the total World production or just the Saudi oilfields? The total world production in 2010 was 80 Mbarrels. I consumption is now 89Mb then production has increased 3Mb per year. Not declined.

However if Total World Production of Oil is around 95 Mb (2010) & declining at 4% than that 3.8Mb. & a negative of .8Mb.

With a global consumption increase of 4% on your 89Mb. that's 3.58Mb.

We passed the decline in production & increase in consumption in about July 2012.

2010. 95-.8, -.8 -.8, -.8 = 91.8Mb. Production. 2014.
2013. 89+3.58, = 93.4Mb. Consumption. 2014.

Something like that. ;-)
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 11:04:53 PM
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ISSIE/QUOTE..<<..Human presence can affect the operation of the cell in a positive or negative way."

The last one is a beauty, the presence of skeptics stops it from working>>

I FAIL TO SEE..the joke..we are talking about a substance
that sounds much like the antimatter/higgs boson/darkmatter..that so eludes science..yet science claims..'must exist'..yet science cant find.

you will note..HOW YOU HAD TO CHANGE..the words to extract the ridicule
we are talking here of aether..ANTIMATTER..[as matter changes emits heat/or takes it aether..the gas state explodes]..for people of THE OPPOSING AETHER/NAIR THE TWAIN SHALL MEET...

thus it will work..for those in synche..with the right vibe/just like a unified electricity stands or falls..dependent upon external factors..its not for me to explain to you why your attitude drives it away...its your vibe..your too much into the even begin figuring IT OUT.

I COULD LOOK INTO MY MIND TO EXPLAIN..BUT KNOW YOUR NOT TAKING IT does the emotive energies we each lifes many..emotive outpourings....of wasted energy..our many lives have emitted out into the aether...MINDLESSLY.

think of it as being like a magnet..[but because your a north pole interfere..with the magnetism/recall if you will HOW MAGNETIC AND NON MAGNETIC materials HAVE 90 degrees of sepperation
a point joe tries to his many vidios..WITH MAGNETS.

WHO CARES...some find out and TEST..tHINGS..out foir themselves..others dont..[no skin off my nose either way/

and if your content...with frEE PETROL..why bother explaining anything to anyoNE..[CAUSE to some it will be others it will clarify much] others can lead a horse but you cant make em any WHORSE..its pearl before swine/

those meant to know find out/those not meant to know wont..[its just wasted emotion crying about thyne own personal MAGNETISM.]..HAVING A MAGNETIC VIBE AS OPPOSED TO a non magNETIC VIbe...

to some the reality is the fiction...we get as we gave.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 6 March 2014 5:32:59 AM
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*Surely some politician can see this strategy, or is it now government policy to put your 'head in the sand' and hope it all goes away ?*

I am sure that their strategy is to win the next election and whoever gets stuck with the problem when the music stops will be out of the game.
This is the whole point, the pollies we have really consider it all a "big game" and the winners will have the most power, the biggest houses, the most perks .
The idea of actually doing something for the proles and providing a safe environment for the people that will come after them is beyond them.
Posted by Robert LePage, Thursday, 6 March 2014 7:35:47 AM
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