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What does Australia Do when the oil runs low

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Hi (again) BAZZ...

Whether there's an imminent shortage or not, it makes good sense to prepare earlier rather than later, with your 'back to the wall'? Surely some politician can see this strategy, or is it now government policy to put your 'head in the sand' and hope it all goes away ?

Were we not once referred to as the 'Smart Country ' ? Many thanks BAZZ.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 7:06:52 PM
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BAZZ..THE KEy bit is here
Without any refining capacity we're at the mercy of overseas concerns who can charge us anything they like...OR BUY 'crude'....FROM US..OR not..[IF NO ONE[NO REFINERY]..IS BUYING IT..IT WILL JUST SIT..THERE TILL THEY WANT IT.

and an artificial scarcity..a great unholy monopoly GLOBALLY

The first thing to realize when attempting to understand the nature of Joe's Energy Cell is that many of the precepts and rules of conventional science do not apply. This cell does not operate according to the conventional rules of physics.

It's necessary to approach this material with an open mind and to be prepared to entertain novel ideas that often run contrary to conventional scientific thought. Essentially, Joe had discovered a unique and simple way to capture Orgone energy (explained later in this article). The Joe Energy Cell is NOT a hydrogen fuel cell. It's an Orgone Energy Accumulator in which water is acting as the medium which captures the orgone and allows it to be transduced into the engine.

Some people react with immediate disbelief when first confronted with information about the Joe Cell. Such individuals find skepticism a comfortable refuge. It's easy to be a skeptic...intellectually lazy, hopelessly self satisfied and arrogant.

Almost without exception,..a skeptic jumps to the simplistic conclusion that if he hasn't heard about it or if the new information opposes ideas which he has been taught in school, then the concept being offered must be invalid! Of course,..evidence offered by hands-on experimentation is seen most often in skeptical professionals of the academic persuasion....Most physics professors are solidly married to their ego and 'woe be' to anyone who attempts to question their consecrated,..anointed opinions of the universe.

My advice is not to waste your time trying to convince skeptics or knuckle heads married to conventional science why the Energy Cell works. They will only attempt to discourage you. Just build one and see for yourself. It's not really important to understand why it works. The point is- it works!
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 7:33:03 PM
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Maybe the idea is to scrap the very old technology & start again with the latest modern stuff. Just a thought. Nah, just kidding.
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 7:41:35 PM
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List me among the skeptics!!

"Here are some of the attributes listed on Peswiki

The water in the cell is not consumed.

The cell runs cold to the touch.

It takes a period of time before the engine will run from the cell. It then has an erratic power output and works in an intermittent fashion.

When the cell is removed from the car, the engine takes an appreciable time to return to "normal" and run from the original fuel.

If the cell is left in the car for a long period, the engine becomes "charged". From this point, the cell is not required for the motor to run.

All spark plug leads can be removed and the engine will still run as long as the ignition coil and distributor remain functional.

The output of the cell does not have to be connected to the internals of the engine. A close external coupling will do.

The cell requires the "charging" of the water to work.

The requires a specific style of construction, little understood by most constructors.

The source of power for the cell and its use has great value for some individuals. These individuals are creating misinformation, cloaking operations and inducing fear in cell constructors.

Human presence can affect the operation of the cell in a positive or negative way."

The last one is a beauty, the presence of skeptics stops it from working.

Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 8:31:55 PM
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Ah! Sure now it most be roight!
"Steorn, of Dublin Ireland, claims to have discovered a technology that produces "free energy" that could transform the renewable energy sector, providing clean, continuous, reliable, safe, affordable energy for the world. They have essentially two iterations of the effect: an all-magnet motor technology as well as an elecromagnetic overunity technology.".

Faith an' begorrah, that's Oirish technology fer ya.
I well remember a distant cousin of mine who converted a conventional steam car to run on air, 'an it worked, only trouble was that the petrol engine runnin' th' compresser to supply th' air cost a lot to run.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 8:44:01 PM
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I followed the link that you gave and, incidentally, plagiarized, you really should give credit where it is due.

You ought to have quoted this bit as well

" (Today, it is clear why the ether theory was so vigorously and thoroughly debunked by academicians in the first half of this century.[20th] They were getting their marching orders from the hidden hand of the Illuminati, which included the above mentioned Rockefeller and Morgan families. The Illuminati had infiltrated the highest ranks of academia in the United States in the opening decades of the current century through the efforts of Fabian Socialists. The suppression of information concerning ether-born energies continues to this very day)

So, it was the Catholics and the Freemasons that did the dirty on us and kept us from all that Free Energy,
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 9:10:35 PM
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