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The Forum > General Discussion > Greens - pursuing issues that no one knew existed!

Greens - pursuing issues that no one knew existed!

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I'm not jumping to any conclusions, I'm only stating what has been reliably reported.
You make the claim that prayer is useless and as I've given you what are, on the face of it, answers to prayers, then the ball is in your court.
The shrine at Lourdes is to Mary as she is said to have appeared there so the assumption is that the cures are by her intervention.

"No I cannot give any refutation since the miracles were not examined by neutral doctors."

Didn't Google "Lourdes" did you? Neutral doctors are welcomed as are other medical professionals and of any or no faith.

"Being a typical christian you have only read your side of the story - read some more - it may be uncomfortable for you."

I assure you that
1. I am not a typical Christian
and that
2. I would be delighted to read some scholarly/scientific refutation of the mystery of Lourdes, kindly give me some references, electronic or written.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 23 January 2014 2:18:08 PM
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Is Mise, until somebody actually proves that gods exist, no one is going to believe in 'miracles' supposedly made in their name are they?

Many may have 'faith' that this has happened, just like they have faith there are gods in the sky.
There is absolutely no proof at all...there is only faith.

I certainly wouldn't knock anyone's faith, because many gain comfort from this faith, but I would never believe in miracles as such...
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 23 January 2014 8:50:04 PM
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Had a quick peek at the Greens and their policies. Oh dear, but continued to scroll down to the other political parties. Are you kidding me. Ok the bad joke is over. Who oversees and allows these ... people to be taken seriously. Im sure I could get together a crew, and be slightly more realistic.
The Greens seem to follow the big two around picking up left overs for their new policies. Was it the 'sex party' wanting to decriminalize personal drug use, not just marijuana either. Shouldn't they be drug tested? You have to laugh.
I really hope no grown up political parties from other countries are aware of the state we are in.
Please someone tell me that they know that these other circuses are not tax payer funded. That after their bit of fun they go back to their regular place of employment.
Besides this lot, are Rudd and Abbott going to remain the only choices we have as the strong, determined all praise-worthy leader of our Country?
Posted by jodelie, Thursday, 23 January 2014 11:56:45 PM
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While I am glad that you enjoy shadow boxing, and while we very clearly come from very different ends of the political spectrum we can debate mostly without resorting to ad homimens or insults.

If you quit the ALP because of Hawke and Keating's reform, then you joined when the greens became more than just environmentalists and absorbed the far left of the labor party at the time that Thatcher showed the world that socialism was failing.

H&K were faced with trying to follow the old labor direction or introducing the reforms pioneered by Thatcher that had reinvigourated the British economy. When they introduced the reforms, the die hards left and joined the greens. Thus the greens political ideology is mired in the 1970s.

describes how most liberals think of the greens.

Ponde, Suze, Is Mise,

The 15 seconds it takes for the Prayer is supremely irrelevant, which is the point of the thread. If you want to save time, there are many many other issues in parliament that could save far more time.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 24 January 2014 6:17:18 AM
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You said, "Is Mise, until somebody actually proves that gods exist, no one is going to believe in 'miracles' supposedly made in their name are they?"

Yes they are, and millions do because, as you say, "Many may have 'faith' that this has happened, just like they have faith there are gods in the sky.
There is absolutely no proof at all...there is only faith."
I think that you answered your own question.
Sort of an own goal:)

As a medical professional what is your opinion of the spontaneous regeneration of the nerves in Traynor's right arm?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 24 January 2014 7:04:34 AM
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Faith without evidence is dangerous and unfounded.
It is better to live in the real world no matter how sad and terrifying than to live in a delusion no matter how conforting
Posted by ponde, Friday, 24 January 2014 7:09:55 AM
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