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The Forum > General Discussion > Greens - pursuing issues that no one knew existed!

Greens - pursuing issues that no one knew existed!

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Is Mise, it is well documented that nerves can and do regenerate.
That is not the point though.

I don't believe anyone could have recovered from 'advanced' TB back in the days before antibiotics, but then maybe that person never had TB in the first place. Medical diagnoses were not as advanced back then as they are now.

And maybe the Catholic doctors didn't look too hard, and maybe their 'independent' colleagues didn't either.

Amazingly, we don't seem to have any proven so-called miracles these days do we?
Even with such an increased world population...strange that.

The point is that there is no proof that any so called god made it happen that time, or any other time!
I don't think there is any point going on with this conversation.
We will have to agree to differ...
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 25 January 2014 10:44:21 AM
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Secondary nerves regenerate naturally but not primary ones.
In the case of Traynor his arm had been nerve dead for 15 years etc., yet, according to witnesses, both lay and medical, his arm regained almost full function in minutes.
Scientifically and medically inexplicable.

As regards modern miracles (for want of a better word) how about:

"Paris, France, Mar 30, 2011 / 01:55 pm (CNA).- Bishop Emmanuel Delmas of Angers, France confirmed the healing of a man at the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes....Serge Francois, 56, had lost almost all mobility in his left leg after complications from two operations left him with a herniated disc. He made a pilgrimage to the shrine on April 13, 2002 to pray for healing....Bishop Delmas noted that the healing took place after Francois “had finished praying at the grotto and went to the miraculous spring to drink the water and wash his face. A unique gesture of the Virgin Mary can be seen in the healing of this man,” he said.

The Spanish daily La Razon said that after Francois' recovery, he returned to Lourdes in 2003 and reported his case to the medical commission, which began its investigation."

The investigation process is long and thorough, hence the time between 2003 and 2011.

There are other cases in the pipeline so your contention that there are no modern miracles is rather hollow and evidence that you have not read anything on the subject, yet you cast aspersions on the medical professionals who have given an opinion; perhaps you might give a reference to where you get your information?
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 25 January 2014 11:58:34 AM
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I'm a cynic Is Mise : )

Of course the good Bishop is going to say all that you mentioned.
A timely 'miracle' keeps the people under the church's control.

I grew up with a strict Catholic mother, nuns and priests, and heard about Lourdes and miracles all my life. I am very aware of all that propaganda, and the church's considerable financial means to pay for it.
I have read up on it, and only managed to find all this so-called evidence of miracles, on religious sites and publications. Funny that.

Maybe this guy was just due for a recovery, and it had nothing to do with any god or Blessed Virgin at all? I have personally witnessed amazing recoveries before.
You have still not given me any proof that it was some invisible god who 'cured' these people at all.

We have only the church's say on this, and the fact that the supposedly non-religious, unbiased medical professionals agreed that any of these sick people made an 'unexplained recovery', still does not tell us unequivocally that a god caused it.
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 25 January 2014 2:23:03 PM
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Members of the god squad, and anyone else who wants to give an opinion. Can you clarify something for me.
When I was in 3rd Class in a Catholic primary school way back in 1960, I distinctly recall my teacher Sister Mary, an old Irish nun about 70, full of fire and brimstone, the ideal teacher for impressionable 8 year old's. One time during 'religion' Sister Mary though she would explain who goes to heaven and who don't. Sister Mary was adamant that only Catholics could go to heaven, but not all Catholics, only those that died in the "grace of God without mortal sin", seemed reasonable, since we were all Catholics. Some inquiring mind asked "What happens to the rest of the people?" Sister Mary assured us that sinners, including Catholic mortal sinners, would all burn in hell for eternity. People like Buddhist, Hindus, Muslims, were pagans and at best, even if they had lived very good lives and never sinned, all they could hope for was an eternity in a place called purgatory, not a pleasant place, but not as bad as hell, serves them right for worshiping idols. Some people like the still born, would end up in another place limbo, certainly no where near as bad as hell and not as bad as purgatory, a neutral kind of place. I thought bad enough not getting a life, gee not getting heaven as well, that them the breaks. As for PROTESTANTS! Sister Mary was adamant that despite the daily prayers for their salvation. by his Holy Father in Rome, Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians and all those other protestants sinners "WILL BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY! No ifs, no buts, I though they would be better of with the idol worshipers. I don't know what Sister Mary would have in store for a good little catholic boy, turned atheist. So I do hope in Canberra they are reciting the good Catholic version of that prayer and not the sinful Protestant version, they could well be consigning us all to an eternity of fire and brimstone, so said Sister Mary.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 January 2014 2:58:37 PM
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Suse, a cynic, no I'm glad I'm not, still a good little Catholic boy, I am. LOL

Take that dirty bit of old rag the Catholic Church holds up as a "divine miracle", The Shroud of Turin, the Holy father himself, no less, had declared it to be so.
A quick modern scientific test, something the Church resisted for years, soon exposed the "divine shroud" to be as phoney as a $3 bill. no doubt created by past church criminals for monetary gain. Did that deter the Catholic Church, did they come out and say "Well fellas we got that one wrong." No, they simply carried on praying to it and claiming it has miracles properties. like Lourdes, its a money maker and the Catholic Mafia will never pass up a money making opportunity. That is why the Catholic Church is the richest private organisation in the world. What else do Catholics pray to, the popes holy old socks. Does that say something about how the Catholic Church treats "miracles".
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 January 2014 3:27:51 PM
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Never mind the anti-Catholic ravings just point me to one (1) scholarly refutation of the miracle cures at Lourdes, internet or written, either will do.

There are refutations of the Shroud in plenty but no one seems to want to take on the problem of Lourdes.

Look up the verification process, just Google.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 25 January 2014 4:28:44 PM
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