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The Forum > General Discussion > Greens - pursuing issues that no one knew existed!

Greens - pursuing issues that no one knew existed!

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I despair at your apparent lack of knowledge, use Google to search, Lourdes and the apparent miracles are well documented, all 67 of them.

" And so John Traynor was lifted into the bath — a physical wreck, covered with sores, a dying cripple.
The signed statement of Doctors Azurdia, Finn and Harley testifies that he was suffering from:

paralysis of the radial, median and ulnar nerves of the right arm
atrophy of the shoulder and pectoral muscles
a trephine opening in the right parietal region of the skull — in this opening, about one inch, there is a metal plate for protection
absence of voluntary movement in the legs, and loss of feeling
lack of bodily control

A second time he was placed in the bath, and then he was taken to be blessed during the procession of the Blessed Sacrament in the great square in front of the church. Just as the Sacred Host had passed by, his right arm, which had been dead since 1915, was violently agitated. He burst the bandages and blessed himself — for the first time in years. A strange feeling came into his legs. The stretcher-bearers thought he was having another bad turn. He was given an injection to keep him quiet, and taken back to morning he heard the bells ringing out the Lourdes hymn, and jumped out of bed....John Traynor was should make a sacrifice....I made the only sacrifice I could think of. I resolved to give up cigarettes.”

Afterwards for twenty years, you could see in Liverpool a hefty 16-stone man, in the coal and haulage business, lifting 200 lb. sacks of coal, who was officially classified as 100 per cent disabled and permanently incapacitated....He died in 1943 from hernia, a complaint in no way related to the illness and wounds of which he was cured in Lourdes.

Another group of experts testified, though unconsciously, to the miracle. The British War Pensions Ministry, after extensive investigations, awarded him full disability pension for life. They never revoked that decision."
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 11:45:12 AM
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That's a tad contradictory, ponde.

>>If a House is heritage listed it is the owners's responsibility to maintain it, not use public funds.<<

Where do you stand on the acquisition by the Historic Houses Trust of NSW (the owners of Hyde Park Barracks) of various privately-owned dwellings (Rouse Hill House and Farm, Meroogal etc., for the sole purpose of using public funds to maintain them in their original, heritage-listed form?

And you may be sure that if the future of St Mary's was threatened, it to would be snapped up for the same reason and with the same purpose.

From the Hyde Park Barracks Management Plan:

"An area of historically associated sites surrounds the nominated site and includes adjacent buildings, such as The Mint, St James Church, St Mary’s Cathedral and Land Titles Office, as well as the northern part of Hyde Park, the southern part of The Domain and sections of the historic thoroughfares of Macquarie and College Streets. These areas provide a historically and visually significant setting for the Hyde Park Barracks."

Forget religion. It's about our history.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 12:50:48 PM
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Paul, you are quite sad.

However you fiddle with the figures, the greens are going backwards. The greens are not even worth 1/10th of FA, and only got a little more than Palmer United. If things keep going this way the greens will be grouped under other.

The branches of the liberals consist of the liberal party, the LNP and the CLP which gave the labor party a canning. But I suppose your argument is so feeble that you need to be dishonest to look good.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 1:42:31 PM
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Shadow, I enjoy our exchanges on the forum, you are about the only conserve on here who can mount a semi serious argument on most subjects. Many of the others from the extreme right are literally off the dial. I made the point to you that figures can be twisted without a word of a lie to suit.
Elections come and go, leaders come and go, even political parties come and go, but for me its not the short term that counts, its the long term direction and well being of the nation that is far more important. In my life time I have been a member of 2 political parties the ALP and The Greens. I quite the ALP when I realised the Hawke/Keating governments were a sellout, and that no good was going to come from the Labor Party, and years later what did it throw up the Rudd/Gillard governments and they didn't let me down, they proved my belief.
From day one I was opposed to a deal with Labor, for them to form government, I wanted The Greens to stay out of it and let Labor/Liberal fight it out, it was none of our business, we should always follow our own path, not be hitched to the ALP. I was surprised at the election result I honestly expected Labor to cop a far bigger hiding than they did, and I expected us to suffer much more fallout.
SM explain this stat to me, 3444 people voted for Craig Thomson, in the same seat a Christian Kunde, who I don't know from a bar of soap only scored 622 votes, where is the justice. Christian stood for the Bullet Train For Australia Party,which I don't know much about, other than their name, but they can't be that bad compared to Thomson.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 8:31:02 PM
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Sorry Is Mise, I don't know Ponde at all, just like I don't 'know' anyone else on this forum.

As for Lourdes, I doubt anyone is going to take your 'Saints' site as proof for anything at all.
I have seen many so-called 'medical miracles' over the years Is Mise, and none of those people were at Lourdes, and many never prayed at all, and several weren't Christian.

There are many unexplained medical occurrences that happened over the years, and people who believe in gods have no more clue about how some of them happened than anyone else.
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 11:47:02 PM
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That's the whole point, Suse, no one has any clue as to how they happened, least of all the Medical Tribunal at Lourdes.
The 67 proclaimed miracles are scientifically/medically inexplicable.

The case of John Traynor, that I recounted above, is not counted among the miracles, merely an exceptional cure.

To get back to the Greens pursuing unimportant issues, do you think that they should pursue other forms of prayer on which the Government spends taxpayers' money?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 23 January 2014 7:23:54 AM
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