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The Forum > General Discussion > Greens - pursuing issues that no one knew existed!

Greens - pursuing issues that no one knew existed!

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What utter rot. I caught you out using a legalistic term for an unrelated issue.

We expect our politicians to have a solid sense of values that reflect the community, whether from family, religion or the community. That an MP is Christian or Muslim is not the church or other religious body directing legislative or any other control.

The greens are a complete joke, from Brown eyed Bob, the alien whisperer to Rhiannon the Stalinist, and every hue of whack job in-between.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 2:56:49 AM
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Shadow, a like minded forumite, in the form of one of the 'usual suspects" Beach person has waded in to lend you a hand. He, like you is well known for repeatedly making delusional comments and once again he has not let us down with this little pearler
"as was evidenced by the trouncing the Greens received at the last federal election." Evidence please of this supposed trouncing, seats lost? hummm. In desperation he turns to quoting Gillard of all people.
For you, it seems 'reds under the beds' is now 'greens in the trees'
Is this another quote from your tabloid bible 'The Daily Telegraph'
"The greens are a complete joke", a Churchillen quote if ever there was one. Do I need to remind you that the following list of human baboons are not members of The Greens Party, and are never likely to be invited to join, but rather are the "intellectuals" of the Liberals and Nationals, in no particular order as they are all dumbos of equal standing.

Warren Truss (the head hayseed)
Julie Bishop (the token woman)
Scott Morrison (oh my god, a religious nutter)
Barnaby Joyce (Oh poor Barney)
Joe Hockey (lost his play lunch money at school)
Mathias Cormann (is he a dumbed down version of Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Christopher Pyne (failed the 3rd grade)

The list goes on.
And of course there is the circus master himself, the Liberals, very own Mad Monk, Tony Abbott!

The cock up of the week award, surly must go to George Brandis the Liberal Attorney-General with his "Brandis Library". Poor George ordered a $20,000, at taxpayer cost, custom-built bookcase for his office, his personal liberty, all to house his collection of 'Daffy Duck Comics' sounds extravagant, but but. The only problem was the million dollar bookcase wouldn't fit in poor Georges office, too big, the bookcase, not the office. There is a Liberal Party Parliamentary BBQ scheduled for this week, George is supplying the firewood.
p/s George is getting another new bookcase next week, a little smaller, this new one is only the size of the 'Titanic'.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 6:19:01 AM
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Paul 1405, "In desperation he turns to quoting Gillard of all people"

Both Rudd and Gillard were constantly harassed and hampered by the unreasonable, treacherous Greens.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 6:50:59 AM
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Beach, I thought Rudd and Gillard were constantly harassed, by each other and not The Greens. They will clearly go down in history as the worse two Labor Prime Ministers of all times and the most divisive pair.

As for “the Greens will never embrace Labor’s delight at sharing the values of everyday Australians, in our cities, suburbs, towns and bush, who day after day do the right thing, leading purposeful and dignified lives, driven by love of family and nation" Coming from Gillard, given her track record, I would describe that sickening statement as sanctimonious clap trap!

Don't forget to back up your;
"as was evidenced by the trouncing the Greens received at the last federal election." how many seats did we loose?
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 9:39:25 AM
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This article is on the rights and wrongs of the Lord's Prayer in Parliament.
It has turned into a political mud sling match.
It is not important which side of the mud puddle you are.
Praying in a public place where tax payer money is used in wrong.
Wrong because there is no evidence that prayer works.
If a MP wants to feel good and pray he can do it on his own time.
Posted by ponde, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 9:48:42 AM
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The post was about the Greens making an issue of supreme irrelevance their front and center issue of the month. The Greens' modus operandi is that when reality of politics is too hard, make up a new issue that no one else cares about, or as Paul has so aptly demonstrated, simply fling baseless insults.

The greens don't have a single implementable policy, only a clutter of populist wishlists. They are lead by the airhead Milne who is only capable of answering questions with trite banalities, the dimwit SHY who weeps at the plight of an asylum seeker having to sell some of her jewelry to pay a people smuggler, yet when asked about 200 people that drowned essentially says ** happens, not my problem. Bandt whe joined the greens because they were closer to communism than Labor, and Rhiannon who until recently tried to pretend that Stalin didn't kill 20m of his own people.

Any one of the coalition is better than this green bunch of clowns.

Paul, I know you struggle with reality, but the greens lost about 30% of their primary vote in the last election, which if not a trouncing, is a good beating. Also Brandis's bookshelf was fitted to his previous parliamentary office and is not portable. It will be available for the next incumbent.

If you want to talk of waste, then the $140k Juliar spent jetting to a party meeting, or the $1.5m that Rudd spent as a tourist is where you really need to look.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 1:06:34 PM
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