The Forum > General Discussion > Get Rid of the Lord's Pray?
Get Rid of the Lord's Pray?
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Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:01:23 PM
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The Lord's prayer differs in length - the Catholic Church omits the doxology at the end ("For thine is the kingdom, the power, etc). All these popular versions base the text on Matthew 6:9-11, rather than as it appears in Luke 11:2-4.The Context of the Lord's prayer The context for the prayer is the Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus discussing how we should pray. We are not to pray to impress God or others, or to think that we might be able to manipulate Him in order to get what we want.(Matthew 6:5-7, rather than/like it appears IN LuKE The Message) Rather, we are to come simply, as a child would to his father, and honestly, being real about our failures and need of God. When malkuth is used of God,.. almost always refers to his authority or to his rule as the heavenly King."[19] This petition looks to the perfect establishment of God's rule in the world in the future, an act of God resulting in the eschatological order of the new age.[20] The request for God's kingdom to come is commonly interpreted at the most literal level: as a reference to the belief, common at the time, that a Messiah figure would bring about a kingdom of God 1662 Anglican BCP[13] Our Father, whO art..AT heaven, hallo*-wed be thy name; thy kingdom hast..come; thy will..shall/be done, 0n it is in heaven. [see gone wesT] Give us this day our daily breaTH. And forgive us..of our trespasses,..BUT*..NOT OUR INFLICTIONS....OF HUrtfullness..[UPON OTHER] as we forgive them that trespass against us...let us recieve thyne mercies And PRAY..WE KNOW..THY..DOTH/NOT..lead us not into temptation; but THEEE..deliver us from evil. [For thine is the grace/the good and the mercYFULL..THAT SUSTAINS US ALL OUR VERY LIVING..IN ALL OF THYNE the kingdom, to theee the right..THE DUTY..the good the trie and the supreeme the power, and the glory, for ever and eve er.... not SAID/UNTO..the lord AHMEN BUT THEE the living loving eternal/omnipresent being.THE..lord of hosts/lord..HOSTING THY LIVING presence..within all* Ahhh-men. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:19:04 PM
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You have shot yourself in the foot again. " Thy will be done" Lets have a look at what is Gods will? Stoning people for working on the Sabbath. No Women allowed to approach the alter. approval of slavery. Selling of your daughter's into slavery. And the list goes on. Surely you are not suggesting the federal parliament introduce such laws. Posted by ponde, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:28:39 PM
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It is widely believed that our Constitution builds
a wall of separation between church and state, but this view is largely a myth. If one bothers to read the relevant parts of our Constitution the actual wording implies that the state, out of respect for the principle of freedom of religion, may not favour or penalise one belief relative to another. However, although the state may not become involved in religion, there is absolutely no prohibition against religious participation in the affairs of the state. In practice, civic affairs and religion have long been closely intertwined in this country. Religion has been and is an element in oaths of office, party conventions, court-room procedures and indeed nearly all formal public occasions. Even the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides give a "God and Country pledge, a phrase that implies, to say the least, a compatibility of interest between the two. And political leaders have always been expected to pay at least lip service to religious belief, in fact every swearing in to Ministers - involves some mention of God whether it's on the Bible, or as was the recent happening - of on the Koran. The Greens Senator Richard Di Natale - has asked for The Lord's Prayer to be dropped from the day's sitting of the opening of Federal Parliament. This suggestion can be reviewed and voted on by Members. I suspect that the prayer will remain - with the relationship between church and state being a controversial issue that will continue to endure. As they do with school prayer, and other issues. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:41:36 PM
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Please identify the current percentage values of the Australian population if we are to uphold them in parliament. Especially the young people who see consideration of others as of low value. What relevance does 'welcome to country' have to government?
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:46:16 PM
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ponde'..QUote..<,..Lets have a look at what is Gods will?>>
GOD..IS A shOrtening..oF GOOD=god. as jesus..birth naming the word..unifiED ..within..tHE 'TITLE....Emmanuel..[god..wITHIN/US[ALL].. [ie that we do to*..the least..we do to god*] <<Stoning people for working on the Sabbath.>> JESUS REFUTED STONING*..[when he drew the commandment..'thou shalt not murder..IN THE DIRT]..god refutes the stoner..and the stoned are both*..sustained theIR LIVING of gods wilL ALONE NO DEATH/SERVES THE life giver* the noahtide laws OF DESERT SURVIVAL..was refuted by jesus <<..No Women allowed to approach the alter.>> spirit has long beeN MANS BUSINESS god gave co-creator shIP..TO EVE[adam..the life giver..but eve co creator*]..REGARDLESS thats mosus [egyptian/lore]..jesus brung the new law* <<approval of slavery.>> iF ..i..borrow..from you..BUT LACK..the means.,,to pay how else to make the DEBT GO service*- we had work houses..debt is cant go away its over return..our debt/to good[god].. <<..Selling of your daughter's into slavery.>> only the wealthy..have THE DOWERY*..[DO YOU VALUE YOUR daughter enough to..DEMANd..A high price*..][or let her marry the rocKSTAR/SPORTS THUG? who are we to judge..till the..victim own rights who are we to judge[NOW IF ITS UNDERAGE..[OR BY FORCE]..thats different <<..And the list goes on.>> WE CANT Judge other..great evil..allows.. greaTER ending it <<..Surely you are not suggesting the federal parliament introduce such laws.>> IF THE stoner wants to get stoned..let them if you steal..your enslaved to who you stole FROM..if you got the must share thE PAIN..iF that young punk..wants her barefoot and pregnant..let it be HER choice* THE COMFORTER*/JOHAN*NINE Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 12:57:38 PM
Most of the leading politicians on all sides of politics in Australia are Christians and it certainly hasn't stopped some from misleading the public, lying, rorting travel claims and sometimes, at the worst end, entering into corrupt practices.
It is not Christianity that makes them dishonest, it is the fact that they are humans and some don't seem to be able to prevent themselves from unsavoury behaviour regardless of their faith or absence of faith.
The mere repeating of the Lord's Prayer does not ensure politicians behave in the most respectful and ethical ways. It all comes down to what sort of person they are and this is not determined by aligning oneself to any particular belief, whether Christian, atheist or otherwise.