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The Forum > General Discussion > Christmas and Santa Claus; Surely this myth has now reached it's used by date.

Christmas and Santa Claus; Surely this myth has now reached it's used by date.

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song wu/quote..<< fact..your Dad..and you, have some unresolved issues,..or do I have..that wrong?>>

thank-you..for the explain
see..that after/the police rejected me..i joined..the army [raeme/comm z]

anyhow one/fine day..i was on/my way-out..the door
when thee blue..knocked on/the door..they had a warrent
[i now know they had* have reason..for the warrant]..i/didnt then..

anyhow..they said this/warrant allows you/have any cannabis stativa..[i since found/out all cannabis is..MISS-classified[by section]..and sativa..[a taxonomic and statue/lie]

regardless..after giving up/ cannabis[cause i didnt want to/'be late..for work]..they said your/under arrest..[it was a quick 'bust']..

as we went/down the of em said y..our lucky you didnt run[as/our mates..smith and westen[wesson/western?],,would have got you

today..i realize it was likely..some movie line..the poor drunk copper heard in/a bar somewhere]..anyhow..long story short..the coppers fathers drinking buddies..and they..only came around cause?

anyhow at..the copshop..they said oh..your adroians son
[if we had of known..before we put..'in' the paper work..but the paper done

anyhow these mates..of dad got him/out of..a lot of scrapes
[but like all..we need excuses/push/ learn..that..simply was..mine.

in jail..i read and re read.the bible and the law
the more jail time..i did..the more wised up..i got

it wasnt a life was spirit guides leading the making..of me..[whatever that be]..angry and eyes were opened..even asmy freedom was raped

<<I'm often to what/you're convey,>>

old freind..its lack..of knowledge..that saw my living/innocent life DESTROYED..in1986..i join the forces to gain/peers..[i found peers/respect/rank etc]]..then..all that was taken from/me[including my father] under 10 minutes

while i sent notice..[request for raeme]
they wrote back..and said dont come other job was a govt job i got sacked from that too

4minutes in court.
300 for lawyer
300 for a bong
[the coppers HARVESTED it/proving i/never 'possessed it] ground=fixture[owned by the land
fungible=a trade-able commodity..can be possessed
but LIVING PLANTS>>IN..THE GROUND..cant 'be';possssed[the ground/by long tradition..owns them

then..from the ground..DIRECT..into..policce custody
where was my..'possession?/[ie control?]..that haunts me daily

3 old..bogga road..

Posted by one under god, Thursday, 26 December 2013 10:14:45 PM
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they said..if you dont get dole
i said no worries i..shall rob banks..they said go see a psychologist
so i/did..he said pension..i said so what..govt docter said he is fit/healthy ready..i agreed

physiologist said no..he has anger..over his INSTANT*imprisonment
the physiologist won..till 3 years ago..they said get a letter from/the quack.[i said who..was sent

anyhow long/story short..i didnt give..them/the letter
refuse to beg..for the eating out/of rubbish bins ever since[my father..spirit..hates it]

but the stress..of/it..[back/then[..all made him drink..even more
and..maybe the guilt..of it shorted..his life..dramatically

so..i decided peers,.,wernt a..great/thing..after all
his..mates..killed him...[BUT BY WHO..iSto..SAY>>WHO WE COMMUNE clearly..important.]..but better-way..of control.

<<the one...issue that..concerns you most>>

drug laws..[victimless crimes]..must go

the bankers must obtain..their credit..via govt controlled fed
create their and all..civil asset/underwriting..our keeping it repair etc..insured etc..of best society benefit

govt must..stop slow by pollution..heavy metal/ ursury on-money..[maybe a transaction/tax]..true value re installed back..into coin

one or any will help all of us survive..the up coming Armageddon
see the boom/bust capitalist subsidiary colonial/looting must end

yes my terms are harsh..but our problems huge[putting capitalist /gain..on top..will kill the cam-el]

i dont like it now
but dont wish..the anger..of then

together we ALL..own the whole world
thus 'countries/become..mere counties..the big world govt each..a dividend payment[each thus gets a basic dole[income]..the rich may/be as rich as they/like..but..not by/hurting others or invasion

swords.into plow shares
killing anything..must never ge just for money
let alone the universes most advanced civilization=usd

[there are 7 others]..but they cant comprehend..the written word
that we alone share with/god and the higher beings.[this includes mankinds elites..they status attracts the higher beings..but they have =become too inbred..they forget that half satan..means the other half=man.

i can page..
suspect dia-beat-us..[its just a sign]..of my time]

i can/non longer stand to see that im
gets better or im over it...whatever..its cost.

thank you kind brother
even..from well
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 26 December 2013 10:21:24 PM
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Oh dear..
Posted by PLANET3, Thursday, 26 December 2013 10:47:47 PM
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what im really angry how the DEAD..ownnear everything
we FORMED..govt..[a dead entity][who enabled the setting up of other limited corporations[inc]..they are limited lie-ability incorporated entities CREATED..under the fictions of state

dead-[nonliving].fictions..that exist..only on paper
[its for these..fictions of state created legal personhood we are all enslaved..[whereANY act..talks of person..thge extent of that warrent..STOPS before it gets to the living

instead..the dead corpuss has the rights as if living
avoids paying income tax..yet the living earn wage..thus the dead can..EARN?..ONLY..income..yet we mugs are paying all the tax..worse these state created fictions[or rather..the living..ON-BEHALF of the dead..own near everything

its time the lies of state ended
that govt assistance only flow to the living
N0T ANY..dead fiction...but lawyers need loopholes
and lawyers wrote.judge and profit from..their own..laws
[,mainly via state created fictions]

on the bbc this moring..they were talking of brazil[their anti-slavery laws] the a perfect symbolism
the dead corpse..drains away our life blood[credit/coincash] sustain a semblance..of living thats killing us all

even once the last living dies
computers working for the dead will suck dry the last of our credit fees charges state taxes compulsory enrich the dead

well thats what i wanna be/im tired of serving the dead
if the police serve the be putting on my dirty grotty smelly biker jacket..and going to look for equals with which to ASSOCIATE/freely..if i survive it..there may or may not be a court case..but im/not afraid of the dead..the living created the lie..only truth can dissolve the lie

just a real jury of peers
thats all i need

just so we are clear..the living shall loose nuthin
but for the dead..its time to pay the rent..before the worked to..death/LIVING poor [living* in..bondage from preschool to grave]..enslaved to our guts feeding the unsustainable dead beast...

we in..ignorance allowed to be bought to life.
let the dead..tend the dead..let the corpse [inc/ltd].. find its own life dont get a drop more..of mine
Posted by one under god, Friday, 27 December 2013 5:33:18 AM
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Christmas answered your question here mate! yes o sung wo it is too commercialized but gee.
Had the opportunity to see the smile on little kids faces as they unwrapped their gifts.
And too hear a crowd of screaming young foster kids screaming look what I got Belly.
We are stuck with the old bloke in red mate
Posted by Belly, Friday, 27 December 2013 6:40:04 AM
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UOG so that we can better understand your ideas; first write them into a word document so spelling and grammar is corrected then copy and paste online.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 27 December 2013 8:20:21 AM
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