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New Marriage laws for the ACT

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Version 1:

Suseonline, ".. for whatever reasons anyone thought my friend's son would grow up to be gay, we were right weren't we? Obviously he knew nothing about homosexual sex at that age but if you knew anything at all about this subject, you would know that there are many other mannerisms and preferences in life for gay men than their sexual activities."

Version 2:

Suseonline, "And as it happens, it was mainly his Dad's manly friends who commented on this lovely boy as a child"

Keep going, you will get the story right eventually.

Your usual theme is there:

- Wonderful mother, a veritable angel and all knowing.

- Father a deadbeat, useless and a 'homophobe'.

Then you confide: "It is true that most homophobes are males, as they are generally those men who have low self esteem, or who are secretly confused sexually themselves."

Heh, heh, that is the one! But of course men are, with Suseonline the Eighties (Seventies?) feminist composing the story.
Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 27 October 2013 1:19:06 AM
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i..hate humass..but..its really..disgusting-stuff
i..never..actually i..know..i was born hating it

i guess you..have an anus lover..[its said..we talk of things we obsess about][i know..many things are feel out the feelings..of the target

i guess.its this born to love anus-thing..[look y..our honor..the 3 year old clearly..was going to go queerly..when he was groan-up] what.l.if he was..edawaken..13 years..too early

you know..your whoreship..that we are
[gay; the traditional way]..gayness..was a sign of curiosity..of youthful curiosity..not born..that..way..but..this way..those..not unhappy..go/gay..others..just go away..

besides..[some of them*..are just..too lazy
to hard/ up a chick.[or man-up man to man..or woo-man..or woeman to man...

so they go..the easy way..[samesex..cause thats..all they know..its only being..huh?-man..

how many..times..we going
the issue.of gayness as greyness[which most of us.will enjoy..even less]..or more..pulling such a bore..but as for man..the natural-pull..of anus/ the lazy way..

the lazy be gay..[born/that same/lazy-way]..
room upon room..of men
or rooms..upon rooms of wombs..[and]..they all want..wot you got know..what..their both right..
that opposite sex..just isnt worth the effort..

in time you/find..other enjoyments..of learn with..your own flute..bang ya own..drum skins..and realize..some get off .by doing it..others get about it..and yet others love reading about it.. its essence..its all..about pulling ya leg
[and suckering the poison out]..cause pulling your own leg is like tickling yourself..its just not the same

but..[a man cant serve..two masters..if angry at one..and deserving/of..the needs to be pure..[any resentment/fear./.its not working.,again..dear]

but im..ducking do
a..chukka/play..a rubber/do..a..round with the boys
just in case.

[oh..thats..what a night cap
with..the gurls..really means[right>]

so..the boys club..?..oh ya

anyhow..beating retreat..[not meet]..i recall..once..a lover called herself..NOT..a she never/got..any more.

[really when..girls make/ turn gay..just
to..spite em..but turn me on..

[i dont either
just as well..or..a sign..i was born..that way]..

happly..but..not gayly so..[anymore]..i can see how a child getting raped..hate man stink..too

or..the attentions..of a smelly aunt
me-thinks..its do..with stinker..
and theirs stinks..than the..gene link..[wink]
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 27 October 2013 6:27:18 AM
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Just as an amusing aside, condoms were used regularly in WW II by both sides in the desert campaign in North Africa.
Stretched over the muzzles of artillery they kept the sand out of the barrels.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 26 October 2013 7:41:00 PM

Is Mise, I have concerns, great concerns. My 'old man' served in WWII and once I asked him, were there homosexuals in the Australian army during the war. Dad, being somewhat conservative on that score, gave me a definite NO! "Son, there were No "Nancy Boys" in this mans army/" When I asked how he knew that, he said "The army weeded them OUT." How he didn't actually know, but weeded out they were. Now you present what may be new evidence.
North Africa..Australian Army...Men only...Condoms.
Granted they used condoms stretched, and they must have been really stretched, over their big guns.
But to what other uses did our boys put these condoms? Naturally if the old man was alive today I'm sure he would say "the bloody "Nazzies", he always called em' the "bloody nazzies", they were all poofters. Did Australians aid and abet the enemy by firing buckets of condoms there way, or were they for their own personal use back in the tent late at night?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 27 October 2013 6:53:00 AM
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this sorting out/stuff..was a group of wolves
raping the weaker wolf..with broom sticks and private school/esq..hazing

i recall mates..going out poooofffter bassshing
i..always thought..guys with guys..looking for other guys..[must just be a guy thing]..

now i see they were gaily gay..
but thought they didnt swing..that would say*[eh?]

but we become..that we obsess about..[thats just..basic karma 101..[ohh]

psychologists..may agree to sagely..diss-agree
yet..its the old school tie thing..
only the boys-club/club

rubber-dub/dub..cubs in..the tub
or a boy/cub-club..thing

a club..or
scabbard obsession

that all..just sounds too gay

i seem to recall..the ww1..condoms were made of animal intestines..or then made of latex-rubber..[and if a genetic aversion to animal matter or rubber..]..doing it in..ya ya cant put the mrs/missery..up the duff..what aBOUT..

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 27 October 2013 7:52:12 AM
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They would definitely have used condoms over the muzzle of their Lee Enfields to keep out the dust as well.

It wouldn't matter how many homosexuals served in the forces as long as they were not corrosive to military discipline and morale, which is not likely. The military has only ever acted with alternative postings where those conditions were affected.

However I am not arguing against homosexuals or their rights, though I do oppose changing the Marriage Act. That is for a number of reasons. I do not oppose a separate form of marriage for homosexuals although like the Netherlands, it is very doubtful if more than just a few exceptions might avail themselves of the facility.

What I do challenge though are the provocative, unsupported assertions that Suseonline makes time and times again and regardless of how many times she is corrected. Besides, everyone 'gets' that she is out to sledge men wherever possible as is abundantly clear from her ridiculously over-egged and changing story in this thread, and her refusal to acknowledge the numbers of lesbians and bisexuals.

Of course, if Suseonline is to believe in her 'gay from birth' bisexuals cannot exist, or they must be reduced to an aberrant few. Goodness knows why she maintains there are so few lesbians compared with the gays she is forever on about. But some explanation exists in her other male-hating belief that it is men, not women,
who are 'homophobes',

Suseonline, "It is true that most homophobes are males".

Such splitting:

- women good, men bad;

- women are saints, whereas men are wicked and responsible for all that is bad in the world;

is an enduring main theme of Suseonline's posts. Fathers cop a dreadful sledging. Again, as is obvious from Suseonline's storytelling.
Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 27 October 2013 8:16:43 AM
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OUG, being from the compassionate and peace loving side of the debate/ I cannot but condemn those that would engage in what is termed "poooofffter bassshing". Two of our best friends are a gay couple, you could not wish to meet a nicer and gentiler two people.
Recently on here a poster who claims to be an ex copper posted that he and his mates took great pleasure throwing "poofters" into the Parramatta River, he may have been joking, maybe not. The tick headed intolerant always want to brutalise some of the most vulnerable in our society. most have a very long hate list, homosexuals are but one of many on such a list, many of these haters will profess to being good god fearing "Christians".
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 27 October 2013 8:22:40 AM
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