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tradegy in America

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platypus 1900, "amazing no one asked about the dead man and his family and loved ones the tragic loss to their loved ones i guess he is dispensable"

You are right. His family and friends should be allowed to grieve.

However it is only to be expected that the Left would want to quickly sheet home blame to 'guns', or failing that to find other rationalisations and excuses to prop up the social re-engineering they have wrought. If that all fails there is always the mantra that 'men are violent' and Nature's masculinity is dreadfully wrong.

It would never do to find that the Left's favoured social 'solutions' have unforeseen, serious negative consequences. There is no way that the self-styled 'Progressives' will ever be held accountable for their social experiments. An example could be no discipline in schools. Heavens, what if there are downsides - negatives as well as the oft-promoted positives like ethnic restaurants - to that diversity we have to have, for instance.

At the same time it should be obvious that there are always some evil people in the world. Fortunately their numbers are few in any society. No amount of catastrophysing or 'if one child is saved' bans will prevent a determined person from offending.

What is needed is less political correctness and fewer litigious parents to allow teachers, doctors and authorities to identify likely offenders earlier and the facilities to provide care away from the mainstream population. That might un-do some of the changes wrought by the 'do gooder' Left who obsess about the rights of offenders.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 22 August 2013 1:50:49 PM
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you really do not see the reasoning that precisely bec of sanctity of life, that is why a convicted murderer need to be punished


let us move on
Posted by platypus1900, Thursday, 22 August 2013 2:35:23 PM
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Posters may find the following link of some

The author gives an interesting take on this incident.
He tells us that:

"We've got a horrific culture of violence in our country
and it's an issue that's complicated as hell.
But we also have a larger culture that is too quick to
turn to violence and to quick to revere violence. A
culture that simply isn't responsible enough for gun
ownership and that culture of violence is not just fed by
gun advocates - it also creates more gun advocates. It's
a vicious circle. Then you add poverty, discrimination, a
resultant underclass and yet another sub-culture of
violence into the mix and you end up with 3 bored teenagers
deciding to gun a guy down because there's nothing on TV."

"...I've never been sympathetic to the 2nd Amendment crowd,
but I've also never been sympathetic to children who act
like animals. "

"I'm tired of both - and it's not clear that either side
of this debate - the Left or the Right is willing to
face all the issues that make this kind of violence

"Some on the Right thinks guns aren't the problem and some on
the Left think guns are the only problem.
Neither are right!"

BTW - For your information - the three teens are black.
Google the information for yourselves.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 22 August 2013 4:18:10 PM
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Lexi, "It's a vicious circle. Then you add poverty, discrimination, a
resultant underclass ..."

Excuses, rationalisations.. Need you be in such a rush to prove me right. My earlier post above refers.

A comparison..
For many, many years, thousands of Aussies have led meagre existences on the fringes of country towns, eking out a living from casual farm work, growing their own produce and keeping their own dairy cow or goats to help feed the children.

In your terms Lexi they were living in poverty, they were discriminated against through the lack of targeted government services and they were an underclass. Yet they were solid citizens and raised their children the same way. As many a mother might have said, "Soap is cheap and self discipline leads to independence" and "We don't have much but we have one another, our pride and happiness".

Now why do you imagine they didn't raise their children to hate, and what prevented their children from using the plentiful supply of ordinary farm tools and products to bomb, main and kill?

What the Left 'Progressives' (a misleading descriptor if there ever was one!) do not accept is that their social change experiments have resulted in serious unexpected consequences. But they refuse to acknowledge their wrongs.

Fortunately some of the older style lefties such as Left guru Professor Robert Manne have the guts and goodwill to finally acknowledge Left ideology which has been proved to be B.S. It will be a long cold day in Hell before the authoritarian Left ever confesses any of the unintended negative outcomes of Left ideology though.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 22 August 2013 5:30:34 PM
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I gave the link that I did because we're not
discussing Australia here but America and what
happened there was as a result of the culture of
violence that exists in that country plus the other
factors that the author mentioned.

The acts were comitted by three black American
teenagers - and according to FBI investigations and
statistics the high involvement of American blacks in
homicide results primarily from the profound social
disorder - involving broken families,
drug abuse, poor education, and unemployment -
that has afflicted a small segment of black youth in
the ghetto "underclass." It is to these things that
the author refers. Much of this black-on-black
homicide appears random, mindless, wantonly malign,
psychopathetic and so on. Murder of this kind is
committed by people who feel that, even if they lose their
own lives, they're not losing much; who see no reason to
adopt society's values, for society offers them nothing;
who get no nearer to affluence or success than what they
see on their TV set; whose repressed rage and even self-hate
erupts against those around them.

Now what all this has to do with rural Australia - I have no
idea. Nor why this discussion is being turned into a
Left/Right dogfight once again is beyond me. All I can do is
politely hazard a guess that some people just simply tend to
see everything from the one fixed ideological viewfinder.
And that's a pity and sad - because then that results in a
total breakdown of communication.

But what can you do. Simply ignore and move on.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 22 August 2013 5:53:59 PM
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Look, the Tweets made by the Edwards kid in this case don't prove anything much beyond that he's an idiot who's just acting tough online, Blacks go on killing sprees and target White people for brutality all the time in the U.S, you could say it's just a fact of life.
Did anyone hear about Josh Chellew? Nope, thought not:
What about the Christian & Newsom murders? *Warning,this video is not graphic but it's extremely distressing*
This case is completely different to the Martin/Zimmerman affair,Chris Lane's killers are low IQ Black thugs who are everything they appear to be, gross and offensive statements about Whites easily roll of the tongue with that type of person.
George Zimmerman on the other hand was far from that "Ghetto Black" mindset and low level intellectual function as it's possible to be, the idea that he was "Racist" was on the face of it so preposterous that the "Race hustlers" like Barrack Obama, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson looked like fools from the outset.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 22 August 2013 7:06:05 PM
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