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Is it racist?

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"Perverse discrimination" fits the bill, WmTrevor.

Here's a case of perverse urination....
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 10:44:16 AM
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Hah... during a scrum not so much enuresis, as in your ear?

Having read the link, now we need a word to describe when an apology isn't because Packer's was pissweak.

Or Eddie McGuire could suggest Russell P advertises Kimbies?
Posted by WmTrevor, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 10:57:42 AM
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First of all it was Ray Stevens & Debbie Reynolds. Not Ray Price. Apologies to Steve Price. That what happens when you get older.

Now on the subject of calling peoples names. Ape, etc. When I was growing up it was favourable to have a nick name. I look over the nominal Roll of my Army mates & I couldn't tell you who they were, but if a list of nick names is provided I'd know instantly. If you didn't have one then I guess you weren't "in." Nick names were usually self Explanatory, Bells, got Dinger, Clarkes were always Knobby for some reason. Some of course explained character, Jungles for someone who was a bit green & dense, Lightning for someone that was a bit slow on the uptake. But whatever they were if you had a nick name you cherished it.

Then along came Political Correctness & nick names were deemed unacceptable. I guess there were a lot of PC people called Lightning in that crowd.

Then, along came the internet & now everybody's got a nick name again. Ain't life grand.
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 11:30:51 AM
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Dear Jayb.,

Of course we love you darlin
You're a bloody top-notch bloke
And when we say you're clever
We don't mean it as a joke

So you like your beer
And belching
That's no big deal to us
We know you'll keep on ape-ing
Just please don't fart or cuss.
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 12:32:18 PM
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<Nick names were usually self Explanatory, Bells, got Dinger, Clarkes were always Knobby for some reason. Some of course explained character, Jungles for someone who was a bit green & dense, Lightning for someone that was a bit slow on the uptake. But whatever they were if you had a nick name you cherished it.>

I know of some other nicknames that weren't terribly flattering,
one fellow was called "Bilious" because he was always going
to bring it up at the next meeting.

One fellow where my Dad worked was called straight out, "Physco"
by everyone. There was also another worker called, "Mousey".

Maybe some other cultures don't understand our culture and the
nicknames that abound, may be shocking to them, and I will concede a point that there is sometimes a bit of a mocking edge to them when
used unkindly. Opposing teams in particular are treated as the
enemy and heckled as such at football games.

Maybe this event will at least make football fans rethink and be
a bit less personal in their comments. However,in the context
and history of the AFL I dispute that this was intended as a racist
remark, merely an unkind reference to appearance.

Lexi and Piorot:
I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that point.

I can see why you think otherwise and I thank you for your posts
and debating, it has certainly made me contemplate the whole thing
more deeply. A bit more kindness in crowd reactions, won't hurt.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 1:37:49 PM
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The jury is well and truly out on whether it could be seen as "belligerent hurling of abuse" as Poirot is sure it was. Or that it was racist, which has been consistently denied from the first by the child minor.

It is simply amazing that PC mind readers can tell her what she was thinking even where she believed otherwise. Awful that the Poirots of the world would treat a child as they have, while rationalising their abuse of her and denial of her rights. That is the way of the authoritarian left, the 'end justifies the means' and there is only 'their way or the highway'. Poirot sees all wrongs committed against the child minor as justified, laudable even, to get at her 'mentors'. When the revolution comes, eh Poirot? The Authoritarian Left are embarrassing to the mainstream, traditional Left.

CHERFUL and others are correct. Women especially use 'ape' to describe insensitivity (esp towards women), poor manners and exasperating ignorance of muscular men. The use of the word in the film 'A Fish Called Wanda' demonstrates the common usage, 'an exasperating, stupid man', understood by Australians and throughout the English speaking world. There is no reason to suggest that the girl child minor meant anything else. The storm in the media where racism is continually alleged against the girl is manufactured outrage and sensationalism to capitalise on the event for political purposes and to garner a wider audience than football fans.

Like some other terms and meanings that have been imported and hijacked by activists to 'prove' and enlarge the scope for complaint, the politically correct have now labelled ape one of 'those' words. All with a stake in victim industry can now beaver away at finding more, Jiggaboo perhaps, as thise thread tries to do. Goodness knows how they dredge them up, but with the billions of taxpayers' $$ being diverted into the purses of of the professionals and talking heads who make their daily living out of this stuff, the only certainty is that there will always be more 'racism' and never any solutions.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 4 June 2013 4:41:44 PM
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