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Is it racist?

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I don't know how you can even see an ape as lesser to a man anyway? Who knows how smart apes really are, and an ape could beat the crap out of you, and isn't physical strength, to an athlete no less, something to boast about?

Ape's are cool. They can be pretty sexist though, I think they need to be reconstructed. Very un-pc all this alpha male stuff they have going on. Still, it works pretty well for them, and being a cultural relativist I don't feel I should criticize.
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 30 May 2013 11:10:59 AM
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Do times change all that much?

I remember Philip Adams telling people about
his childhood and the fact that his family
lived in, "the most remote, ethnocentric,
inward-looking and changeless society on Earth.
No, not Lhasa in Tibet, but East Kew in Victoria."

He said, "our family name was Smith, and my playmates
had names like John Peter and David. So when foreign
kids began appearing in the playground at East Kew
State, we stopped chanting, "Catholic dogs stink
like frogs," over the fence at the Micks next door and
turned on the enemies among us, yelling, "Go back
to your own country, you reffos'" in their frightened

Adams explained that, "At home, the atrocity stories
about the Japanese and Germans once again endorsed the
ideal of homogeneity... And somewhere in the back of
everybody's mind, symbolised by the lonely Chow,
was the threat of the Teeming Millions of Asia,
otherwise known as the Yellow Hordes, or the
Yellow Peril. Thank God our crenellated coastline was
surrounded by such a dirty, great moat."

As someone else remarked:

"One day our descendants will think it incredible that
we paid so much attention to things like the amount of
melanin in our skin and the shape of our eyes or our
gender or our beliefs instead of the unique identities
of each of us as complex human beings..."
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 30 May 2013 11:32:15 AM
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Hmmm, Aboriginals in prisons. Why are they there? Did someone just say, "You'll do." & throw them in prison. I don't think so. If they are in prison, then they committed a crime.

If anyone commits a crime & they are caught they go to prison. Well nowadays. No. The good & fair Magistrate will say, "Tut, tut, you've been naughty. Now go away & don't be naughty again."

Now if you're Aboriginal that will happen about 10 or 20 times before the Magistrate will give a Custodial Sentence. Yet still the Aboriginal population in prison is a higher percentage. These Aboriginal don't come from the settlements like Kalumburu, Gove, Bamaga or Lockhart. They come from Cairns, Townsville, Brisbane & Sydney, etc. Townies. Aboriginals that wouldn't know what a kangaroo was in real life. Domesticated (for the want of a better word) for 100 years but still lay claim to all the benefits of Cultural Settlement Aboriginals. They are the ones in prison. They are the ones that are let off when they are caught by the police because it is Politically Incorrect to arrest too many of them. As told to me by a good policeman friend. (Orders from the Police Minister.)

I personally had my house robbed by 3 Townsville Aboriginal,2 girls & a boy. (twice, same bunch.) The police caught them. They were responsible for robberies going back for years. They were very well known to police but they were never ever charged. It was Politically Incorrect & one was an Aboriginal Councillors daughter. Did we get our stuff back? No! My advice from the police. "Just claim it on your insurance."

If the police charged every Aboriginal that committed a crime & got caught. Start building Prisons at a rapid rate. The percentage in prison would climb through the roof. Domesticated townies not bushies.

As for fraud. Send the school kids taxi to get the bread, paper & a carton of XXX. The Government pays for it.

I'm for bringing in Aboriginal Law. A good spearing never hurt anyone. Watch the crime rate drop.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 30 May 2013 11:58:32 AM
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Dear Jayb.,

I wonder why the percentage is so high of crimes
committed by our Indigenous people, (as you claim)?
Or is "crime" - a code word for anti - Aboriginal?

I'll have to
check into that and make sure that what you're
saying is correct. How do you know which areas they
come from?
Give us some evidence.

Look forward to your next post.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 30 May 2013 12:16:51 PM
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"Would it have been as offensive if she'd bought a white dog called it Jigga Boo?"

No... but it would have been a trifecta of racist, sexist and ageist offense if such a dog was called Honey Boo Boo.
Posted by WmTrevor, Thursday, 30 May 2013 1:17:46 PM
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Lexi: I wonder why the percentage is so high of crimes
committed by our Indigenous people, (as you claim)?

So do I, Lexi, So do I. Could it be that the Christian missionaries took away their self worth & stole their land by stealth. I believe so. The system of behaviour they had worked for them in their native state. Once that was removed they didn't know where to go. Moved into towns, away from their elders, having to live in a new Law system they didn't understand created a lot of trouble in the 70's.

I remember it in Ayr where they moved Aboriginal peoples from various Tribal groups in to town & gave them houses & free everything. The Islanders that lived in Ayr were upset because they had a very good reputation as hard workers, even owning Cane Farms. They got nothing. Night after night there were fights on every street corner between one Aboriginal Tribe & another & the Islanders. The Aboriginals had no concept of work ethics or even how to work. They would turn up for a couple of days then go work about for a week then come back like nothing had happened. They ended up being unemployable even by the Islanders. The Government stepped in & helped out with more free stuff.

Lexi: or is "crime" - a code word for anti - Aboriginal?

You should stop looking for, or seeing, the bad in everything. I am trying be neutral & rationalize the "Why" things happen, on both sides.

No, "Crime" is definitely not a code word for anti-Aboriginal. If you weren't there & closely , not involved, enveloped? in the situation you wouldn't know. That applies to mostly to white people in the Cities.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 30 May 2013 1:18:25 PM
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