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Is it racist?

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Dear onthebeach,

Australia has much to be ashamed of
you're right on that count. Aborigines
even today have a life expectancy ten
years less then the rest of us.
And the NT still has the highest numbers
of Aboriginal deaths-in-custody.

Shame-Australia-Shame, indeed.
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 8:07:13 PM
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You could at least quote me correctly, rather than seek to mislead any reader who does not have the time to check the correctness of your quotes. This is what I wrote,

<Could anyone have ever imagined that any Aussie crowd would not act to prevent a minor being subjected to such rough treatment, public humiliation and being frog-marched off for two hours interrogation alone and an admission of 'guilt' obtained? Criminals have rights, but not a 13 year old minor.

What the hell is wrong with people that they permit that to happen and later, upon reading of the silliness of the allegation of racism, they are not up in arms demanding that authorities redress the wrongs committed against this child and her parents?

Shame, Australia, shame"

[Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 5:20:40 PM]
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 8:33:14 PM
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Lexi: Aborigines even today have a life expectancy ten
years less then the rest of us.

Not for Lexi, as it is just a statement by her, that happens to be correct. But I would like everyone to have a think deeply about my next paragraph.

Is that solely down to the white man fault or is it because they; drink way pass excess, chose to live in unhygienic squalor of their own making, destroy the houses provided for them, Move out of the house permanently if someone dies in it. Pi$$ & $#!t, fight & fornicate everywhere they live, in full view of everyone, rape their children, sniff glue & petrol, Spend their money on Goonies (Goonies are cardboard wine casks)or (take their advise from their Spiritual Advisor, Pasta Plagon) instead of food. I have personally witnessed all of the above on an ongoing basis for many years. I lived in North Queensland as opposed to Victoria where the supposed civilized tame ones live.

I guess the Crying Crowd will say it all white mans fault regardless. We forced them to live like that. or, is it, as THEY say it's their Ancestral Heritage. Not!

I have made my own Think Tank List for Australia. Some of the paragraphs;

Training on expected behaviour standards & the Australian way of life, Australian Culture & hygiene for all immigrants (especially immigrants from the Middle East.)

Training for Aboriginals on remote communities in the expected standard of cleanliness, hygiene & expected maintenance of their homes. Three strikes & you’re out after training.

Compulsory Training for those people in Australian communities that trash Government & Rental Housing. Three strikes & you’re out after training.

There are 7 pages in all covering many & varied subjects, this is just 3 paragraphs.
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 8:40:51 PM
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Lexi my sweet, that is a silly post.

I had a great friend, intelligent, well educated, affluent, & a good member of his community. He was everything we admire in a man.

However he pickled his liver, & died younger than he should, because he could not resist the lure of Bundaberg rum, mixed with Coke.

You know no one blamed me & my fellow citizens because of his foolishness. Everyone recognized it was his own stupidity, or addictive personality, take your pick, that did him in.

If many aboriginals chose to sniff glue/petrol or drink grog or metho in a big way, I & my fellow citizens have no more responsibility for their early demise than we do for my friends. Certainly much more public money & effort has been spent trying to help them. A rather thankless task.

In fact I personally object to anyone blaming me or the general population of Oz, for any stupid behavior of any group or race. I personally think it is time for all do gooders to take a step back, & allow aboriginals to mature at their own rate.

After all their behavior is not that much different to that of Europeans a couple of hundred years ago, as they matured into modern society from serfdom. Millions of them drank themselves into early graves. The aboriginals are starting from a lower base, & may take a little while yet, but many of them aren't doing that badly, all considered. I think they might actually get there a bit more quickly than we did.

On deaths in custody we all know that neither white or black have a higher percentage there. That whole pantomime of black deaths in custody was just a sob fest for bleeding hearts, & a gravy train for the legal profession, & all a rather disgusting waste of time & money. It was probably one of the most racist things in our history.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 8:59:47 PM
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Jayb,a bit harsh.
You are the product of thousands of generations of minds that evolved somewhere in or around Europe, every generation moving forward in social concepts and technological endeavors. With every generation your families mind evolved.

The minds of our first Aussies are the product of thousands of generations of Stone Age culture; nothing ever moved forward, the culture and technology stayed the same for 60,000 years. Do they have the mind for our amazing technological world and the expectations of the wider society?

We know they do not have the mind to consume alcohol, but they are not alone given alcohol has decimated all aboriginal societies around the globe.

The first Aussies that fare worse are the lesser genetically diluted folks. They have no concept of care for houses or chattels; they expect no retribution because their minds just do not think that way.

Comparatively the gene diluted descendants do have an understanding of personal ownership and a taste for retribution so urban descendants prosper in comparison to the outback mobs.

Jayb there is a whole slice of first Aussies out there who need all the help we can give them, and there is a whole slice of watered down descendants who are doing just fine with the support we give, you work it out buddy.
Posted by sonofgloin, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 9:33:26 PM
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The brainwashed & the racists have one thing in common. When you turn the mirror towards them they go stumm.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 29 May 2013 9:42:39 PM
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