The Forum > General Discussion > Do we need and inqyuiry in to Union Coruption?
Do we need and inqyuiry in to Union Coruption?
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Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 4 December 2012 1:16:36 PM
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Dear Belly,
Unions have preserved capitalism. Without unions powerful enough to demand reasonable wages worker's pay would be low. With worker's pay low goods would accumulate as many could not buy them. Warehouses were bulging during the depression of 1929 with unsold goods. Unions have introduced such innovations as mass medical care. It was part of union contracts before it became a government function. It was a big fight for workers to have the right to have unions. Scabs, hired thugs, detective agencies like the Pinkerton's and other hirelings of employers have beaten up and murdered workers who wanted unions. Joe Hill was falsely convicted of murder. His real crime was to attempt to encourage workers to form unions. tells his story. He is one of many martyrs to the union cause. Women played a role in encouraging workers to organise. tells the story of one of them. We remember those who died fighting for Australia although some who died were fighting to establish rule over other people as in the Boer War. The Labor Party should remember the heroes of the union movement. While working in the US I tried to form an engineer's union but was unsuccessful. We had a meeting at my house. Many told me that they would join a union if I could form one. One person alone cannot form a union. It requires workers getting together in solidarity. I am glad there are people like Belly. There is corruption in unions as in many other human organisations. However, unions have done a tremendous amount of good and we are much better off for having them. Posted by david f, Tuesday, 4 December 2012 1:43:17 PM
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David f yes from you, o sung wo, and one who slips my mind comes true wisdom.
And mate 2 full years after I left work my strong friendships remain, with past members and bosses. Make no mistake, I LOVE MY UNION. But demand every union get in to this century. HSU is no orphan, others have done as badly, both theft and lack of service. A True union official must work for the true reward, trust of the members before the wages, it is no ordinary job, love it or leave it. Dave right now, Sussex Street, has damaged my party,s brand, so too have some unions. Mixing with every day Australians would tell union heads, and the ALP, we must see justice, action, and an end FOREVER to bludging on membership. And an end to giving Liberal/Conservatives a free ride. Who else can the battlers call on if not us. The contamination of both groups,by white shirt brigade is hurting us all. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 4 December 2012 4:55:24 PM
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There is absolutely no question. Some Unions have done good. The sad part is that many Union bosses & their underlings have succumbed to corruption. Whilst pretending to stand up for the blue collar workers they have actually been in the cot with industry leaders. Some big song & dance & couple of Dollars a week more for the workers & they were ready to put themselves onto the Hero pedestal. A bit like Hollywood, plenty of colourful facade but nothing behind it & the invisible power brokers rake in the dough.
I recall as if it were this morning when a federal Nurses Union President told me she'd do anything not to cooperate with the then Qld Borbidge Government. I don't she she was lying judging by the state of Qld Health today. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 4 December 2012 8:26:36 PM
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This link is not to rebut Indy, he does that himself. A little, and it is little, knowledge can be dangerous, mixed with a fantasy can fall on its face. For my fellow left of Abbott voters it is evidence my thoughts are not alone. ANY fair review of this mans life, a left faction Labor man,must conclude he has always been one of our best. His words, more refined than mine, say much as I have. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 5 December 2012 4:06:33 AM
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Good to see one of Labor's better members John Faulkner telling it like it is. Here in NSW its business as usual with the Sussex Street Mob still firmly in control. A bit of window dressing from Robertson with the sacking of a couple high profile criminals.
You only have to look at the Craig Thompson Affair to see Labor is not serious about crime in the organisation. Bring back Big Norm Gallagher, paid us a visit a few times, not a man to be messed with. Norm looked after his members and at the same time looked after Norm. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 5 December 2012 7:28:44 AM
You well know that I don't support your politics, but as someone inferred earlier, all or most unions are corrupt is absolute nonsence. Unions per se, are no more corrupt then any other formal organisation.
In one of your previous posts, you stated inter alia '...ex police possess large houses/even hotels far beyond that, which their previous salary level could possibly afford or justify...' or similar words.
If you were to put questions to any of these ex coppers, apropos this apparent fiscal paradox or incongruity, you'd be answered thus -'...I've had a lot of success over the years at the races. Or, my wife and I, we've made some really good investments in minerals, during the mining boom...' ?
And occasionally, the latter can be true. I knew a bloke (uniform member) who could put a Scot (my profound apologies to the Scots!) to shame with his personal thriftiness ! Sufficient, to purchase a Licence and Hotel, I think not ?
In conclusion, corruption exists everywhere. I reckon we've all got a bit of 'crim' in us - how many biro's have I taken home from work ?
And when in uniform, you always got your stuff at 50% off at Maccas,
in fact at most of the 'all-night' greasy Joe's also. And when needing new tyres, you'd always call-in to your local tyre place in uniform...Is it corruption ? Yes, I suppose it is ?
I guess the only real difference, you don't actually ASK or DEMAND a discount ! Incidentally, most of these places give the SAME discount, to all emergency services. The Ambo's Fireies and coppers.
I 'think' someone said herein, corruption is embedded in the human heart. I suppose it comes down to how much control you exercise over your own personal immorality and dishonesty, juxtaposed against your own personal levels of probity and morality.