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The Forum > General Discussion > They actually believe their own spin.

They actually believe their own spin.

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But Belly,

You said Gillard would govern wisely and be loved for it.

The reality is that she is not going to let power slip from her grasp. The trashing of Rudd did nothing for labor, but damaged her only real threat.

The hypocritical finger wagging at the EU was for Australian voter consumption and simply made enemies for Australia.

Labor accuses Abbott of a hunger for power, but he is eclipsed in this regard by Juliar.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 20 June 2012 6:21:18 AM
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Thanks for the comprehensive reply Hasbeen... I think! ( :>|

<< Then on the second day -. >>

Then on the second day, you’d be running for your life, bcoz there’d be several million people OUT to get ya!! ( :>)

My other question to you was:

<< …is there anyone out there in our wonderful country that you feel could do this? >>

Who could possibly implement the sort of policy platform that you desire? Do you know of anyone? Any party? Any organisation?

Reposting this, with the MISSING WORD inserted! Sheesh, this missing word syndrome is driving me up the wall!!
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 20 June 2012 8:32:30 AM
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No mate, I'd be perfectly safe. Your 1 million would have no chance of getting any where near me. They would never get through the 20 million cheering supporters surrounding me.

I did not mention I'd chuck our the carbon tax, & the mining tax, but I would have done it first thing.

There might be 1 million after me, all the rent takers & con men, who have been fostered by this mob in ripping us off. There might be a few public servants, but the academics would be too busy pontificating on my failings to ever do any thing.

On the second day I'd put back the 1.2 billion a year these fools have ripped out of defence, but I'd add 0.25 billion a year to the previous lot. Without boarder security you've got nothing. Now with that fire power behind me, I'd could start to get some real work done.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 20 June 2012 10:27:25 AM
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<< Your 1 million would have no chance of getting any where near me. They would never get through the 20 million cheering supporters surrounding me. >>

AAAHHH HAAA Hahahahahaaaaaaaaa !! !! !!

Ok, I’ll try and undertake some sens.. haa… sensib….hahaha… sensible…. hihihi… an… mwaa …..analysis…. mwaaahahaha uhh… um, some sensible analysis of your approach to Australian pol… hhhahahu …politics… if I could just…mwaaahaha….. stop myself from cracking up!!

No, it’ll have to wait. I can’t... huhuhu….. stop….. hehehaa…. laughahahahaaafing!! !!

Oh dear, if nothing else, you are certainly an entertaining poster. You really do raise the quality of my OLO experience. Your posts almost cancel out the rage I repeatedly feel from that mongrel missing word syndrome!!
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 20 June 2012 11:36:38 AM
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Knowing you support lowering world population growth and that you also are supportive of human induced climate change theory, I have a question.

Can you, or anyone, tell me why the supporters of hunan caused climate change never talk about stabilizing or reducing the world population to do two things.

1. Reduce populations in the countries that are suseptable to famine.

2. Assist in reducing carbon emmissions.

It seems to me that if demand by humans is responsible for more and more carbon being put out, the less number of humans the better off we would be, and we would save many from starvation.

It seems that 45-50 million died in the China famine, 1958-62 and i do not see why such deaths could not occur again. We have just emerged from a 12 year drought in Australia, so given the right conditions famine can occur, especially in over populated countries.

Iran has shown that birthrates can be lowered by education in family planning and providing the means. Iran went from 6.5 per woman to 1.7 per woman.

If the population continues to grow then wholesale starvation in some countries is inevitable.

So with the added benefit of lower carbon output, why are not the powers that be advocating this or even discussing it at any of the talkfeasts they have?
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 21 June 2012 8:32:30 PM
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<< Can you, or anyone, tell me why the supporters of hunan caused climate change never talk about stabilizing or reducing the world population… >>

It’s a very good question, Banjo.

I find it absolutely extraordinary that all this concern about AGW, as well as peak oil and a host of other things, hasn’t transformed itself into a holistic push for sustainability.

Most people who are fighting the good fight regarding one or other environmental issue continue to do it in isolation.

Population growth continues to be outside of the brain-space of most environmentalists, renewable energy strategists, international aid workers and the like, even though it is intimately linked to all their issues.

I would have hoped that Sustainable Population Australia, Dick Smith, Kelvin Thomson, Bob Carr, David Attenborough, Melinda Gates, etc. would have raised the profile of the population issue in recent times to the extent of getting a whole lot more action happening towards reducing population growth and getting all these abovementioned types people who should be very concerned and active about it, concerned and active!

But alas, it’s just not happening.

I don’t understand why, especially given Iran’s example of how effectively it can be done.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 21 June 2012 9:21:08 PM
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