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The Forum > General Discussion > They actually believe their own spin.

They actually believe their own spin.

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Anyhony, I only offer anyone what they have earned. My respect is something that has to be earned, it doesn't come just because you were born. Yes I do suffer from Gillard, but only because our TV & radio people allow her air time. It would be to advertisers advantage to ban her. So many people now turn off, or change channels the moment she appears, it must be costing them a lot in wasted advertising budget.

The fact is I have never actually even disliked anyone before now. Swan I have no feeling for, how can you have a feeling for a nothing.

Gillard I despise, but only because she has earned it. I did not actually like Keating, but I did not despise, or even dislike him.

I can only assume hate requires quite a bit of energy. Believe me nothing would make me waste any energy on the likes of Gillard. The mere sight or sound of her brings on instant disgust, but as it comes on so easily, I can't imagine it wastes much energy.

In fact old mate, your post displays something more approaching hate, than anything I have ever felt. Perhaps this is another one of those pot, kettle, dark colour moments. After all, if one wants to see hate, one only has to mention Howard in front of any lefty, present company included.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 19 June 2012 11:44:47 AM
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Ahh, Hasbeen, you protestations are belied by your past posts.
Perhaps you should change your username from 'Hasbeen' to 'Hasform'
Posted by Anthonyve, Tuesday, 19 June 2012 11:54:25 AM
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No one else in the world even reports what Juliar says, and she was essentially told to sit down and shut up. I imagine her obnoxious school mam finger wagging did stuff all for Australia.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 19 June 2012 11:58:38 AM
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The truth is that there is no shortage of good
news about the Australian economy - despite the
attempts of some people to spread yarns to the

Economic experts, including the Governor of
the Reserve Bank, Glenn Stevens, tells us:

"Australia's real GDP has outpaced every
other major industrialised nation: Canada, New Zealand,
the Euro zone, the US, the UK, and Japan. Our household
wealth is rising. Our unemployment rate is low and
so is inflation."

Our PM is widely respected internationally
- she actually can put
sentences together in her speeches instead of using
sound bites, slogans and nonsensical sounding messages.
She has a sense of purpose - which we have to realise is
difficult for some to understand.
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 19 June 2012 12:14:50 PM
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You are a glutton for punishment old mate.

First I would ban all immigration with no exceptions up front.

I would allow guest workers, including back packers, & allow any who have worked productively for 5 years minimum to be eligible, through the side door so to speak.

I would make all welfare recipients except age & disability folk earn that welfare at the minimum wage for hours worked in community service. I would provide childcare, traveling & clothing allowances so working did not actually cost the recipient.

I would immediately close, with dismissal of all staff, every global warming activity in any publicly funded organisation.

I would make it an offence punishable by instant dismissal, for anyone receiving any or all of their income from taxpayer sources, for any of these people to mention the words global warming, global disruption, or AGW, in any form.

I would stop funding any research into the greatest ever fraud that is AGW.

I would immediately withdraw public funding from all NGOs.

I would withdraw all subsidies for any type of power generation. Any company would be welcome to supply power, from any source at one fixed price.

I would mandate that any company who wanted to supply energy products produce 60% of those products in Oz. If they won't run refineries they don't sell petroleum products. The only exception would be if they exported twice as much petroleum products as they imported eg, gas exports.

I would withdraw from the UN, & withdraw from all treaties we have been stupid enough to enter into with them. World heritage would be the first.

I would get rid of 20%, to start with, of all publicly funded administrative "workers" from all levels of government.

I would sack 100% of all consultants employed by any part of government.

I would get government the hell out of the way of industry.

Then on the second day -.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 19 June 2012 12:30:05 PM
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Whats wrong with the woman, has she gone stark raving mad !
Is she just another Kevin Rudd image preening before an international audience ?
When I saw her on TV giving a lecture to the rest of the world I also
felt embarrassed. Is she really that naive ?

For God's sake Lexi, wake up, you just cannot see that the GDP Gillard
is lecturing about consists almost entirely of turnover by the mining
interests. It is meaningless for the rest of us.

Don't you think that those receiving Gillards lectures know that ?
That is the biggest insult she has given them, that she either thinks
they are ignorant or that she actually believes her lies.

What a disappointment she is !
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 19 June 2012 1:04:11 PM
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