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Blue Collar view HSU/ALP
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Posted by one under god, Sunday, 13 May 2012 4:57:28 PM
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Goodonya Paul! cheeky beggar! Belly is a bloke, shaven headed not very happy, not gay, but a bloke!
So your mums day? well done, hope mums have had a day full of love and respect, today, yesterday and tomorrow. Yes ok we both graze on the same side of the fence, your mob on our leftovers. Bloke here is a truth, you know your politics, I have seen evidence of that. I want my party to resume its evolution. I want it to understand it has more good than bad in Federal Parliament. But that factionalism controls far too much, including who gets to rule, Gillard proves its failure, and who gets what ministry. DLP/GREENS two party's, one left one right. Both can never claim enough votes to impact on our country without feeding on Labor. Both DLP of the past Greens today,can only damage Labor and all left of center voters wishes. In fact I too, want your party,radical and divisive, to link to any one but the ALP. if LIBERALS and LABOR care for democracy. They by every means, will ask their voters to put the other second. And work together to remove all upper houses. NSW with a mandate strong as it is, half the fault of a weak leader half of radical Christian and shooters party fools, is stopping government governing. Now it is my view, truly, you are not Representative of the greens. You seem to seek an old time Labor in them. And at your age would look silly in tights and dancing pumps under a full moon going round and round a mulberry bush chanting. Happy mums day Paul! only kidding bloke. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 13 May 2012 5:33:01 PM
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Belly, Belly, Belly
Will I attack, or try some reasoned argument, reasoned argument, the attack can come later. I am mortified by some of your comments. Firstly this, you said: "In fact I too, want your party,radical and divisive, to link to any one but the ALP. if LIBERALS and LABOR care for democracy. They by every means, will ask their voters to put the other second." You are calling for a conservative coalition of Labor, Liberal to defeat the 'watermelons' you know green on the outside red in the middle. Nothing short of a one party state. An Abbott/Gillard government, our very own 'polycephaly' in parliament, a government of national unity to defeat the red devils or should I say green devils. And then this: "And work together to remove all upper houses." and make sure the 'polycephaly' is never challenged by any opposition we don't want any of that "radical and divisive" stuff do we. Belly, and this "Greens today,can only damage Labor and all left of center voters wishes." and this "Yes ok we both graze on the same side of the fence, your mob on our leftovers." No, unfortunate from your above material the getting into bed with the arch conservatives. Our side of the fence is green and plenty to graze on. Your mob will have to wait for a few more crumbs to fall off the conservative table before you do any grazing. Come next election your mob will be fighting over the scraps and bones like you are doing in NSW and Queensland. Belly jump that conservative fence and graze on some GREEN. Never know you may enjoy it. Welcome comrade. p/s I think a 'polycephaly' is a two headed monster or maybe it just means Abbott and Gillard joined at the hip. By the way looking forward to taking on Keneally in Kingsford Smith, if she sticks her head up next time, she will need more than a new hair do after the Liberals and Greens take her to pieces. Seems the 'Rcck Star' is a goner. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 13 May 2012 10:18:23 PM
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Paul 1405 my views, except for the dig at you for the mum bit are really mine.
No I do not want any link to Liberals or their servants the National party. But answer me truthfully, do you think the Tea Party is an unwelcome traveler on the back of Republican America. Would America be better without them? Greece,a country very likely to shake all of our world, in less than 8 weeks. Is it better for its many talking heads party's? Labor, look to Faulkner,Tanner and others, has great men and women, from the left. We are a big church. Greens as much as Tiny target Tony,currently cripple this country,12% rule over off shore processing! Cost us billions,yes I stand waiting for the removal of any power from your party. NO GREEN will confront,even even under GILLARD! your party is distrusted, no let truth speak disliked, more than any party. Paul reality bloke, I support achievable needed change,so MUST CONFRONT the greens as a tool of Tiny Target Tony and nothing else If my description of them offends you so be it. My hopes lay with reformation in the ALP not Liberal governments forever. Posted by Belly, Monday, 14 May 2012 5:44:35 AM
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I regard the man this link highlights as a truly great man. And to Lexi in particular, but my left of center detractors too, recommend it. I value Paul Howe's, Bill Shorten, and Bill Ludwig. The, first the two Bills,saved my life's love the AWU. It had slumbered and lost contact with me,and members for a decade. A harsh amalgamation nearly killed it. Without all three of these men,in turn, it would be dead. It emerged , only because of them ,proud of it past,every union it consists of today. As the great AWU it always has been. OH yes , it, or its heads, including all three, played a roll in Rudd's rise and fall. I predicted months before he took leadership it would take place, faced threats for it. I told of 2007 long before,and faced being laughed at. And I am considered by some a rat in the ranks, even by some in my loved ALP. Yet the link and its implications are seen if you look, to support my move. I have difficulty's ,always, with the view my voice yours,any ones,should be muffled if the words differ from the leaders,or the party's. Such thoughts sit better in North Korea, not here. I am no genius, no fool, it is love and understanding that lets me feel no guilt in saying,every union must lift its game. It will take another post to express my view, and to explain why Howe's,like Shorten , will impact greatly on my country's future. continued. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 15 May 2012 5:55:39 AM
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I first started playing a roll in my union, not just being a member, as a not yet 16 year old kid, age up to 19.
Constructing the Jolls bridges on the Sydney to Newcastle toll way as it was. Union strength came via compulsory membership. It led to slack and lazy union officials,as well as dedicated ones. Fact is HSU is unprecedented, but not ,in a much smaller way the first time union funds have been miss used. It is blind stupidity!it betrays the movement! to pretend this is not true. SOLIDARITY! a word used as a blanket, a reason to appoint the wrong people, based on mates or service, and keep them there, a word, an expression unions can no longer inflict on company's. Who RIGHTLY SO, insist on keeping the best workers, yet insults its own by inflicting on them. I could write ten posts, ten times that,but here is the bottom line. Belly,some say, is high maintenance, YES I AM! See I GRIEVED if I could do nothing for a member in trouble. I refuse! to stand idle while my party/union forgets why we exist. Forgets the last term of John Howard, the fight to get that great win on Kevin 07 night! I can not be silenced by fools,who forget my vote is assured but so is our defeat. SOLIDARITY describes my party's intent to ignore its impending death rather than address it. Without re commitment another union scandal will come. If we do not act,now we pee on the graves of our founders. And if the only reason Gillard continues to lead is others egos we are killing the ALP for a decade. Polling this morning shows we are road kill,also that Australia is afraid of both leaders. Water hens often wander on the road, standing looking at their dead mate, like the Union/ALP not understanding the car is getting near that will crush them too. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 15 May 2012 6:19:45 AM
yes that would have worked better
i had much the same regarding hemp not running for a senet seat
[i figured..we got a solid 10%...[our best booth result was 8%..with minimul fremarijuana
hemp party could get two seats in senet
but a talk with the qld green's..and we diudent divide the green vote
its all a scam
run by the clever guys
who get the 'right person'
watch juliar..get preggers
and win by a landslide
""the die is cast.""
""I blame the 2 independents for siding with Labor,""
toney didnt want it!
[this time..he knew what you said to be true
juliar cant play the long game..too in the moment
she attended the hemp party..mardigrass..[made huge promises]
then put a tax on me smokes..gave me the tax..she said never ever[said only 1000 will 500...
[watch me get a bill..
from how many of those ONLY 500
paying MY big poluters,..getting 90%..of their carbon credits FOR FREE*[while charging us all full fee]double dipping?]
bah on the lot of you..