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Ghosts After life? Spirituality

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david f

you are certainly more aware of the history of what you call Christianity and witchcraft than what I am. What I see today is many people dabbling in all sorts of spiritual powers. I can also see clearly the fruit of those who practice such things. Many end up or at least should be in the luny bin. I think Shirley MccLaine is one such example. Interesting that many people suffering from what we call mental illness today acknowledge the spiritual realm. I have met a number of people suffering from schizophenria who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord of the spirit world. As many people have rejected Christ they then fill the void with some other spiritual bent that does not demand they give up living in sin.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 22 September 2011 4:32:34 PM
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Dear runner, Shirley McClaine and the practitioners of New Age nonsense are loonies. Imagining such nonsense as a spiritual realm is an example of looniness. Acknowledging Jesus Christ or any other non-existing entity as lord of the spirit world or any other imaginary entity is looniness. If he ever existed and is not pure myth Jesus died years ago. Death is a permanent condition, and the dead stay dead. One can be free of Christian superstition and live a decent life. In my opinion part of living a good life is facing reality and discarding superstition.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 22 September 2011 5:23:06 PM
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Hi Lexi & Belly,
Yes, I am very sceptical of Seances, especially when people try them out as entertainment. There is a dark side to Spirituality, and in the wrong environment can be dangerous.
Hang on to your own beliefs, and cherish the priveledges of being 'forewarned', regarding certain things in life. I always listen to my inner voice, it is wiser than me.
But most of all, one does not have to be a Christian to get messages that are beneficial to the individual, and pertinent to their messenger's 'advice'. Be open to receive these messages, to become enlightened is a great experience, often found during meditation.
Cheers, my two good friends.
Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Thursday, 22 September 2011 5:27:41 PM
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so much to talk about
the most this belief in reserction day
especially where those who claim christ has risen

this one fact alone..refutes this reserction 'day'
[jesus that ye see me will do greater*

[greater than god?..dont even come into it..
the son* wasnt the father][recall the first command
have none before god..!..not son/not creed..not ignorance

jesus didnt wait for reserction nor judgment day
he came back the 3rd day..![live with it]

so if you claim to follow the lord christ try to do greater

and get over
only xtians..or only jews
or only catholics..or only jehovah witness
will go to heaven..

by that insane measure all the old testment
are in hell..[and they are not..!]..try to think

use your god given reasoning
use your mind..not just the animal brain

jesus wasnt a xtian..!
nor a catholholic nor a jehova witless have had visits from your father
and he has helped you much more than you mat think

your mothers flowers falling was your mother confirming
thats its ok son...[she knows you would have worried too much
so arranged for a 'sign'...enough to give you assurance..BUT not to take away the ability to chose*

that is sacrosanct
ie that you chose

we have heard that some fat cat died for 20 long minutes
and he says HE..didnt se nuthin...and of truth..HE didnt

he also likely would claim not to dream
this dont mean he dont dream...nor that spirit didnt try to make him hear and see in the spiritual way

vile people often take a long time to see and hear
..*in spirit..using non eyes and non ears for hearing/seeing

just like some are tone deaf..or longsighted
or nearsighted or color blind..or dont believe anything
we are all different

EVEN jesus took 3 long days
to figure out how to come back
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 22 September 2011 5:27:51 PM
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and he was a spiritual master..

and just think..
if jesus died for us to sin
then that was made the act of judas

[who has only forgiven himself..
just relitivly recently]..[1930]

judas spent near enough to 2000 years in hell..!
because he couldnt forgive himself
yet jesus asked him to

and why>?
just so you can claim to be forgiven
lol..for ,..your sin
cause jesus died..for you

heck god dont judge no-one,..!
so god didnt want jesus dead
god is fed up with blood shedding..!
how is the life giving living god honoured by any death?

be a man..
not a kid

accept responsability..for our own sin
cause no one lived your life..but you..!

satan didnt make you do nothing
you chose..

we chose

demons can only offer suggestions..AFTER
we think the vile first..!

its called spirit
cause enough of it allows haunt you

ever notice how drink
CHANGES people..!...[you must have noticed]

thats demic possesion
read 30 years amoung the dead
its much m,ore common than you would think

when good men
think bad thoughts
the full evil of hell lies open before them

dont think it cant happen to you
remember..where love grace mercy is
evil cant get through

so first think no evil
second thing with the filters of love grace mercy forgivness

you cant go wrong
its so simple mainly kids get it

dont abuse the child within yourself
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 22 September 2011 5:35:21 PM
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Dear UOG,
Interesting point, I let my inner child out to play every day, I believe in Christ, as his existence has been proven. Only a few years ago, I had a phone call from my Son, who had been injured at work and had damaged his back. He tried so hard to get a job ,to no avail. He rang me up in desperation one day, near to tears, he had been hobbling around the City in which he lived at the time, knocking on doors asking for jobs. That night I prayed to Jesus and asked him to help my son, as I was at a loss to do so. That night I dreamt that I had a photo of my son on my bedroom wall, I looked at it (in my dream), the image of my Son disappeared and was replaced by an image of Jesus. I awoke with a start, and thought that my Son was dead. About two hours later, my Son called and said that he went into yet another Job Search bureau, and they offered him a job at that place. So despite the fact that I am not a Religious person, I have always believed in Christ's existence., and his powers.
Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Thursday, 22 September 2011 5:48:16 PM
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