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The Forum > General Discussion > Is the fix in - has Tony Abbott lost?

Is the fix in - has Tony Abbott lost?

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Has Abbott lost whatever chance he thought he had to become Prime Minister?

First this in The Australian:


>>JULIA Gillard has defended media proprietor Rupert Murdoch's Australian newspapers from attack from within her own caucus, insisting that there is no evidence of telephone hacking within News Limited.>>


Then we have this cartoon in the same newspaper:

Not flattering for Abbott.

And now this from The Age.



Actually I thought the ABC had killed its chances when it did the story on the (alleged?) mistreatment of cattle in Indonesia. No Australian government likes being embarrassed that way.

I think the Gillard government believes that it can rely on Sky News, unlike the ABC, to soft-peddle human rights abuses in China and accentuate the positive. Given the commercial importance of China to Australia it’s a sensible move.

At the end of the day Gillard believes first and foremost in realpolitiek as do all Australian political leaders.

But there’s always a quid pro quo, there’s nothing for nothing. So will we see the Murdoch media let up a bit on the Gillard government? Time will tell. But that cartoon does not augur well for Abbott.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Thursday, 18 August 2011 2:00:57 PM
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I think Gillard and for that matter my hero Bill Shorten are pulling their Punch's with intent.
Can see Steven your thought patterns here, and think you may be on to some thing.
But no evidence can be found in the two flagship papers yet.
Tony Abbott still gets his Blog to rant in.
I think, with no room for doubt, news limited is aware, the English Parliament is in recess, but this issue looms as so very big.
Like the recent Japan Tsunami this issue will move the world.
Printed Media has for some time been unsure of its directions in a changing market, the end results will change everything.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 19 August 2011 5:56:35 AM
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We don't need the media to tell us Julia is a drop kick. She does it every time she opens her mouth to lie to us.

We don't need them to tell Labour are a waste of space, they do it themselves, every time their fool add tells us "it is only the big polluters who will pay the carbon tax". Just how dumb do they think we are. I guess they still think that there are enough stupid people in Oz that they can con.

I think the rabid unprofessional bias displayed by ABC high level presenters is now becoming a problem for Labor. Ozzies do like fairness. These opinionated twits, who think they are smoothly conning people, are getting average folks backs up, & they are turning off in ever greater numbers. This behaviour is harming Labor more than aiding. They are on a par with Gillard in thinking their obvious lies are fooling everyone, other than the rusted on of course.

Sorry Steven, but this time your wishful thinking is getting the best of you mate.

About the only way Julia could get the majority of Oz cheering for her would to volunteer to replace the foot ball for the kick of at the NRL grand final.

She may not be as attractive as a pig skin ball, but I'd cheer seeing someone kick her butt.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 19 August 2011 10:07:45 AM
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Just to be clear I am not an admirer of Gillard or the ABC.

But neither am I deceived by the Abbott circus.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Friday, 19 August 2011 11:17:17 AM
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Dear Steven,

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet
about the Murdoch press. As Fiona Katauskas
(cartoonist) once told Tony Jones on "Q and A,"
"Abbott's a cartoonist's dream. We couldn't
make this sh**t up!"

So the current cartoons could merely be because
the guys's such an easy target (a big joke).
I mean we all know about his extreme views on
Work Choices, social policy, public sector,
climate scepticism, et al... Then he goes and
tells Australians that they shouldn't believe
any statements that he makes (7.30 Report).(Phoney
And he continues to say things like, I am totally
aware that I'm not as intelligent as I could be!"
He brushed aside homeless people - as being in that
situation "because they wanted it." The list goes on.

So, as Fiona Katauskas said Abbott's "an easy target."
However, it does make you wonder about the intellectual
capacity of his supporters. I'm surprised the guy's
lasted as long as he has.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 19 August 2011 11:38:29 AM
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IMHO the rabid unprofessional bias displayed through rhetorical appearances - overused, by Tony Abbott is becoming a problem for the Opposition.

During election mode, such antics are expected, however once election declared, after our last election when vote of confidence within HoReps resolved the issue, then our election is over.

Antics lacking substance from Tony Abbott am finding as a disincentive towards consider him as PM.

Opposition task after election result determined requires presentation of reasoned argument explaining in detail the faults within government actions.

Certainly exist considerable opportunities for this.

Tony Abbott's effort is to maintain rhetorical antics of election mode, demanding acts of faith to just follow his lead, and may be discouraging others.

How many fail to see Tony Abbott as their preferred leader of government for similar reasons ?
Posted by polpak, Friday, 19 August 2011 11:57:33 AM
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