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The Forum > General Discussion > Could UK style riots happen in Australia?

Could UK style riots happen in Australia?

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but mate
kick me i kick back

good people will TRY to be good

go figure eh?

bobbies?..""Asked in a modern world
to police human bombs, terrorism, criminal gangs.""

develop an us and them mindset
everything we do is fine..but them mongel guntoting thugs[your kids]..mate its best to PUT THEM IN THEIR PLACE..whatever it takes..if its locking them up for stealing a pair of socks [or a loaf of bread..or as has just happend..for 4 bottles of water..for 6 mths'

then so be it
but the bobby of old is dead
police dont 'walk the beat'..they sit and watch the camera's
[but put the camera's on them for a moment

here sit a group
insulting the most basdic live time
its THEM..the watchers..and us the watched]..we are judged
by these hollier than thou police...not bobbies keeping the peace

i can hear THEM saying..""Remember in a street/ a any empty head,..being seen as one of the crowd""of them the criminals..versus us..""is the thing.""

""Unarmed police give these..'lard heads'..""

they them, lying...spining their the media
then it being proved a lie

""a chance to be tough""


""knowing they can do it.""


""Most Bully's are exhibitionists,
so are these grubs,""

grubs in light armour hiding bwehind badges

""yes it can/will happen here.""

if i thought it was going to
i would stop posting

those who want to shut up blogging
will shut it down..or look for every excuse to blame the bloging

as long as its THEM V them
or US v us

or THE*M v us
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 14 August 2011 8:41:13 AM
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Do the NSW Police Force have 'rubber bullets', water cannon and CS gas ready for any emergency?

If they do, will they be allowed to use them?
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 14 August 2011 11:11:39 AM
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the mise asks...""Do the NSW Police Force have 'rubber bullets', water cannon and CS gas ready for any emergency?"'

of course they do
BUT lets track back a bit
what are 'rubber bullets'
normal bullets*..with a coating of rubber

when we 'talk' of rubber
REMEMBER..they are real bullets
and a thin rubber not 'solid rubber'

the word used reflects the spin
should we allow ANYONE to shot bullets at your kids?
[you didnt mention the shotgun..'bean bags"..or the tazers killing people..or drug sniffing dogs..or the many 'other police tricks'..they have now...

the big thing is response time[in the uk]
because most police NOW are on 9 to 5
[dont waste time reporting to a cop shop after hours]

the police should be about public saftey
protecting people..

not about policing them..often for petty crime
but as andrew biolt points out

we have had lots of RIOTS right here
bolt reported 5* recent years

[of course the rest of his spin was ccccrap]

but its not if
but when..we have the next one

the list all had a common link
overzealous policing..!

that then..stops people gathering..
because..*all get tared with the same brush

generic labeling
by race/creed/colour..or sex
danger will it as plain as we su-mise?
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 14 August 2011 11:50:06 AM
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Belly, I take your point in your point., I think crime comes from both boredom and neglect. A lot of these people don't like school, sometimes they are ridiculed because they have problems with education etc.
However we have to look for reasons, rather than excuses. I do not condone what these riotous people have done, they need to pay for their crimes, although frankly I don't think that jail is the answer. However, I think that the female Judges (at least in W.A.) are a little too easy with some of these kids.
Kids these days need discipline, that is how they learn, too many parents are working these days, often leaving their (youthful) kids to their own devices., therein lies some of the triggers for bad behaviour.
The problem is systemic while both parents are perhaps out to work to pay off a mortgage, boredom is a great trigger for misbehaviour.
A bit of public/voluntary work wouldn't go astray in school holidays (supervised work, that is). The kids need to realise that they can get the things that they want, and can achieve anything if they try hard enough...the formula is simple, the hard bit is applying it.
Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Sunday, 14 August 2011 12:44:20 PM
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NSB yes ok a start but sports and activity's that bring them together with sponsors who can make a difference.
I stand by poor parenting being a reason.
And that some had great up bringing and still took part.
I am not a national service will fix them bloke.
I dislike every effort to use regimentation, Hitler did that.
But think no cub or scout took place in this.
OUG seems you blame society and police, would you like to live without a cop around.
Yep read the headlines NSW close to head cop is a crim, think about 10% have always been but rather not live without them.
Hating cops is a hobby,rather we looked at the true trash who burned parts of London.
Far cry from those Londoners who lived in the Blitz
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 14 August 2011 1:40:35 PM
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I still think that Desmond Morris was correct, when he wrote
"The Human Zoo". That is in fact what we have created in the last
100 years with megacities, based on cheap energy. Cram more and
more people in there, huge blocks of apartments surround them,
people peering out like at the zoo. We then wonder why they
become neurotic, bored etc.

I always notice the difference with farm kids, where they grow up
in a completely different environment. They learn to drive, to
weld, to grow vegies, learn about animals, learn about nature,
learn all sorts of skills.

Quite a different environment then a kid who grows up in a mega block
of flats, with little to do but hang out at the local shopping centre
and find some relief to the boredom. We are then surprised when they
become neurotic too.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 14 August 2011 2:07:35 PM
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