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Watch out oldies.

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Hasbeen if she didn't have a house then they aren't going to force her to sell her house now are they. So how is this change a concern exactly?

So, she hid $44k so you had to pay for the home at #390 a month? And then she gives you some inheritence later? Why don't you hit up some of the other inheritence recievers for the money?

I don't get this sanctity of inheritance. I don't want nothin from my old man when he dies but he's pinchin pennys to leave me something and it's nuts! I tell him every time I see him; Spend it man, if you run out I've got you covered.

'I'm definitely not going to see any extra of my assets wasted on dropkicks, by this disgusting woman.'

Oh there's a world of waste that doesn't go to dropkicks. Just cull a few hundred consultants, and 'enquirys' and middle class welfare. Or the arts grants to some guy who makes paintings or music nobody likes. Or the sports grants to olympians who earn millions in sponsorship money. Or keeping Naval ships afloat with no crew and lots of holes. I really don't mind giving money to the odd dropkick especially if his poor kids have a sligjtly easier life.

Tell me Hasbeen, all those little old ladies and men, were they all diligent 'working families' in their time, or are some of them ex-dropkicks as well?

Why should anybody leave this earth with money in reserve. Spend it all and enjoy your life, and let your kids sort themselves out man.

What's the point of hiding money, making all the kids and grandkids pay more tax to pay for your aged care, then let them inherit money when their you die just at the time they are financially secure and don't need it, except for their own aged care, but no, they wont use it for that, they'll squirrel it away for their kids as well.

So this money passed down the generations as a symbolic gesture is never actually used. What a bloody waste!
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 5 August 2011 11:42:20 AM
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Ok Just so you now - because i just spoke with them- yes they do intend to introduce forced assessments.It will be based on whether or not you have kids. ( speaking of independent witnesses)
You are *not allowed to say thankyou but I dont want your help - home care. If your alone they will pounce and take you aware & sell your house from under you. If people say look i want to live here in my own home by myself and potter about i my own garden & home until i die - its going to be NO. Unless you can prove you have children or friends t care for you then they take over. There are a huge % of elderly that live alone. You would be mad to enter a public hospital because you would never get out again. Assessment teams on the alert from single oldies.
Houses have already been sold because one partner had to go into care - tipping the wife or husband thats left alone onto the street!
Well may you say get over it my dear bit not all oldies are wealthy.
90% struggle to live and their homes are all they have.
Another thing - anyway if you dont want care workers in your private home it should be your choice.
I have seen plenty of those horrible to oldies and even steal their money plenty of times. Leave the oldies that built this country to live in their homes and die in peace.
This is a disgrace as George Negas said last night.

They double the aid to Africa and sell oldies houses over their heads to pay for it. Shame.
Posted by Kerryanne, Friday, 5 August 2011 12:09:22 PM
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I didnt see your post & good on you for looking after Mum. You must have done a good job too 98 ah.
People forget the tax system was set up so you worked hard all your life and were looked after by the government in your old age.
I am sure you saved the government many thousand dollars as well by looking after her yourself. Thats the thing with alp they dont get it. A government is supposed to help people to live a better life NOT tell them how the will live.

Also the other poster that I thought very bright after reading the post on aid has forgotten A Its every person right to leave their home to their kids B Many of the oldies dont have kids.

They are the ones most at risk. I am telling you under alp state government now you dont get to go home if your old frail & own a nice house. If on the other hand your old frail alone and own nothing they cant kick you out the door quick enough.

The other thing on the table to make way for migrants btw- is t take the oldies houses & land bull doze it and build units & if your lucky and agree you get t live in own?

As I said not everybody has support of kids friends and family.
How are the poorest oldest ones going to cope - they wont.

On TOP of that they want to get the oldies back to work to pay even more taxes until they are 90 then steal their homes bastards all of them.
Posted by Kerryanne, Friday, 5 August 2011 12:31:19 PM
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It all sounds terrible Kerry and I'll have to take your word for it. (Mainly because I'm not that bothered. It's sunny too.)

But what about reverse mortgages? It really isn't necessary to sell the house to get the money for the care. They work it out that by the time the old person dies, the house is owned by the bank. So they can still live in the house the whole time, all the while getting money from the house.

Also, I'm sure if one of these stubborn old people who are blind and deaf and with altzeimers dies in their home, the community will look to the governmnet with outrage and say they shouldn't have been left alone.

I'm likely to be stubborn like that when I'm old so I can relate to people wanting to stay on their own though. If they die, well, they died the way they wanted too. In their house. Too bad it took 3 months for anyone to notice.

I like your attitude though. Trust no one. You are a kindred spirit. All it takes is the prospect of a grant or something or a few kick backs for any doctor to do the wrong thing. Or the threat of a lawsuit.

It's why I don't organ donate. If the doctor has a nicer person than you down the hall waiting for your organs, do you think he'll really try very hard to save you. Organ transplants are more impressive to that cute nurse he's been eyeing off too.
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 5 August 2011 12:56:00 PM
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(Mainly because I'm not that bothered. It's sunny too.)

Your blessed with a good sense of humor and honesty.)

A rare treat these days. I am just little old Kerry with covert talents. Something tells me we would made a good *A team in the real world.
Oh course I know you can’t really be ""bothered."" What would we do with old those dribbling oldies with their pesky stories of their lives ah.:)
I read your comments on the aid for Africa thread & roared LOL.
But listen to me its no joking matter- yes it IS terribly and been happening in states for years!

Keep in private health- invent family if you have none- visit a lawyer once a year a Drs certificates. Grow your own veggies. Lie on every gov doc u get drop your age change your name.

Now before anybody tells me I am off---- topic instead of simply just off* Might I remind you why we are all here.

We are here because Kevin Rudd in his endless rushing around Africa etc giving aid to revenge Julia has created a good alp Idea.
Julia as *angry as she is with him decided that the oldies will just have to pay for Kevin’s revenge.

No Houellebeca the system should not as poor oldies to pay more. They have paid enough! through life.

*I'm likely to be stubborn **

Without a doubt you will be very rememberable to them – i am sure.:) I cant see you conforming to anybody* & good for you!

*It's why I don't organ donate. - transplants are more impressive to that cute nurse he's been eying off too*

Your priceless and that was my thoughts too. I wonder though how much longer it will be before alp decides to force the oldies who build this country-- to stop being a burden & hand over the organ parts *now.

Maybe they will open a department of carbon reduction as they snuff you:)

I must work too much time on here!
Posted by Kerryanne, Friday, 5 August 2011 1:59:23 PM
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What is happening in m view is that because they have wasted so much money, they are now trying to raise whatever funds they can from large players in a desperate effort to rebuild our bank balance.

The scary part is that I fear that once they have exhausted this option and, assuming they have not achieved their intended goal, they will then revisit schemes like the death duty.

There is no hiding from the fact that we are in the poo.

Tourism, retail ( as we know it) are in terrible shape and manufacturing is all but finished. Mining is our only real hope.

And just to add insult to injury, bill shorten suggests retailers have to sharpen their act. Meanwhile, OS players continue to sell items under $1,000 online and attract no GST.

Why do we continue to tolerate these incompetent fools!

Bring on the next election and bob Katter!
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 6 August 2011 3:30:45 PM
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