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The Forum > General Discussion > $40/ton The threshold before change occurs.

$40/ton The threshold before change occurs.

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We obviously are not getting anywhere in this discussion and I'm not really interested in becoming involved in any kind of a slanging match - you're so much better at that than me.

No matter what I write - its regarded as "shallow sound bites and
motherhood statements."
Whereas, -there is no doubt the climate is changing. The evidence is overwhelmingly clear. We're allready seeing the social, economic, and environmental impacts of a changing climate. Human activities - the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation are triggering changes we are witnessing in the global climate.

We need to start taking action now to promote new sources of renewable and cleaner energy otherwise we will pay a much higher cost in the future. Decision we make now will determine the severity of climate change our children and grandhcildren experience.

Taking action on climate change is the right thing to do. It is the right thing for our economy, ofr jobs and for the environment. Not only is putting a price on pollution critically important to our children's future - it's ensuring a healthy environment to live in and new high skill jobs for their work.

The split in Liberal Party ranks deepens. Finally, we may see the days
return - of Robert Menzies and Malcolm Fraser for which we've been waiting for decades.
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 29 May 2011 3:49:35 PM
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look at what your saying lexie

""there is no doubt the climate is changing.""
climate changes all the time
now for egsample we are going into a cooling stage
thus their RUSH..!..the lies are

""The evidence is overwhelmingly clear.""

yes it is...BUTclear in what direction
a tax fixes it?
on one greenhouse gas only?

clear..that climate is changing..JUST LIKE it allways has?

clear we will be paying..HOW MUCH?
clear the lobby is vast...and rich..
cause its been sukking at govt subsidy for years..?

""We're allready seeing the social,
economic, and environmental impacts of a changing climate.""'

please validate..with data..!
[the econmomic change is obvious
they been taking our govt subsidies for ages
and one by one they FAIL

[look at ethinol subsidy..or the 12 billion fuel subsidy
or the solar cells subsidy..or green bin subsidy
or the wave power subsidy...
or the geo thermal subsidy

they all failed
[hey there is your social costs]

""We need to start taking action now
to promote new sources of renewable and cleaner energy"'

before the lie becomes more clear..!

""otherwise we will pay a much higher the future.""

think of the BILLIONS we allready wasted on failed things
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 29 May 2011 4:19:15 PM
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"" Decision we make now
will determine the severity of climate change
our children and grandhcildren experience.""

well look at went gren BIGTIME
many jobs..but now gone broke...[and the jobs are gone]

and their children WILL BE
under austerity measures
for a LONG long TIME.

same thing in ireland italy uk portugal and greece
they had a tradable tax thingy going there too
[and gues failed there too]

""Taking action on climate change
is the right thing to do.""

a mantra
just keep saying it mindlessly

its the right thing
[its not what your country can do for you
but what you does for your cuntry]

lie back and think of england
[have one for the govt
one for war..and one to pay for it all]

""It is the right thing
for our economy,""

yes the bankers can be trusted
we never ned to bailout

""for jobs""
look at spains jobs
ALL go build somewhere else

""and for the environment.""
you know how cold OUTERSPACE IS?
its below know how warm it can get in a freezer?"

same thing here
all extra heat goes out into space
our biggest REAL threat would be cooling..!
the very things..THOSE who think we are too many really want..
[but first suck the last tax dollar from us]

""Not only is putting a price on pollution""
tax them all..TAX THEM ALL>>!

ie nitrogen..from farming MAKES nitrousoxide..120 times WORSE a greenhouse gas than co2..[but farming is farming will get paid to plant forrests..and stop growing food]

or how about home compost bins[as bad as a cow]
making the leakey gas wells leaking..methane
[another bad GRENhouse gas]

or how about that cleaning fluid for cleaning solar cells
[you got it...a greenhouse gas..not being taxed either]

cause the game is kill us all
after taxing us to death..

""new high skill jobs""
installing..PREBUILT/imported temporary solutions

[these 'fixes'..have an average life expectation of 30 years]
then they cost us all the earth replace..AGAIN
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 29 May 2011 4:32:47 PM
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Over the past quarter century, pollution of the environment has begun to threaten the ecological balance of the planet and the health of many of its species, including ourselves.

This problem is an exceedingly difficult one to solve, for several reasons. First, some people and governments see pollution as a regrettable but inevitable product of desired economic development -
"Where there's smoke, there's jobs." Secondly, control of pollution requires international co-ordination, for one country's emissions can end up in other countries air or food. Thirdly, the effects of pollution may not show up for many years, so severe environmental damage can occur with little public awarness that it is taking place.
Fourthly, preventing or correcting pollution can be costly, technically complex and sometimes - when the damage is irreversible - impossible.

In general, the most industrialised nations are now actively trying to limit the effects of pollution, it's only the populous less developed societies are more concerned with economic growth, and tend to see pollution as part of the price they have to pay for it.

Our government is willing to take hard decisions about reducing emissions - it doesn't want to have an international reputation for dragging the chain on climate action. Australia's only hope of forestalling seriously damaging climate change is a strong international agreement to curb emissions. We increase our chances of such an agreement if we ourselves demonstrate a willingness to take hard decisions about reducing emissions.

I hope this helps you understand the situation better.
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 29 May 2011 4:55:05 PM
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Lexi, a question. Do you have a solar hot water system on
your roof?
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 29 May 2011 5:07:50 PM
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We used gas for heating but we do have solar panels for electricity.
And our electricity bills thus far have been in the credit. As a result of our gas heating becoming disfunctional - we're currenlty heating the house with electric oil space heaters and its quite comfortable. Our neighbours as a result of our installation of solar electrical panels have been following our example.
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 29 May 2011 6:48:45 PM
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