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The Forum > General Discussion > The end of the scam, may be in sight.

The end of the scam, may be in sight.

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Perhaps there is still some sense in the world.

The US house has voted, 244 to 179, to stop funding that master of all scams, the UN IPCC.

One member read the US senate report of more than 700 scientists dissenting the theory of AGW.

How long will it take for other intelligent nations to follow suit.

I would expect it would take years for Oz to do so, our government want/need the money, from a climate tax scam, too much to follow such a sensible course
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 20 February 2011 11:36:03 AM
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World poverty could certainly have been greatly reduced if all that money went to feed the hungry. The science is now settled. It is the opposite result to what the alarmist told us. Hopefully our Government will be tossed out as they invent a tax to appease Green faith. Up and up go the heating bills for pensioners while the high priest burn up credits flying the globe to connect and reassure others with the same pseudo faith. Pathetic journalism has a lot to answer for. The National Broadcasters have been absolutely atrocious when it comes to balance. No doubt I will be dead before we get an apology from them for protecting their dogmas. Thankfully the likes of Bolt had the countries interest at heart in continuing to expose the hypocrisy of this nonsense.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 20 February 2011 10:58:47 PM
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Is it a scam?
And is America a good measure of such right now.
That same America has stopped a bill so money to see the health reforms so badly needed are not to go ahead.
America is inward looking and no measure of the rest of the world.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 21 February 2011 5:02:29 AM
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govts globally are bankrupt
mainly by giving away the rights to issue its own money

it need to lend every penny from bankers ..AT INTREST
thus it needs ever more pay off the bankers
then it bails them out..its not working

thing is this scam is about getting yet more govt money
needing more tax from us paying for it all

we pay the big bucks to put solarcells on roofs
but it keeps industry going...thus they NEED to scare us
guilt us into ever more taxes..[heck it worked with ozone sars swine bird flue aids...we fall for it everytime..look at the newe tax on smokers..[the miners were too clever

but now we got a flood levy
but why did we get the flood
again gred and govt excess

qld govt owes 65 billion
selling the assets only payed one years intrest

but see how the water board hoarded the waters
then caused the flood when they HAD to let it go

this was a man made flood
its cause was greed
greed forced upon govt to pay the intrest on loans

we in qld owe double that of california
who is the biggest state in the world
and they are going bust

we are no where near their means
but got twice the ODIOUS debt

no brother
the scam is no where near being over
it ends with a bang..when we jail those who coluded this odious debt
then guilted us into paying for ever more subsidised industry built on credfit

but the intrest is due
they will default in the end
but not till we hit the streets
and jail the real criminals can this lie end

we could be saved by a transaction tax on all trades
the market is being manipulated...but its time to tax those causing the more taxes by guilt from the people

the lies wont end
be asured of that
Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 February 2011 7:18:08 AM
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No it is not a scam in the way you seem to think.
The IPCC followers really believe it and I suspect that our government
believes it also.

However they are worrying about the wrong problem for two reasons.
First, the Uppsala Uni's findings of the true amounts of available
fossil fuels. They are much less that the IPCC's three levels
input into their climate models. The IPCC has not re-run their models
as far as I know. Until they do we are making decisions on taxes etc
with duff data. GIGO ! (Garbage in Garbage Out).

Second, we are heading into a zero growth era. As the available
energy hits a plateau as oil has already done growth cannot rise on
average globally. As energy starts depleting we will enter a period
of contraction.

In the above scenario increasing CO2 in the atmosphere will be a non event.
I can only suggest that you go and read these pages;
If you are able to see the implications on these pages you will
understand why everyone is worrying about the wrong problem.

for more detail;
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 21 February 2011 8:44:40 AM
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That's right Hasbeen. The House voted along conservative partisan lines. What else would you expect, really?

It's unfortunate, imho. Science should not be voted on party-politic lines, but it is. You yourself demonstrate this universal ignorance of science. Indeed, what the neo-cons are best at are neo-conservative BAU policies.

This ostrich-like mentality is borne out by the US House vote, as you so proudly proclaim. The House doesn't like the message so the House (typically) kills the messenger. Wow, so proactive a thought process, not!

The actions and thoughts of the US House vote, are both unintelligent and immature, but there you go.

This decision is really not in the US interests. The US House is going to limit the US from organising IPCC meetings and co-ordinating IPCC chapters.

Moreover, it will now be extremely difficult (if not almost impossible) for the US to engage with countries like China, Europe and India on climate change issues.

It was important that the US have a say in a global response but now the House is scuttling the ship.

What the US conservatives have done Hasbeen is say to the world: "we don't like your rules ... give me back my ball and I'm going home."

That attitude is indicative of a retrograde stick-in-the-mud, not mature or intelligent enough to involve themselves in the common good. Sadly, the US will suffer the consequence of this for years to come.

If America, under 'tea party' conservative politics, is the direction they want to pursue, then they will. Unfortunately, it says more about the people (not unlike yourself, Hasbeen) than that of the science ... which still has to be done.
Posted by bonmot, Monday, 21 February 2011 10:03:25 AM
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