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So, what comes after multiculturalism?
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Posted by Deep-Blue, Tuesday, 15 February 2011 5:29:17 PM
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All I can add to this discussion is a single observation. In any class of Aussie kids with Anglo surnames, a bit of research finds that many of their grandparents were immigrants during the past 60 years. It shows that the immigrants of that era assimilated to the point where their children or grandchildren married Aussies or other nationalities. That is what a meshed multicultural society should exhibit after a few generations.
Exampling the largest ethnic group of migrants over the past thirty years, good luck on finding a reasonable percentage of Aussie kids of Middle Eastern heritage who have anything other than their own gene pool in their DNA. That is the issue with Middle Eastern Immigrants, Christian or Muslim, they marry their own, which keeps them segregated from our society. So the multiculturalists invented "multiculturalism" on the well observed practicality of "if they won't change, we will change the majority to accommodate them and their right to be nuptial segregationalists". America got rid of social segregation in the 1960 and we began importing cultural segregation in 1970. How do you define a group who share a language, only marry into their own gene pool, choose to live in defined areas, and come from nations that have been in ongoing political and religious upheaval...a fifth column waiting to happen perhaps? Posted by sonofgloin, Tuesday, 15 February 2011 5:34:04 PM
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That is the issue with Middle Eastern Immigrants, Christian or Muslim, they marry their own,...Rubbish! Too late my friend, already mixed. Would you like some proof?
The 19th, are the only one's that will have the hardest time with dealing with it all, but not the next gen......its already on its way......and old, and out of date, is no longer needed. BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Tuesday, 15 February 2011 5:45:08 PM
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After the Russian Revelation many thought communism was great, those who opposed it often called fools and worse.
Between the two world wars warnings about Japan got ignored and some said they are our Friends and fought with us. The unconvinced suffered ridicule. Hitlers rise was seen here in Britain and America by some as great. Those opposed? rubbished. We stand today troubled because almost every one who is warning this social engineering is not working is being called names. I bet, everything I own, many who support my views would welcome ANY MIGRANT, who did not want to impose another culture on us,who wanted while remaining proud of his/her heritage to blend in without changing us. Have I this right, lets test it, I want no religion, none, to be involved in politics, so involved they run some country's. I want no culture that has women walking behind men. I think ,truly fearfully a culture that is a living of shoot of a religion that is intruding on government is a step back in to the middle ages. Please may we stop blaming every culture, this country is great because of migration, if PC demands we muffle our true thoughts then lets hear no more of the other sides views. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 15 February 2011 6:12:53 PM
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I think it's always best to do a bit of research and get some facts
before making sweeping generalisations on any topic - but especially a highly emotive one like "multiculturalism." There are always two sides to every story - nothing is ever that simple. And you need to not only look at both sides, but around the edges at times as well. There are often reasons for why many people stick to their "own kind" especially when they're not made to feel so welcome in the broader community. Aussies congregate together when overseas - be it London, Hollywood, or elsewhere. It's often a normal thing to do - especially when you're having problems adjusting to your new place. Anyway - for what it's worth - and just to present another point of view the following website may be of interest to some: Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 15 February 2011 6:52:09 PM
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Belly/lexi......true thoughts are for those who look for them.
BLUE Posted by Deep-Blue, Tuesday, 15 February 2011 7:13:07 PM
So....from what Ive read so far, you all want a war:) wont happen, it kills all you have now. So be understanding or get along......Its your choice. You or we, can not undo whats already here, and you try, I hope you get a deportation notice:) The human-being is still very much tribel in all that they wish to push the line of evolvement. So what are we left with.....mmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe a box of bannanas might be in order:)
Maybe a third World War is calling or maybe......just shake hands.
I dont know.....sham WOW:)
Its like reading the menu with no favourite dish:) But onced cooked, very tasty for the grand of all you can eat:)