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The Forum > General Discussion > Good Manners for both sexes

Good Manners for both sexes

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I'm thankful I don't get up your nose Severin!

When commenting on bacteria that frequent toilet airspace, I was talking about microscopic "sprays" of these airborne bacteria.

One doesn't need a 'Niagara Falls flow' into the toilet to release those little nasties I'm afraid, but still an amusing analogy nevertheless! :)
Posted by suzeonline, Saturday, 17 April 2010 11:28:08 PM
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I did not want to make it an anti woman thing severin, and do not think I did.
I have been reminded by a post here it is much more likely men are to blame for the bad manners of some women.
We DO crawl a bit and it becomes expected we will continue to do so.
No racial statement intended but in the middle east women walk behind and obey rules we could not live with.
So maybe it is based on culture even within our western world.
Every generation has and will continue to say they behaved better than todays.
I thank howler for the input, no one can now doubt men can be rude too.
Hot, very hot spoon may help.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 18 April 2010 7:19:41 AM
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I'm glad you took my analogy in the good humour that was intended. My family will continue to close lid before flushing - it is an equitable system that everyone is happy with - no arguments regarding airborne bacteria, especially because the rule here is if its yellow let it mellow etc...


I do think it is more noticeable when women behave badly - not so long ago women were expected to behave like proper little princesses always 'nice' and 'polite'. Some older people just a get bit of a shock when a woman behaves with the same level of nastiness and aggression as a man. Frankly, I think both sexes need to count to ten before letting fly. Courtesy applies to both sexes - like giving up a seat for an elderly or disabled person - what should one's gender have to do with it?

And then there are those people for whom one learns not to hold high expectations - not even being dumped into a bath full of ice would take care of them - their raison d'etre is to upset people. We have example of both sexes (who have nothing better to do than snipe at others) on OLO as well.
Posted by Severin, Sunday, 18 April 2010 10:28:04 AM
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At least those people I was referring to above have a name:

"Nose leeches"
Posted by Severin, Sunday, 18 April 2010 10:29:27 AM
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suzeonline, "I have used cold flannels in the past, but never cold spoons!"

Products of the English public schools might enjoy cold flannels.
- With apologies to those long-suffering Poms who can laugh at themselves more readily than we ever could.

Where would we be without English comedy? It is probably where the mythical cold spoon came from. I can imagine Matron (Hattie Jacques) reaching for one to control the men's ward during Nurse Sandra May's (Barbara Windsor) shift.
Posted by Cornflower, Sunday, 18 April 2010 12:07:31 PM
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Houellebecq: <"Poor swedish woman?

A: What kind of door to door salesman posts links on opinion sites. It's probably a scam to get donations.
B: The chance to rain on a parade of sympathetic love-in was irresistible
c: I was trying to get pynchme to bite as she ran away from an argument I was winning on another thread.
D: Trying generally to create more outrage as it's been pretty boring lately without anti.">

Sorry a reply has taken a while; just catching up.

If you'd felt any empathy towards the woman whose daughter was murdered you could have expressed it. It's clear from your remarks now that you didn't read about her daughter's murder or the non-investigation of same. There was a voluntary petition. No donations were sought. It's pretty low that you had to take that topic and try to make it all about you and your gripes.

I've never run away from any argument; don't recall you ever winning one - which might be why you run around from board to board dropping my name - but then I don't enter into arguments to "win", but to state my case. I express myself when it suits me and I notice something interesting; I'm less inclined to bother with your trademark tedium.
Posted by Pynchme, Sunday, 18 April 2010 1:35:12 PM
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