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Male bullying of males

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I stop if I can others bullying men.
My first day in school fearful Young baby, saw me walk into the girls toilet, by mistake, how could a 5 year old understand in his first seconds in school.
Two grade sixes lifted me of My feet each Had an arm.
Principal said let him down and dad had a Long conversation the next day.
Teachers? some claim it is character building, it NEVER IS.
in THE WORKPLACE every day SOME foolish brainless bloke bully's a weaker one.
I am spending 20% of my time, honestly, trying to sort out issue that came about by weak males getting pleasure out of bulling weaker ones.
RObert the subject needs airing, and should not be diverted we can get another thread up in a day.
Behind a bully in my view, is a man uncertain of his own manhood, who by his actions is no true man.
I am a battled scare well past it old battler but would take a flogging any day rather than say nothing.
I have lost face with some but tell every meeting truth has value lets say what we think not what you think I want to hear.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 20 March 2010 5:04:50 PM
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Interesting that the stereotype of the physically powerful (and probably stupid) male jock bully has dominated in this thread. Some think that "If one is an adult white male of reasonably athletic proportions, then surely there is no need for these men to bully. They already hold a greater status, which others have to earn." No, that is far from the truth.

From involvement in voluntary work with schools, sporting groups and other community voluntary organisations over the years I have come to realise that the boy (or girl) who causes the most concern for teacher, coach or colleague student throughout his school career is the son of the reasonably well-off professional couple who think that money and gifts can replace their care, discipline and attention.

Talk with teachers at Kindy, Preschool, Primary or Secondary schools, you can track the same spoiled brats all of the way through. These are the children who are particularly clever at manipulating others and have a cruel streak, honed by lack of demonstrated love and attention at home. They have everything but the time, attention and boundary-setting of their parents.

Their repertoire of trouble-making includes the game of "lets you and him fight". Sure they might occasionally push or shove another student but that would be a rare event, it is the psychological stuff that they focus on. It is just like the girls who are similarly clever at the game of bullying.

Time to move away from the stereotypical image of the male bully of rugby forward proportions and think of the more typical sly promoter, facilitator and perpetuator of people problems. Just where did anyone think that the bullies in the boardroom and in public life come from?

Hazing or bastardisation as it is known in Australia confuses the discussion and should be the subject of another thread.
Posted by Cornflower, Saturday, 20 March 2010 10:47:45 PM
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1. Unless I have missed it, no-one here has described male bullies as "physically powerful (and probably stupid) male jock bully."

2. R0bert, despite his "physically powerful" stature, has discussed the issues of being bullied by short stature cowards.

3. I have asked, quite legitimately, why an adult male would feel the need to continue bullying if they already have high status in our society - yet they do.

4. Not all bullies come from privileged backgrounds, nor are they "spoiled brats" - however, some maybe and this ties in with my question of why people who already have status still continue to bully.

5. If "hazing" is not a form of bullying, please edify OLO readers and contributors with an definition of what hazing is.

Finally, Cornflower, as you appear to have missed the what the topic is about...

6. This topic is about bullying by males on males. If you wish to start a topic on female bullying by females I am more than happy to contribute as I believe it is as endemic as male-on-male bullying.
Posted by Severin, Sunday, 21 March 2010 7:33:21 AM
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Severin this may be yet another topic but I think that the generalisation about white men already having a high status in society is not how it plays out for most.

At one level it is valid to point out that a white male will generally have a higher status than their peers who are not white males but most are still way down the pecking order compared to others (many of whom are not white males).

As a factor it's just one factor amongst many.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 21 March 2010 9:00:38 AM
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Male bullies all have one common personality trait. Their ladder of inference is very short. They form an opinion of a new male they meet very quickly.

If in this initial meeting the new male does not recognise and acknowledge in some way the beliefs that the bully (often mistakenly) holds about himself then the bully/victim roles are set.

I’ve seen a lot of blokes work the system and I’m not sure that it is always a conscious action.

New bloke joins workforce/class/cricket team/any social situation and he soon goes to work trying to figure out how people slot into the social order. If the bully and his toadies are identified and acknowledged there will be no or few problems.

It is very painful and almost impossible for a male bully to accept an error of judgement. What could be more painful then not receiving the acknowledgement of a new male in a work or social situation?

This is why teachers, coaches and supervisors have so much trouble with bullies – their core belief system has been challenged and they feel that they are right to defend themselves. The victim can usually be coerced to accept that they have “not tried hard enough to fit in” or some other such rubbish.
Posted by WTF?, Sunday, 21 March 2010 9:13:51 AM
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Apologies R0bert.

I thought this topic was about male on male bullying in Australia, I failed to comprehend that this means never mentioning white males, their status (or lack thereof), problems they encounter which may result in them bullying other men and questioning why people who have managed to attain high societal status themselves to continue bullying behaviour.

Clearly I am out of line. Won't bother you again.

Posted by Severin, Sunday, 21 March 2010 9:25:58 AM
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