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What has the sexual revolution ever done for women

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Foxy, another funny post last night from are a very perceptive lady indeed!

Severin < " one thing the sexual revolution has done for women, is to give them the confidence to speak up, to proffer their opinions (whether right or wrong) even when some men, such as yourself, disagree. And more power to them."

Thanks for summing it all up so succinctly, and thanks for your' kind words. I am not used to that very often on these pages! (Oh dear, 'Septic is bound to comment on that!).

Cornflower, the contraceptive pill will never be available freely because there ARE many problems with the safe use of them without medical supervision.
Many women all over the world have suffered strokes, high blood pressure, blood clots, weight gain and mental disorders as a direct result of taking the pill.
The sexual revolution was certainly not all good for women either!

I have not been on this forum for much time monday and tuesday, because we have had a fire in our town. I guess those sorts of dramas bring you back down to earth again with a thud sometimes!

I take my hat off to the men and women of the many fire brigades that have been here now for more than 48 hours. Thank God this is one set of people who get on well together and just do their job.
Posted by suzeonline, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 1:27:00 AM
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Severin:"one thing the sexual revolution has done for women, is to give them the confidence to speak up, to proffer their opinions (whether right or wrong)"

Well, in my family that wasn't anything to do with any sexual revolution, it was a standard part of life for my mother, her mother, her aunts and her sisters, just as it was for me and my father, uncles and so on.

My paternal grandmother was a Dane who emigrated by herself after an early adult life of extensive travel, all self-funded by working wherever she happened to find herself. She did not come from wealthy parents. She met and married my grandfather, an Englishman from Yorkshire, who had also emigrated by himself. She was independent, self-confident, able to look after herself and that was back in the late 19th and early 20th century - my dad was born in 1915 and he was the third of her 5 children. His oldrer sister, my aunty Dulcie, is still alive and lives by herself in her flat at Manly. She's 98 this year and is and always has been fiercely independent. After my Grandfather died (hit by a horse after walking out from behind a tram) she ended up living by herself in a home she built herself, with some help from my Dad, who was a carpenter, near Tumut where she died in the late 50s. I never got to meet her, but I have read her diaries.

On my Mum's side they're Scottish paternally and Irish on my grandmother's side and as anyone who knows an Irish household understands, Irish women are not backward in coming forward. She came to live with us after my grandfather died and she brooked no interference with her own life from anyone at all.

It seems to me that all you silly little grrrls want someone else to tell you you're allowed to do things, rather than just making up your mind and doing it. It's all "men are such oppressors","men this, men that"; my Nannas and aunty Dulcie would think you're as weak as water.
Posted by Antiseptic, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 6:07:04 AM
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Yeah nice work pynchme.

If you cant keep up with when I'm joking with another poster it's best you just keep your trap shut. Foxy knows she's the police.

You say the male posters are more hateful, then come up with 'You and others seem to have a problem differentiating or separating yourselves from abusive men.'

ie. You're really abusive men now aren't you? Got something to hide have you? Why don't you just come out and say it.

This and other quotes like 'I am sorry Antiseptic, but I believe that *Cotter* and DreamOn are trying to help you here. Me too.'

*Cotter*: 'are you aware that give the impression of a hostile, antagonistic individual who may be a risk to others?'

You grrrls think you are helping the abusive antiseptic come to terms with the fact that he really is an abusive man who threatened and probably hit his wife. You're being pretty disingenuous to then suggest it's he's imagining it all because he must have a guilty conscience.

'I took Chazp.'s post about sperm (Men as sperm doners only) as a challenge to the type of men who frequent the woman-hating menz sites (ie antiseptic) to reflect on how they conceive of themselves as men and what they have to GIVE rather than TAKE. If they can't force women and children to do their will...'

PS: Nice try with the kiddie fiddler stuff. This is the sort of passive aggression I'm talking about. Houellebecq uses a common term. That term is disrespectful of the seriousness... blah blah blah, hey Houellebecq is probably a kiddie fiddler given his attitude or at the very least is pretty suspect. He is male after all.

Seriously, why do you think that based on a term I used, that I need to be told of the serious consequences of child sexual abuse? Talk about high and mighty! Ohhh please educate me great compassionate pynchme! Being a man (hence an abuser), I couldn't possibly understand the damage caused. I think you'd be very surprised just how much I can personally relate.
Posted by Houellebecq, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 7:58:23 AM
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suzeonline, "the contraceptive pill will never be available freely because there ARE many problems with the safe use of them without medical supervision."

I am going to call crap on that one. The Pill is used buy hundreds of millions of women and while there is the occasional serious side effect, such events have been very few and far between and highly publicised.

I suggest to you that catastrophising about the effects of the Pill limits women, especially girls financially and personally. It also restricts the availability of the Pill to women in developing countries, which would probably suit the Catholic Church and other fundamentalist religions.

It is safer than paracetamol or aspirin which are already sold in supermarkets and nowhere near as risky as the cough mixtures, antihistamines and the like.
Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 8:01:40 AM
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<<< It is safer than paracetamol or aspirin which are already sold in supermarkets and nowhere near as risky as the cough mixtures, antihistamines and the like. >>>

Nonsense! I suffer from migraines and therefore, am in the high risk category for side effects of contraceptives. No medico would claim that the pill is safer than common over the counter painkillers.


<<< It seems to me that all you silly little grrrls want someone else to tell you you're allowed to do things, rather than just making up your mind and doing it. >>>

Oh you wish.

Suze, Pynchme (all the women who post on OLO) - thank you for your persistence, because it is only persistence and consistency that will retain our rights to speak our minds.
Posted by Severin, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 8:54:59 AM
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'it is only persistence and consistency that will retain our rights to speak our minds.'

Hahahaha. You're provin' his point Fractelle. He cant delete your posts. So therefore if you're having to fight for your right to speak your mind I think that quote of anti's is pretty accurate!

It's the 'nice' girl problem. Trouble is, if you want to give up the 'nice' submissive act, you'll have to take the responsibility for your aggression and lose the moral high ground act too.
Posted by Houellebecq, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 9:10:07 AM
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