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Stop the War Mongering !

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Obama is sabre rattling over the possible Iranian Nuclear Bomb development.How can Iran be a possible threat to the USA,when the USA could wipe them from the planet many times over? Israel is estimated to have between 100-200 Nuclear warheads.China,India and Russia have far more.Vietamn was a lie and so were the weapons of mass destructions in Iraq.There is much oil and gas in Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan and Turkmanistan just above Afghanistan,but to make it economically vaiable,they need pipelines through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the sea.Is the War on Terror just a co-incidence?

Obama just enacted leglisation that by-passes Congress enabling him to imprison people because the Govt claims that they are likely to engage in violent acts in the future because they are considered alledged illegal combatants.see

Obama still has the executive powers created by G Bush and has elected to extend the Patriot Act.

This Thursday 8 Oct there will be a public meeting hosted by Lee Rhiannon,Greens MLC and others at the Sydney Town Hall about the Afghan War from 5.30 pm -7.00pm.Get concerned and involved since there are serious changes happening in the USA that the pop media ignores.

Old selfish men with flagging libedos create wars for profit,while young men die for no good reason.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 27 September 2009 10:23:03 PM
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obama couldnt look the palistein dude in the eyes...clearly there is deception afoot...israel might do its insanity...if so let thgings fall as they will...keep out of national disutes usa...

its bad enough your warmongers have indebited your people..that you serve the ursuror banking cartel blindly..that your forcing medical insurance on your people...for the insurance industry..[not guarenteeing them medical aid]...

one trillion of aid has gone to israel...more than one third of usa one vocal overepresented body..stealing others lands..and doing far worse..for far longer than what was done to the same mob after the their..'homeland';

..guns dont make peace..strong leaders enforce it..might is not right..but make murder is wrong...

let israel bring on its armogeddon...but keep out of it..your hands are filthy it their/your deeds are you known..

no more war to steal others lands/supress..others culture/..others beliefs...imposing death/war impoverishment..for what a huge lie..judean isnt jew..jew means bolchovic/...jesus was galilean..but then they did kill jesus too....

fair enough bring on your will only murder him..again..when he dont say..what you murderors need to hear
Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 September 2009 10:44:49 AM
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Why does everyone presume that Irans nuclear weapons will be used offensively? The Israelis illegal nuclear weapons are supposedly for defense purposes as are the US ones and all the other countries who have them. Why would the Iranians commit suicide by using them? They know the retaliation would be overwhelming and mean the end of them and their country.

What would change if they had them? The end of belligerence and warmongering against the Iranians thats what. No more threats and "special ops" against Iran once they have the bomb. No more slandering and lieing about the leaders of Iran. Maybe they might actually have to deal with the Iranians diplomatically for once. Negotiate and compromise. Work for an agreement for once instead of just dictating what we want to the rest of the world.

Until the rest of the world makes serious moves to get rid of there own arsenals then they dont have a leg to stand on when calling for Iran (or any other country) to get rid of or stop developing their own weapons.
Posted by mikk, Monday, 28 September 2009 11:37:24 AM
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Obama is head of the UN now, so....that means the NWO is afoot. Strikes against Iran might take place after a fake attack on the US, like the 9/11.
Posted by eftfnc, Monday, 28 September 2009 12:23:59 PM
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Actually, silly as it sounds, the fanatics could launch a nuclear
attack, missile, or shipping container on the US.

The certain US retaliation would be OK because all good moslems would
be in paradise.
So whats the problem ?

Sounds silly doesn't it, well from our perspective anyway.

Whats that I have been hearing about suicide bombers ?
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 28 September 2009 1:58:07 PM
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Sometimes I find myself having to remind myself of the way things are as distinct from the way I'd idealistically like them to be.

In this regard, I had opportunity to "strike up a few conversations" with some of the diplomats when in Geneva in 2000 at the Human Rights Conference.

The impression that I gained at that time was not that some of the n.americans' behavior in the international arena is not dissaproved of, but rather that the alternatives to them are all far worse.

So, we know that the only ones to abuse offensive nuke tech is n.america. They have polluted their own rain and also large tracts of the other parts of the planet with enrichment waste dust, not to mention Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Further, they were instrumental in erecting the monster Saddam Hussein, not to mention O.B.L., and executed him before he could testify against them. And they provided biological W.M.D.'s to him to use in the war against Iran. They have of their own admission a vast array and variety of nuke weapons and as of last I heard continue in the development of same.

I would have to say that i.m.o. it is reasonable to conclude that the n.americans have very little credibility in that area of the world and their policy of do as we say and not as we do is unacceptable to many, however, Iranian rhetoric in regards to wiping Israel off the map, their own frothing at the mouth fanatical regime and the alleged treatment of their own people, coupled with 2nd generation Jewish Holocaust hysteria presents a dangerous cocktail when it comes to pointing nuke tipped rockets at other states. Nobody is very keen about it and accidents can happen.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the fruit cake cleric running Iran didn't "reason" that it was Allah's will for Iran to possess such capability and to protect this secret authorised the fraudulent keeping of Ahmanidinijad in place.
Posted by DreamOn, Monday, 28 September 2009 4:03:45 PM
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