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The Deconstruction of Wedding Vows

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G'Day all,
It is good to see that all seem a little more at ease this morning.
People want to start to see that a stay at home mum is the biggest job of all. The "Liberated" woman of today seem to think that the ones who go out & become executives & such are the "real" workers of the women. This is so far from the truth, a stay at home mum is a cook, laundry hand, cleaner, house-maid, nurse, comforter, peace-maker, arbitrator & the list goes on. Instead of society pushing the way it is to try & get these mums out of the home & into their own paid employment lets all stand together & have a total recognition of these women.
To pay professional staff to do the work of a stay at home mum & to have them on stand-by 24/7 would cost a bloody fortune.
I have no problem with femininity it is the opposite of masculinity so is required to be the partner of masculinity to keep the balance. The trouble is that society is trying to convince women that they are equal to men & push this message so that the women are becoming more like the men hence the conflicts will only grow because masculinity will not put up with itself. Music soothes the savage beast so to does a female soothe a savage man lets put a stop to unisex because it will only lead to further problems.
Thanks again for your time lets support the stay at home mums. Dave
Posted by dwg, Friday, 28 August 2009 11:33:09 AM
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Hello Dave, my job as mum with my own two was so easy compared to the influx of caseworkers I have now. Today, due to another strange fostering situation, I was honored with what the care and protection unit call a “spot check”. Bugger me they just show up out of the blue and then warn me they could come any day, any time in the future.

Like I need that! They arrive and stay for over an hour right when I want to be cooking dinner. I have another three years of this, like it or not. I have to watch other kids in my care while I sit down and concentrate on them and what they have to tell me. I was right in the middle of bathing a kid and the others were waiting for me because I’d said I’d go play ball with them.

You know why – housewives can just alter their schedules, not on the clock etc. Not as important as the working chicks.

Oh bloody hell...
Posted by The Pied Piper, Friday, 28 August 2009 8:15:58 PM
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G'Day All,
The Pied Piper, "Oh Bloody Hell" I thought that was the general jist that I was "politely" trying to point out. What do you mean "WHEN" you were a mum?, Your a carer so your role as mum hasn't ceased,
People have to recognise the importance of "the stay at home mums" & the role they play in the lives, of not only their immediate families but for all of society in general.
The way society, (to me anyway) appears to be heading is that we will have all these child care centers & mums as we Knew them will near cease & it will be a unisex world with both male & female in the work force, at both ends of the work from the lighter areas to the full physical.
We had a society that evovled around the stay at home mums & if we have a little think that is ahand me down from primitive man & mans evolution when the mother raised the children & dads & the young men when hunting etc.
With the on set of modern ideas & the inventions & man coming together in larger & larger groups dads & the young men no longer hunted they went to work to get credits or currency to buy those things. While man in his "infinite" wisdom was planning all this for the "modern" world the role of the SAHM's never really changed it just got bigger without much recognition.
Then along come all these "rights" & 'man'ipulative(smile all) groups who worked out that the way these "rights" worked whoever made the biggest noise were the ones the polititions would listen to, hence all the stupid quick fix laws we have today.
The SAHM's wanted recognition & protection through all this so marriage was woven into society to give the women sum fall back if the man up & left the woman that chose to bear his children & then be a SAHM.
Getting a bit long thanks. Dave.
Posted by dwg, Saturday, 29 August 2009 7:56:57 AM
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Marriage these days does not mean anything, Women have to much freedom and money. Not even kids can stand in the way of divorce.
I am having a long marriage, then again my wife has never worked during our married life. Catholics must be the worst people in the world, with all the rules they break. I am glad i don't have a religion to answer to.
After a few years the money problems creep in, this is with 2 people working. Instead of putting all this money to good use, they continue to live above their means, and of course the enevitable happens. The kids are the ones to suffer, for their parents greed.
Posted by Desmond, Sunday, 6 September 2009 4:19:13 PM
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Desmond, just listen carefully… no don’t look over there, Fractelle has just begun to sneer so we don’t have long, she will tear you a new orifice… see the cute chick leaning against the wall looking oh so casual, that’s Foxy and if she spots your graffiti on OLO’s wall she’ll take you down in a heartbeat… just act casual dude and follow me, keep your head down and prey Runner doesn’t notice us…hold my hand Desmond and when I say “GO!” we’re gonna run like hell for the door, I’m going to try and block Pelican and SJF but I can’t make any promises, if you’re lucky Houel will help and Anti may run some interference if he’s in the mood but CJ is likely to foot trip the bugger. If I can get you out the door Graham will stop them following.

Ready? GO!
Posted by The Pied Piper, Sunday, 6 September 2009 4:53:12 PM
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