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The Forum > General Discussion > The real reason for the NRL group sex 'scandal'

The real reason for the NRL group sex 'scandal'

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As I have pretty much ignored Antiwomen's posts recently, I shall extend that to Cornflower's similar bizarre and inane posts. Who knows (and who cares) maybe they are the one person.

Cornflower is now just concentrating on being a TROLL, and doesn't want to discuss anything related to the topic which is the now discredited and ridiculous NRL/Channel 9 management conspiracy theory put forward by Antiwomen.
Posted by Master, Sunday, 2 August 2009 4:52:33 PM
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Now let's examine how this topic has "progressed":

1) Antiwomen put forward the proposition that there was a conspiracy between the NRL and Channel 9 management to use alleged sexual attacks upon women by NRL players as a lever to position women into "unassailable" positions of power on NRL boards.

2) This ridiculous conspiracy theory was then rolled over into a gereralised, and genderised, attack against women.

3) The conspiracy theory was quickly discredited

4) The generalised attack against women (primarily by Antiwomen) continued

5) Antiwomen gained just several supporters, who gleefully joined him in his generalised attack upon women

6) As Antiwomen was clearly struggling with his attacks, he changed "tactics", and decided that I was a woman from Docs (I'm an 81 year old man)

7) He claimed that he had official dealings with me at Docs and that I was here under an assumed identity (along with about 4 or so other identities)in order to harass him and men in general. He did not explain how I was supposed to know that his screen name was "him", nor did he explain how I was supposed to know that he was on this discussion site in the first place. So yes people, he simply made up another conspiracy theory that I'm the young "female" Docs official that he had dealings with.

8) Cornflower then joined in with Antiwomen's alias conspiracy theory ( by then TOTALLY ignoring the subject of the Thread), and at every opportunity "attempted" to cast aspersions on virtually everything I said about my personal circumstances. He did this because he RESENTED my rebuttal of Antiwomen and my exposure of bad behaviour of Thugby League players. He thought if he could discredit me, then he would "WIN". That's what it's about for Cornflower - - - - WINNING. The actual "truth" is quite irrelevant to him. So in the latter parts of this thread he's become a classic TROLL. Here for one purpose only - - - - - - TROLLING.

So people, that's the state of this Thread so far.
Posted by Master, Sunday, 2 August 2009 5:55:10 PM
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“7) He claimed that he had official dealings with me at Docs and…”

I am staggered DoCS could be mentioned without me wading in with my two cents. No idea how I missed it. So why was he having any dealings with them?

Excuse me Anti (talking about you in front of you and all that)… why did that happen?
Posted by The Pied Piper, Sunday, 2 August 2009 6:37:50 PM
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Master or whoever you are

You were outed for telling outrageous, grandiose porkies to build yourself up.

That is a fair cop and don't let the door slam on your large caboose as you depart.

However if you are as compulsive as you appear to be, you will always be back in some guise or another, but easily recognisable and to be given the swerve wherever possible.
Posted by Cornflower, Sunday, 2 August 2009 6:38:43 PM
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Cornflower, what has lead to this certainty that Master is doing the "sock puppet" thing?
Posted by The Pied Piper, Sunday, 2 August 2009 9:54:01 PM
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Let's examine the histrionics of Cornflower's last post.

He wrote, " Master you were outed for telling outrageous, grandiose porkies".

Master replies (again): Let's have a look at your first false claim. My "outrageous' and "grandiose" (ho ho ho) claim was that I was a "Scout Master" in my younger days. Boy that's a really "grandiose" porkie. Cornflower, in his self righteousness claimed I was lying and that there was no such thing as a "Scout Master". Anyway, I posted a link to the history of my old scout troop which showed VERY MUCH that there was such a thing as a "Scout Master". Cornflower has since continued to totally ignore the proof and continue with his phony claim. He's even taken it to other topics here, and claims because I'm not a Christian I could not have been involved in the scouting movement. He's totally ignored my posts where I've preciously stated my wife was a Christian and my children are Christians. I also, was once a practicing Catholic, but that was long ago. Now Cornflower, in his usual sanctimonious and self righteous manner will of course declare that to be another lie. I'm sure if I gave him my marriage and baptismal certificates he'd declare them to be wicked forgeries.

Conclusion: Cornflower has NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in "facts". As I've just proven.

His "INTEREST" is to attempt to discredit a poster, via false claims.

And when PROOF is offered that shows a claim is false, he TOTALLY IGNORES IT.

I repeat - - - - HE TOTALLY IGNORES IT.

And that's why Cornflower, with his more recent posts on this topic has - - - - - -


He's now not the least bit interested in the topic subject matter (because he "knows" both he and Antiwomen haven't a leg to stand on regarding their shared anti women stance). So what has he done? He's - - - - -

Become a TROLL.

It's the ONLY weapon he has left.
Posted by Master, Monday, 3 August 2009 12:11:16 AM
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