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The Forum > General Discussion > If called ... are you willing to fight for Australia?

If called ... are you willing to fight for Australia?

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Hey, Gibo and Fellow_Human
Isn't it great that we can discuss matters without getting wired up like happens on other 'channels'.
Before I start - those maps mentioned in the thread were frequently published a few years back in the newsletters during Pauline H's time. I've seen nothing confirming they were, say, TNI issue, or proving their provenance.

Skill at Arms. It usually takes months and a fair expense in ammo to train a marksman. That has to be followed with constant practice. It costs money the ADF pretends it cannot afford and 'simulators' are being progressively adopted to replace most live-fire practice.
Back in the old days idiots like me used to pay good money to maintain skills.

My view is that the future OzSoldier will become so disorientated in a firefight that he won't be able to return effective fire and go completely to pieces if he sees chips and bits of tissue being blown away from his mate's bodies.(Not nice, but does need to be said)
And before the feminists start - what decent woman would be stupid enough to put herself at such a training/tactical disadvantage either?

"Si vis pacem para bellum", Vegetius - "If you want peace - then prepare for war." Not everyone's cup of tea but a damned sight better if, like me, you are a lover, not a fighter.
However if the urdure DID outrageously hit the propellor, wouldn't even the less aggressive of us want to defend their family and property?
Wouldn't we want to maybe PAY someone to keep the foe away?
Hell yes, and that is what the tax dollar is for.
Could that immense expenditure be reduced?
Undoubtedly - by returning Australian volunteers what is their right.
Get rid of the Howard oppression, remove the States taxation, and return the natural right of citizens to own arms and practice marksmanship in order to maintain that core defence posture.
Posted by A NON FARMER, Sunday, 5 October 2008 7:54:56 PM
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I believe youre right that those maps would have been printed up during Paulines Hansons time.
They seem to be of interest to many ordinary folk.
Im still going with my Pastors verification of the Indonesian map photo-d by his friend though.
I wouldnt say he was lying. I know him too well.

I must have written to about 4 PMs on the issue of a citizens army and of "no guns in Defence arsenals" for the citizens.
4 PMs and I might have been talking to a wall...4 of them. In the end I went to the US hoping they had some pull. Theres far too many large armies to OZ's north to leave the defence of the people to those who appear incompentant.
Posted by Gibo, Monday, 6 October 2008 6:39:12 PM
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Hi Gibo,

You are right regarding lessons of history. My point is I think youth look at wars of the past as an example of what not to do or can be avoidable.

I do agree that war can be a necessity at times but as we are learning its becoming more destructive an costly. Besides, we are learning there is more to be achieved through common dialogue, negotiations, trade relations and diplomacy. You would have to agree that China and Indonesia are our greatest markets and key pillars for our economical growth and prosperity.

Posted by Fellow_Human, Tuesday, 7 October 2008 12:04:35 AM
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Youre right entirely Fellow_Human.

As many know the thrust of my discussion on Defence is related to a time in the future when the norm of today no longer applies...and its with this in mind that I write.

This period is known to Christians as the Tribulation (7 years in length/or 3 1/2 years Tribulation and 3 1/2 years Great Tribulation)).
Its a time when theres a New World Order leader (Adolf number 2) loose in Europe and a time when theres great global conflict...i.e. in the latter part, China makes her outward march.

That time approaches.
Christians worldwide, in the millions, are watching the arrival of the Tribulation as the world economy falters and preparations are being made, quielty, to microchip the global population (the mark of the beast 666 is a good site).
This chipping/marking system can be found in Revelation 13:16-18 and 14:9-11.
Its will be the new economy and we are not to take it... Revelation 14:9-11.

Back to Defence...
Understanding the Defence needs of Australia is quite easy.

All we have to do is pick up The Holy Bible and turn to the great asian army called THE KINGS OF THE EAST (also on the net) and "back-plan" from that point.
200 Million soldiers are going to pour out of the Far East and move across asia towards Israel (Revelation 9:16 and 16:12).
Many prophecies and visions to the Christian churches of Australia speak about a "southern movement" down into Australia.
For this we have to plan.
Every revelation Ive come across in 16 years (I collect prophecies) speaks about the sins of the people as to why God would allow an invader.
Australia needs to repent of her sin and engage Christian revival to secure her future.
This...all we committed Christians know as the truth.
Christian revival must happen... to get God on Australias side.
Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 7 October 2008 7:15:18 AM
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"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil - for, as it happens, I AM the meanest S.O.B. in that valley" is a line borrowed from somewhere that my firstborn son and his peers were proud to impart to anyone silly enough to stand still long enough to listen.

Neither were they all particularly mean though some of them were very good. Good in the sense of being as decent and forthright as our age allows but particularly in doing their best to be professional within the limit of the resources made available to them from an incredibly stingy government.

They were, as some might still be, 'Choccos', Reservists, Militia - as some regulars might put it - a WOFTAM.
This thread is about volunteers - correct. So I salute the Reservists.

What is the reward from a grateful nation for being a 'good reservist', say in the Light Infantry.
A few cloth badges, a little white metal badge modelled on the defective rifle we bought from Austria, and a 'gong', a circular lump of the same white metal grudgingly supplied the 'applicant' after five years service.

What a collosal joke that Australia issues a gleaming 'Combat Ready Badge' that portrays a rifle that is generally replaced by an M16 for any serious OzSoldier in any serious scenario.
Why not just provide a black miniature M16 for the combat ready badge?
Why mention this?
I need to say it for my son. He's dead since 13/12/2004 after getting sick at exercise Croc 99 at Shoalwater.
He was ARes for 12 years until about 2003.

Grateful parents were finally provided his 5 year service medal just after Anzac day, 2008.
Stap me. Its supposed to be a democracy.

Fight for Australia? Maybe.
If Howard/Rudd/Turnbull returned Australia to Australians - then that might be acceptable.
Posted by A NON FARMER, Wednesday, 8 October 2008 8:14:03 PM
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Sorry about your son A NON FARMER. Life has some sad knocks from time to time. Our family numbers likewise have diminished in recent years leaving much unhappiness yet some hope through our relationship with The Lord.

Im flaggergasted regarding stingy governments and how cheaply they hold the lives of Australians.
Money flies off in all directions from budgets... and Defence gets the scraps.
Not that Defence is all that bright anyway?
For years Ive watched the purchase of junk, much second hand from America, and the manufacture of our own failure equipment.
Does Over-the-Horizon radar even work? And thats a billion dollars or more.

To me an invasion is inevitable.

Ive seen too many Prophecies and "Words Of Knowledge" through the laying-on-of-hands; and Visions from the Holy Spirit over the past 25 or more years given to strong Bible-believing Christians who steadfastly recorded what Jesus Christ gave them...pastors and worthy believers... who had a part to play in telling this wayward nation about the consequences of her sin... not to believe in an asian invasion being Allowed by God.

Its coming.
A half wit can see what China is doing.
Shes building to take on the US and then move into the Sth East Asia region.

...and Indonesia...well shes always sniffing away with her plans to make OZ, above Townsville Queensland, Islamic.
Islam will have many agents in OZ helping with that take-over.
Posted by Gibo, Thursday, 9 October 2008 8:22:26 AM
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