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That baby whale
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Posted by Nicky, Sunday, 31 August 2008 12:38:34 AM
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And to get back to the topic of this thread"-
Statement from Captain Paul Watson "We view the life of every Humpback whale as valuable and if anything can be done to save the life of this young baby Humpback than we encourage and support every effort to ensure that he survives. I would propose finding a small cove, inlet or bay to keep Colin safe and then attempting to feed Colin with a mixture of krill and small fish. Finding whale milk is difficult if not impossible. If Colin is old enough to be weaned then this could work. It is of course an awesome task to care for and provide life saving care to a whale. It truly is a whale of a task but we can’t be faulted for trying, just for refusing to try. Australians have an opportunity to demonstrate that they do not just talk about saving whales but that they are prepared to do whatever it takes to protect them, including this little orphan. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society wishes to work with the governments both Federal and State, the media, other groups and concerned Australian citizens to mobilize an effort to save Colin. We can do this!" Captain Paul Watson Posted by Nicky, Sunday, 31 August 2008 12:41:20 AM
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*PALE, no animal advocacy group is directing people not to eat meat, as I have pointed out countless times before.
Posted by Nicky, Nicky I have let you off lightly ,in the past with your outragous statements, and tried, to point out that, we have the concern of animals in common.' It must be two years now- or is it three. We didnt come into this forum to debate the difference in animal welfare groups. We came in to draw attention to farmers that we can do it another way- and the public. It would be clear to everybody that pale are people concerned for animal welfare even if they have no interested in the subject. Nicky shall we examine your statements? Lets start with this one.= *no animal advocacy group is directing people not to eat meat,* ~Nicky that simply is untrue.~ And this one >*They oppose cruelty,* Who are they Nicky? Please be clear. Also how do you know what *they* rely on when you keep telling us you are not a member of any groups and work alone? Lets take another look at that statement again shall we? *PALE, no animal advocacy group is directing people not to eat meat, as I have pointed out countless times before.* Such arrogance and ignorance Nicky. You really dont have a clue do you. Because Nicky your either being led up the garden path by *they* or your back peddling on the forum only. We were very unpopular for working in conjunction with RSPCA QLD and supporting them. Before we decided to go that way we looked at all the options. However at the end of the day RSPCA are the animal welfare body of this country. Our CEO along with Hugh has always said the biggest problem with Animal Welfare in Australia is the fact other groups work against us We agree and contnue to support ALL Animal Welfare groups and members of the public concerned for Animal Welfare. Its nice to see support Free Range Farmers now up on some web now sites. Well done. Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 31 August 2008 8:27:53 AM
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Thanks for that info. Am somewhat intrigued by your name Yabby, we know of yabbies to be fresh water crayfish or craybobs I have visited WA once, for a wedding, and stayed for a week near the coast, down south. The kids there were talking about Marron,so I just assumed that was your local name for craybobs. Nicky My involvement with live exporters was only as an occasional seller of sheep. My main activity was beef cattle and fat lambs. Pale I am shocked to hear of such treatment of chooks in Aus. I can't imagine such happening in a commercial killing facility. Can you give more details please and is it vetinary approved? What does the RSPCA have to say about it? Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 31 August 2008 12:23:42 PM
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Banjo, yup Marron are in the South West, but there are 90'000
farm dams in WA and a great many of them contain yabbies, as they are tough little critters and can survive where marron can't. They also taste really good :) I am interested in biology and from that aspect alone, they are fascinating creatures. See a dam as an ecosystem and nature takes its course, the fittest survive. Yabbies are actually highly cannabilistic, if natural food gets short and their survival is at stake. If you feed them, they are quite different, become very placid and content and seem to get along much better. A bit like humans really :) So if you want to understand basic evolution theory, you need no more then a farm dam. Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 31 August 2008 1:06:51 PM
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PALE, thank you so much for "letting me off lightly"; I shall sleep far more easily for that.
"They" are the public websites of (for example) Animals Australia, Animal Liberation, WSPA, CIWF, PETA and like groups. I do not need to be personally informed by them and do not communicate directly with them (yet again!). None is directing people not to eat meat, although they do, in some cases, present alternatives. It would be strategically unsound if they did anything else, since they rely on public donations, and the vast majority of their members would not be vegetarian/vegan. I suggest you update your reading of THEIR websites. There is nothing "extreme" about any of that. PALE, on the other hand, has the websites I have described earlier, and makes a habit of describing animals as "stock", "livestock" and "beasts", which are not terms generally used by genuine animal advocates. Probably none of them chose to get involved in your slaughterhouse venture (although we never hear the truth about all that, just wild accusations) because of that sort of ethos and the clear parallel between PALE and a (money-making) slaughtering outfit, but also because it appears to have gone nowhere. I am aware that Wirthless made that particular comment, but since his personal credibility is sadly lacking I doubt if anyone took much notice. It's not unlike his using RSPCA funds to hire security guards because some RSPCA Victoria volunteers and vet students were so frustrated with him that they threw a bit of water based paint over him at a function. Conversely, your RSPCA Queensland CEO informed me that he works collaboratively with a number of Queensland groups, and ranked PALE to be of no greater significance than that. It is unfortunate that the RSPCA is (largely) responsible for animal welfare in this country, since it is the only legislation to be enforced by a charity which in many cases, lacks either the will and/or ability to do the job. BTW, what did you do with that evidence you claimed to have about the chickens? Nicky Posted by Nicky, Sunday, 31 August 2008 1:42:05 PM
Conversely, the websites of Animals Australia, and PETA (just two examples) while also campaigning against live exports, also promote a frozen meat trade but without any implied financial gain from slaughtering animals. Can you not see the distinction? And no-one particularly cares whether you do or do not work "in conjunction with RSPCA Queensland" - so far as I know, no-one has ever expressed any ill-feeling towards that organization. In fact, I suspect that none of them could care less. The RSPCA is a bit short on credibility, I'm afraid (speaking of millions of dollars of funding and what should be done with it)
I would also suggest that it is not for you to be telling these organizations what they should be doing with their funds, and that it would certainly not be in the millions of dollars - in this country anyway. That is the sort of bullying behaviour I have earlier described.
Finally, I have no concerns about my credibility, nor about "playing into Yabby's hands"; I have no interest in debating him any longer and hearing the same claptrap and gender based insults any more. But you go knock yourself out if you want to persevere with arguing against his gospel according to LiveCorp/MLA.