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Another downward step....

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"Rape Dance video shocks Memphis Community"

By now most of you would possibly have heard about this on the news.

KEY QUESTION. "Is this an 'isolated' attention grabbing exercise" or.. is it a serious litmus test of social depravity?

To me, speaking from my position on MIUAUG, it is yet another example of the downward slide of social and moral degradation which is the absolutely predictable outcome of the absence of clear moral values in society.

Enduring Moral values are directly connected to Spiritual values.

But that aside, how many were a little concerned when 'Dirty Dancing' came out? I was.. I cannot see the point or value in doing something described as 'dirty' and then popularizing it.

So..we have gone from 'Barn Dance/Waltz to 'Rock n Roll' Dirty to RAPE dancing. Not that I ever had a quarrel with the good ol progressive barn dance.

Whats the 'next' step? ... perhaps 'Devil Dancing' ? Its not so far fetched as you might think.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 17 May 2008 12:25:51 PM
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Ah ha!
Puppets via a dark puppeteer!
Its always "the beat" that satan gets them through.
If they knew the Bible and what was going on in the spirit world they would be ashamed of their behaviour.
What a decline in moral standards all over the world since WW2 as the devil changed "the beat" towards sexual immorality.
Are you a personal embarrassment to yourself by the music you listen to?
Dark music creates dark hearts.
Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 17 May 2008 1:28:24 PM
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“Enduring Moral values are directly connected to Spiritual values.”

Not necessarily, I would consider myself a “moral” person but my “morality” will be different to yours because I probably consider more things a private individual matter than something for public criticism.

As for spiritual values, I would consider myself a very “unspiritual” person, having little to no interest in such things.

So I do not consider my morality to be the product of or dependent upon my spirituality in any way at all.

As for dirty dancing, that was nothing, I watched a couple give an exhibition of tango once. It was one of the most erotic performances I have ever seen, using the “as close as possible without actually touching” technique to instill an overt sexual tension between the dancers. Compared to them, Dirty Dancing was like “afternoon tea with grandma” but had they been there, I would not have been embarrassed in watching those tango dancers with my daughters.
I guess, I do not see sex or sexuality as something dirty or to be repressed.
I see it as one of the many expressions of human emotion.

Of course, watching such displays does not incite me to go and inflict my lust upon the nearest female, I have more self control than that.

Gibo “What a decline in moral standards all over the world since WW2 as the devil changed "the beat" towards sexual immorality.”

And blues musicians are the high priests?
Posted by Col Rouge, Saturday, 17 May 2008 2:18:38 PM
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Thanx Gibo.. yep.. Satan is certainly a factor. said:

I guess, I do not see sex or sexuality as something dirty or to be repressed. I see it as one of the many expressions of human emotion.

Shock horror, I'm sure Gibo and definitely myself totally agree with you......
The issue here is not about 'sex' or our sexual side, but of its distortion (by our values) in the shameless public act of simulating.... remember now.. RAPE.

I'm thinking your 'wowser alarm' was buzzing there :) Now.. its not about 'sex is dirty' its about RAPE is evil!

Yes.. we would probably differ about the limits to sex, for us, for example, we hold dear the value of it being a man and woman in marriage. We believe this is the safest place for it.
I'm sure you wouldn't feel comfortable for one of my unbeliever mates who indulges in 'student sponsorship' to partake of one of ur daughters working part time at some 'residence' to boost up her disposable income.... would u? Interestingly, HE also didn't relish the thought of his daughters (he has 2) doing that, yet he was doing it with someone elses daughter.

I think, if we remembered the preciousness, fragility and vulnerability of our children and grandchildren, during their first few months of life, how utterly dependant they are on us.. and how we shelter, protect and feed we want what is best for them....perhaps we should all seek to bring these things to our hearts re grown up people? Even in moments of disagreement, we can still hold people dear.
Ginx.. u there? :) I was speaking 'spiritually' on the cancer thing..not literally, and there's always hope.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 17 May 2008 3:51:32 PM
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Well we knew that fundies disapprove of sex because it might lead to dancing, and also that they regard rock'n'roll as the devil's music.

Personally, I'm more concerned with the casual use of terms like "rape" and "ho" than I am with kids groping each other with their clothes on.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 17 May 2008 4:51:59 PM
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"Enduring Moral values are directly connected to Spiritual values."

David, if you really believe this why are you constantly hammering away at Muslims and interpreting the Koran to suit your argument while ignoring the ambiguity in the Christian bible?

Moral values may have been moulded by spirituality over the centuries but they can endure without supernatural belief.

I agree with you that rape is abhorrent and we agree that there is room for improvement in some areas as regards moral values particularly in relation to children. But to suggest that lack of spirituality is to blame while the whole world is currently obsessed with religion is simplistic. The US projects the image of spirituality but this is not reflected in its actions or behaviours - the real test of morality (invasion of Iraq just for starters).
Posted by pelican, Saturday, 17 May 2008 4:59:54 PM
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