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NSW Power Sell or not?

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What we have is the unions belief that at the conference they would overide the government and this is why they have been saying it will not happen.

Before the state election i had said this would happen, also writing to the ACTU, Greg Combet , media and unions but they where not interested that this could not happen.

We have Rudd backing the sale

We have Keating backing the sale

We have Carr backing the sale

Where are all these federal MP's, Hiding as they are just bending over.
Looks like i will have to buy them some cream.

So why are the unions still supporting these people.

Why because they are hypocrites and nothing more.

This is the thing i have kept asking but not getting the answer.

Those from the parties are too scared to really put it on the line and stand for the people.

The people deserve more than just claytons parties and unions.

Like i said before "I told you so"

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Tuesday, 6 May 2008 8:36:57 PM
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TAPP have you counted the people who regularly talk to you here?
Can you not understand it does not matter who among the past or present ALP leaders support this sale it is a state issue?
That Costa and mad Morris can fix it now?
Do you not understand your blast that unions support it over the past 3 months is so very foolish?
It however is not, no way, be honest Stu just unions vs these rejects.
It was the party's rank and file who got rolled.
Rudd? you surely must understand he is not the issue?
How can you run a party that does not understand for the time being Rudd is just what a massive number of voters want?
Including me for the present Brendon Nelson is as far from political reality as you Stu, truly as unlikely to rule as you are to ever win a seat for your party, even if it was in a raffle!
I am away for another day till Thursday not hiding from you but note this event marks a historic turning point.
Who mans the polling booths? who knocks on the doors? a party ruled by two men is no party.
Conference may as well have been at the races I would have liked to see R S Dye ride into second place my horse rather than these two ride my party into the ground.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 7 May 2008 3:52:21 AM
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I am interested in knowing whether the foreseen gap in capability of meeting NSW demand for electricity arises because of anticipated demand imposed by the intended Kurnell desalination facility. In other words, WITHOUT the Kurnell desalination, would NSW be facing any power shortage as early as 2014?

Is this supply gap only in relation to PEAK demand?

Do not mistake these questions as implying opposition to the idea of seawater desalination as an at least partial, and indeed climate independent, solution to metropolitan water shortage. It is just that it seems as if the Kurnell project may be the wrong sort of desalination, in the wrong place, using the wrong sort of energy, and wasting a major by-product (presently seen as a potential pollutant), the relatively more concentrated brine produced.

The concentrated brines capable of being produced by using waste heat desalination are the basis of one of the most cost-efficient forms of solar heat collection, solar pondage. The prospect exists of accumulating enough of such brines during the remaining life of the existing coal-fired capacity to totally replace coal and/or natural gas leaving solar radiation as the energy source for round-the-clock NSW electricity generation. The Hunter region is not unfavourable for solar pondage heat collection.

I understand that new generating capacity to fill the foreseen gap in electricity supply (irrespective of the reason for such gap) is to take the form of natural gas fired generators to be co-located with existing coal-fired capacity at Vales Point and/or Eraring, and the existing reticulation network used to distribute this power. The proposed energy source is thus still fossil-based thermal, merely being arguably 'cleaner'.

Given that 'peak oil' is claimed to exist, that energy costs can seemingly only rise dramatically, and that 'coal is bad!', what wisdom exists in the NSW government abandoning a position from which it can co-ordinate orderly transition to the most desirable, non-pollutant, inexhaustable, and inexpensive, energy source?

Time for the 'pre-selected elites' of the NSW Parliament, and the ALP caucus in particular, to rethink?
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Wednesday, 7 May 2008 9:10:05 AM
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Poor ole belly

Still dont get it

You didnt complain when they stuck their noses in at state and local branches for the federal election.

You's didnt mind when he stuck his nose in at the state conference.

But you's dont care what he says about the power sell off.


Also no one wants to debate due to doing as they are told due to party dictatorship, no free will. Also some of them may just see the point i am making, dont forget to clean your tongue.

How are those overseas shirts going that you all bought.

This is why we have so much trouble in Aus the unions and labor always winging about local jobs but what do they do, get their stuff from overseas sweatshops.

We also now have treasury report saying that removing awa's will create job losses.

What the unions and labor said this would not happen.

Oh thats right i also said it would cost jobs.

So how much longer are the unions going to keep up with these lies, sooner or latter the people will work this out and the unions and labor well, back at the bottom again.

I write what i think, hear and see,

not what i am told to think and see.

By the way how many shares are the unions going to take, since it is the peoples power stations of NSW.

Some of us know that labor did well out off the sale of the commonwealth bank, another kick in the teeth to the people by labor and the unions.

I may one day have respect for the unions but not until they go to court with the alp over the hiding of child sexual abuse and the hiding of child physical abuse.

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Wednesday, 7 May 2008 1:58:54 PM
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I have been able to keep up only via news papers but some things are clear.
I go on record saying every thing I post are my views not my union or party's.
Morris Costa, and those who support the sale betray the party first.
They betray the union movement, yes Stu including me who worked so hard to win the seat you love to refer to.
No one can ignore the long term nature of the damage they have done , to the NSW party machine and just maybe nationally.
Let us get this clear UNIONS are not trying to control the party, while unions can be blamed for not rebutting that lie it is not true.
Without one single vote from a union delegate the vote would have been the same.
In ten years privately owned power will cost more.
Service will be worse.
Each of those ten years will not see that 1.5 billion dollars returned in profit to the state.
In ten years that annual profit may be equal to the cost price per year, true frightening but true.
We will have long ago spent the sale price who makes up the annual loss?
Forget the nearly racist ideas China will own our power, the fact we will not is what matters.
I am not fighting because of job loss or lower wages, both matter but if it was good for the state why not?
I am not fighting for union power but rank and file party power against the rank and vile who claim ownership of my party.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 9 May 2008 5:46:46 AM
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If this day Morris Iemma walked on stage arm in arm with a true man of merit John Robinson and said we have an agreement it would not be over.
This scar is a lasting one, right now you can be assured a conservative dressed as Ronald Macdonald would win an election.
The question has been raised but here it is again, why have a conference?
Why have Branch's?
True far too many are in the hands of a few who farm membership so only their views are heard why be concerned at changing them?
Just disband them, we do not listen to them.
Look at the lost millions in NSW rail who ignored that theft?
Privatized roads eating public owned ones to get higher profits for some?
Ex ministers working for banks that build our infrastructure?
Maybe combatants in this fight waiting for those same employers to call?
Is their room in my party for a train driver today?
Yes we need change union and party we need change it is my true view unions should consider talking to the party about to rule NSW not the party who will not listen.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 9 May 2008 5:59:50 AM
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