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NSW Power Sell or not?

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Forrest great post every word true, Bazz too Stu are you aware of the impacts of my fight?
I could be thrown out of my job and my party?, but you under value our fight maybe do not understand we have already won.
While both sides if they could would sell let me ask this question.
Addicted to poker machine tax's in fact gambling income in all forms sold or selling every thing we once owned what is the purpose of government?
No way I want soft socialism but why not at least try to get better outcomes from rail, power, hospitals schools?
Why not be the first state[it must come] that mandates better use of power.
If half the office lights had to be turned of at night, if smaller local- power stations are built so many ifs.
This weekend is not one of radical unionists taking action, not greedy workers wanting more.
It is forced on us by dead set lies a fight for every one who uses and currently owns NSW power.
I remind my party as it looks for a way to back down it is the end of taking working people for granted.
Of forgetting the history of the party, like it or not some ex unionists sit in the House growing fat.
All over this state at this time this early morning workers get ready to go to work wifes know it will be hard to make to days pay packet last the full week and another foreign owned bill was about to rise power.
In advance thanks for every one who stands for social justice this weekend
Morris mate it is time, true you may look good in the members bar but it is too late to remake your self so soon after workchoices your words grate on my nerves see ya.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 2 May 2008 4:35:12 AM
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Well we all know what thought thought and the unions are finding it in their pants.

Seems there conferance has put some bad smells into the air and now maybe the unions should start looking at the people and not ALP conferences.

But wait what a pack of hypocrites they are, the jeered the premier but when it came to Rudd, who has given his backing for the sale they all praised him.

What they want their cake and to eat it too.

Like i said before the state election this would happen but hey what can i say but,


So when it comes to the workers and the people, well you are only collateral damage for them.

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Sunday, 4 May 2008 6:04:33 PM
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I am back from conference I took part in the debate and heard every word until 1 pm today.
Here are my honest thoughts.
If not one unionist vote was counted the idea would still have been rejected massively numbers prove it.
The debate was intense and clearly in every detail won by the no vote, some claims for the yes vote are clearly lies.
Saturday we wore our no sale t shirts, Sunday they stayed in our rooms, we truly thought the engine room of the whole Australian Labor Party the NSW branch had been heard.
That while damage had been done and we needed to rebuild we had been heard and No one would override the party's intent.
Remember this was the party that spoke the people union and non union who delivered 10 new federal seats and Morris Emma's victory.
No doubt we did cheer with joy Rudd we remember workchoices and float high with his achievements Saying sorry workchoices so very many things in just 5 months..
Watch and understand however the implications of yesterday, history may record this day as the day Labor told its party it was now owned by two men not its rank and file.
Stu you need help, no aimless insult truth, unions are backed into a corner, this action sees no other outcome than a fight if we do not if we fold we say we are no longer part of the party ever, just its slaves.
If not one of us voted NSW would still reject this traitors act, because it is wrong, no over seas government wants to buy our power for charity reasons.
The ALP is its own property, never meant to be the private property of its parent the union movement.
This is of such importance that we may look back to this day as the day we remembered family's can have more than one child.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 4 May 2008 10:39:24 PM
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While many in my party will be more than upset with me I know without doubt this is bigger than all of us.
It is as big as workchoices.
I urge every one who owns a yellow t shirt from this campaign to bring them out as a mocking tool.
Get the names of Iemma and his mates on them as if autographed and wear them
We can talk about solidarity and the need to protect the party , to come together and heal but not yet not till Costa and Morris are memory's, not until others know we are a democratic party not private property.
While joy is my feelings about our federal government I am not sure even that a country conference of the NSW ALP will even be held in Port Macquarie this November.
The debate is two fold is the ALP a Democratic one?
And can just a handful truly say party policy is not a reason to change their intent to sell this states property.
Well in truth thirdly what have you done Morris? what is the real reason you want to sell?
What is so important that you are prepared to destroy the Engine of the Australian Labor Party?
If unions lay down, if the party lays down the damage will never be fixed the only way out is saying good by to Iemma and Costello very soon tell me another healing tool.
Robo would be a great leader for this state his is the man to again lead in a fight against a new government who has no respect for us.
No intent to hear the peoples voice, who will man those booths?
No need for party meetingS if we are not heard no need for door knocking no booths no room for us in a private property ALP.
one branch JUST ONE voted for the sale.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 4 May 2008 11:02:33 PM
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I am not a member of any political party, so I cannot lay claim to detailed knowledge of the respective rules that may apply to party members in general, or members of the ALP in particular. I am nevertheless curious as to what the overwhelming vote against sale of NSW electricity generation business recorded at the NSW State Conference of the ALP on 3 May 2008 means in terms of how NSW parliamentary members of the ALP may now act.

Assuming that all necessary legislation to permit this sell-out has already been quietly passed by the NSW Parliament (as I suspect it may have been), there would presumably be nothing in the ordinary course of events that either rank-and-file party members, nor even an overwhelming majority of ALP members of the State parliament, could now do to prevent the government going ahead with this deal if the gang of two (or is it more?) are determined to do so.

Where would members of the NSW Parliamentary ALP stand if en-masse, and perhaps together with some opposition members, they voted no confidence in the government over this issue? If its only Iemma and Costa that really want the sell-out, that would appear to be a bearable sacrifice for a new ALP government to make. Those members surely wouldn't all face expulsion, in the light of the overwhelming party membership vote, would they? I mean, if ever there was a time when such a parliamentary coup could safely be undertaken with respect to retention of government, it is against the scenery provided by the present 'opposition'.

And if ever there was a time when such a rebellion against a 'pre-selected elite' in NSW politics was necessary, with respect to retention of genuine future electoral support, it is against the scenery provided by the present 'opposition'.

I'm not trying to create mischief in asking these questions. I guess if anything I'm trying to suggest our whole national political agenda has been hijacked. Glad you had the opportunity to see it at first hand.
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Monday, 5 May 2008 7:24:09 AM
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Forest Gump,
From what Iemma has said the legislation is in preparation
and will be presented to Parliament when complete.

It is at that time that members can vote for or against.
If the measure is defeated, then a vote of no confidence could be taken.

If passed, then the premier must/should go to the governor and submit
his resignation and advise who might be able to form a government.

Of course the labour parliamentary members could unseat the premier in
a caucus meeting. He would remain a member of parliament.

From memory, I think there have been a number of reports that we have
to install a lot more generation capacity or we will be in for
frequent blackouts. The whole idea may be to unload the responsibility
for the coming blackouts onto private companies.

I am not very sympathetic to the labour party but
I think the party members have it right in the coming circumstances.

It is like the selling off of resources companies to Chinese
Government organisations, they will export to China only and leave
nothing for Australia or any other country.
Of course the electricity could not be exported, but in a time of
peak resources we need public control of any rationing that may be needed.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 5 May 2008 7:58:12 AM
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