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Trade Unions in Decline?

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You make a big mistake. Now we need the Unions more than in the past as neo conservatives, and corporations attack aggressively on labors rights, as the international environment becomes more dangerous for labors rights, cheap important products close the local industries, big industries move to undeveloped countries with cheap wages and not limits on their activities,as more people will live much more years adding huge costs to labors, as the costs of (oil is going to finish) power go up, and production costs go up, as the climate change has started to create many kinds of problems on our planet, as new technologies could create new standards and values, living back labors and our brothers from undeveloped countries.
The new union movement needs high IQ well educated labor fighters ready to carry their cross to labor's Golgotha.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Thursday, 17 April 2008 12:05:34 PM
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Antonius S. 2 points. Protection from unfettered capitalism, yes; Protectionism, no. I don't see my kids and their friends ever buying the Collectivist ideal, they've far too much self belief.

Belly, I can see one opening for the Unions in Construction- that of cheap providers of training for tickets- what the Unions then do depends on their ability to provide what their members want.

Elsewise Belly, perhaps Rudds success has hastened the fall in union membership- people now think that they are 'protected'? 90,000pa equals 1800/week equals 360/day!
Posted by palimpsest, Thursday, 17 April 2008 7:47:06 PM
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You would think that. You always do. This is the problem.
I ask you to click on here and think about your support for this trade.

Now as far as doing something to bring migrants in belly= No it isnt us who could be anbassitors for this- It is you.

The old ALP needs to stand up before its gone.

I dont see why my pointing out something about ALP or Rudd should hurt you personally. After all hes not your brother.

We are simply doing our job and I told you Howard copped worse.

However Belly I wont back down from what I know personally.

I am sincerly sorry if our comments cause you personal distress hopwever have you ever once listended to them and considered maybe in regards we know best.

I can tell you ALP operate differently from Howard. I can tell you this from personal expereice .

For god sake look at those pictures and believe me we along with RSPCA have much worse- and ask yourself is it asking too much to just kill these creatures here.

We need migrants to come and work in abattoirs .

It is the only trade in this country to have special conditions put on it making it impossible pretty much to get the migrants in.

Now no migrants no vaule adding for raw material= Less need for unions on work sites.

You could stand up for the migrants who are desperate to come here to work.

Dont fall for the tricks of being told these peoople are underpaid- thats just politics talking belly.

They get three times more - pluss than they would back home.

Thats why they want to come and work.

This is the truth!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 17 April 2008 8:47:15 PM
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PALE I will not continue to talk to you on side issues , your task in convincing the world of your groups worth is harder than mine in defending unions.
Tomorrows unions indeed todays must train officials nation wide one set of rules one way of working.
It is not good enough to have the best delegates or even mates get the job.
Union like any business must have the best in those jobs, failures should be removed ASAP lost members are forever.
To let delegates who use the system for self advancement remain in place betrays unionism and members.
A great many of todays IR managers and OHand S leaders are ex union officials.
Some flexibility in the wages officials are paid must come, it is near weekly that offers to jump ship come to the best.
Fee base is in place to charge less to casuals, in fact the worst affected and most growing number in construction, yet we do not use it?
Casual charges for casuals , understanding of the very real and horrible life they lead will grow numbers.
First target is complex enough not grow numbers but face the changing world and find new ways to service membership.
Unions will survive , they will thrive, some of them.
The first in an industry to be brave enough to cut fees and take service to a higher level will be the one to stay alive.
I a life long member of the ALP think unions will gain more from being at arms length from the party we gave birth to.
They are having no problems do just that to us.
No plea to become more radical but more inclusive if our claims are just conservative governments may be no harder to deal with than our runaway child the ALP.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 18 April 2008 5:33:21 AM
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I need to address a few issues AS mate you seem truly to find more wrong than right with my country indeed it is now your country too .
Do many understand union member ship is about daily issues? like the big brand salad shop that insists young girls work unpaid 1 hour a day cutting that days salad rolls?
Or that married woman I spoke of in another thread who now works for $5 an hour in a grocery shop and some out of date goods?
If we left the Field would it get better or worse?
ACTU in my view firmly held defended forever evidence unions have much room for improvement!
The elected head was miss use of union power, just to show one union could walk over its members and all unions.
The best candidate stood out a lone figure unchallenged Robo the head of unions NSW yet miss use of members power by a few continues?
It is clear RObert you see a union movement that in my view does not exist, yes we have unions even now that import British ideas even leadership but they are in decline and I have no problems in saying not to my taste.
Look to our best not the worst in judging us future prime minister Bill Shorten like some current leadership of his union are the real face of Australian unions not grumpy men with old dead ideals.
Unions there is a difference and I am proud of that.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 18 April 2008 5:52:55 AM
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Belly said

Question to you ,

AS mate you are indeed an ambassador for migrants, ...

Pale answered belly

PALE I will not continue to talk to you on side issues ,...
Pale comments

Belly YOU asked a question

Belly said
Pale I will not contiune to talk of side issues.

Pale reponds

belly well, dont ASK the question in the first place

The link we put up in answering your question was not ours but the RSPCA

If you had one once of deceny in your body you would be horrified by what the rspca has presented to Rudd and his Government.

You are working against your own kind the AMIUE who for years have been complaining of jobs taken off sure and barbaric cruelty.

What I am saying is bring in the workers with trade skills. Bring in the migrants that can work. We have for many years supported AMIEU unlike yourself.

You dont support your own people.

This is the real problem with unions turning on each other.


These are "real men" who stand up not suck up.

"The Truth About Live Exports - for more information click here..........Why Life Exports are Wrong "

More Deception from a Prime Minister who is only concerned about one job -HIS!!

The Rudd Government must render the Workchoice legislation to the By Products of Australian history!

Click on this link for for what it really means........

AMIEU members at November 15th Protest Rally

The AMIEU (WA Branch) joined hundreds of thousands of workers throughout Australia, in the first of many actions, designed to focus public attention on ....

Live Exports - what the papers are saying!

Interested in seeing how the press are reporting this disgusting trade?
Real men stand up like AMIUE union members for the same reason.

We have migrants coming into this country that need work.

We need them to feed us. We require skilled labour in the regional areas to keep this country going.

Rudd wants to contiune the coruption

Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Friday, 18 April 2008 7:26:19 AM
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