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Problems with 'Human Rights'

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When a society has to put into law what is "a right" we have failed as humanity to understand our responsibilities toward each other. It is then a sad commentary on the society that they have failed to educate and demonstrate to the young their human responsibilities.

As Foxy has quoted from Kate Gilmore, National Director, Amnesty International, on our common humanity.
"In the Bible its expression is 'Love thy neighbour as yourself'; in the Koran it is'no one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself; in the Talmud 'regard your neighbour's gain as your own gain and your neighbour's loss as your own loss', and in Buddhism it finds expression in terms such as 'hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful."

If all were educated in this divine responsible attitude toward others, others rights would be met without enforcement by laws. Love is not defined by law, and to enforce such is not love but enforced tolerance. Such a law defines a disobedient attitude toward God and a frustrated society. Litigious action becomes the nature of such a society - I want to be loved and accepted. Instead I'll get a pound of your flesh as a form of justice
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 10 February 2008 4:11:38 PM
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Foxy, "It has just occurred to me - why do we react to anything this man has to say"

Boazy and others of his ilk will never be swayed by reason or truth but hopefully others who may be taken in by his tactics might be less inclined to be swayed if rebuttals are available.

There were some survey results published a while ago that suggested that posters on this site are massively outnumbered by those who read but don't post. Some of those may not be familiar with Boazy's tactics. Boazy weaves just enough truth into his campaigns to make them appear plausable. He plays to fears that are already out there.

CJ Morgan, TurnLeftThenRight, Vanilla, yourself and others who take the effort to show Boazy's claims for what they are will never shift Boazy's views but they may save others from stumbling down that path.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 10 February 2008 8:30:59 PM
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Dear Robert,

Thanks for your insight.

You're right of-course.

What I find so abhorrent is his constant
selective quotes from the Bible, to back the venom that's
coming out of his mouth
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 10 February 2008 10:04:27 PM
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FOXY and gang.... :)

seriously... there is a big problem here.

THE ISSUE. (which I truuuuuly would love an answer to)

"Who's 'rights' prevail" ?

Let's use the Muslim taxi drivers as the prime example because this is not an isolated, remote issue, it is world wide. (google it)

Stop attacking ME...and start with the ISSUE.. how many times do I have to say this b4 it sinks in...?

1/ A Muslim Taxi religious sensibilities? (which are lawfully abrogated when he signs a driver contract OR is issued a licence)

2/ A blind citizen with a guide dog, who seeks the service of a taxi under the laws of the land, and in compliance with the conditions of any taxi licence issued BY that land who's laws they all live under?

I've yet to see any of you 'bigots' answer this. I use the word 'bigot' because you clearly don't see or are deliberately ignoring the issue... using words like 'troll-don't feed him' are useless... because there is an important issue of social justice at stake.

SOCIAL JUSTICE...! yes..that's what it's about. How DARE some whacko religious group make a 'fatwa' which seeks to overide the laws of the land which rather than hurling them into some dissenters dungeon actually allows them to rave on..... The most any of them can do, is work withIN the democratic frame work to change the law.. lawfully.
(Which of course lead me to a whole other area of interest but I'll resist the temptation to woffle about that now)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 11 February 2008 7:12:48 AM
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You are living proof that the people with the least to say, say it most often
Posted by FrankGol, Monday, 11 February 2008 9:29:20 AM
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boaz: "and start with the ISSUE.. how many times do I have to say this b4 it sinks in...?"

I'm asking myself the same question. I've pointed it out before boaz - the things of which you speak are minor disagreements in culture.

These disagreements have been happening throughout history, and are an inevitable part of human life where multiple cultures exist.

We get it boaz. I see your constant capitals, saying things like: CULTURAL CLASHES! EROSION OF OUR WAY OF LIFE! THE ISSUE! How many times must I say it, we are at THREAT! The Qu'ran promotes VIOLENCE! PEDOPHILES! TERRORISM! BOMBERS! ATTACKS ON FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

Ad nauseum. I'm hearing it. I just think it's bulldust, and it's not because I'm ignoring the conspiracy of which you speak, and it's not because you're some lone voice of reason, standing against the impending onslaught of another culture (which is how I suspect you see it).

I know you can promote bits of the Qu'ran or the bible to back your case, but when you start on that, I really do start ignoring your points. There's ugliness in both texts, but you only accept the contortionism you do on behalf of the ugly bits of your book, but insist the Qu'ran must be immutable, even though there's a billion odd muslims who aren't pedophile warlords.
I.e. Your refusal to judge god for his torture of Job were among the least convincing posts I've seen from you.

When this is pointed out, you inevitably launch into a spray on how when pressed, muslims will choose their religion over western society, without mention of the priority you place on your zealotry. Frankly, the only people pressing muslims into that situation are people like you.

You're not some lone voice of reason, you're the one stirring the pot. If this scenario you present does occur, it'll because people like yourself, who can only envisage the world through a simple set of loyalties, have forced people so far into a corner, they've been made to lash out.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 11 February 2008 9:53:05 AM
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