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Problems with 'Human Rights'

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Boaz, surely your Children of God example is solved by the fact that sex with underage people is illegal. Last time I checked, that overrode freedom of religion.
Posted by Vanilla, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 9:02:22 AM
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The recent bombings in the pet markets in Baghdad points up the problem.

That these people could send two handicapped people into the market
loaded up with bombs and then set them off by use of a mobile phone
is beyond the pale.

That their version of their religion allows them to do this shows that
they all should be banned and sent back.

I know, I know, they all will not do such things, but how do we tell
which is which ?
It is the basic premise of the belief that allows such atrocities.
There seems to be no way to sort out the bad from the good and the
good do not seem to rush around to denounce the bad.
Even if they do it secretly, that is no good either it has to be done
publically, otherwise it has no real value.

So why should we bother to try and sort them out, just export the lot
and be done with it ?

All that is not politically correct but really its just too bad.
Tell me, why should we bother ?
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 9:50:21 AM
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"DO WE (as Australians) in PRINCIPLE have the 'human right' to preserve and protect our culture, based on our creed in some cases, and simple history in others.. from encroachment, attack, infringment and undermining?"

Indeed we do, but the undermining force far from being the encroachment, attack, infringement or undermining from any monotheistic religious force is, in my opinion, based on the ruthless pursuit of profit by market capitalism which is the overruling dominant factor in the erosion of all traditional values be it religious or secular. Religion in all its forms is only a symptom of the decline of a healthy democracy with the orthodoxy of economic rationalism the basic problem impacting 'creed' & 'culture'.

Most of the social advances in modern times have occurred in spite of rather than because of religion, i.e. democracy, universal human rights, social equality, abolition of slavery, dismantling of the dynastic principle, emancipation of indigenous people, womens equality, civil rights, disability rights, gay liberation, the environmental movement etc none of which is based in grand narratives, thus in your conjecture Boaz any further social advances should remain free of religion, while the secular universal rights of culture and identity upheld.
Posted by peachy, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 11:07:10 AM
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Dear Boazy,

I think that you're worrying needlessly.

All applications for migration to Australia are assessed against requirements set out in the Migration Act and Regulations.

There are different criteria for different categories of visas and the criteria are established to meet Australia's national interests and needs.

The Government determines the criteria and sets the number of people who can enter under the programme on an annual basis. The policies
and legislation governing migrant selection are applied equally to all applicants.

The criteria for the Migration Programme is selective, choosing those applicants who meet Australia's requirements and have good prospects for successful settlement. Migrants can be selected on the basis of such factors as relationship to an Australian permanent resident or citizen, skills, age, qualifications, canpital and business acumen.

All applicants must also meet health and character requirements specified by migration legislation.

There are very detailed rules governing entry in each migration category and selection is bases on the case-by-case assessment of applications.

If a person satisfies Australia's selection criteria, he or she stands an equal chance of being selected, unless there is a cap imposed on the number of visas allocated to a particular category.

So you see Boazy - you're simply worrying needlessly.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 11:56:00 AM
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Dear David Boaz
Misguided ill-informed persons such as yourself together with Extreme Conservatives, Nationalists, Racists, Religous Fundamentalists, Working Class Conservative Voters have always been their own worst enemy. David Boaz your thinking is extremely dangerous not unlike the Enoch Powell's, Pauline Hanson's and Oswald Mosely thinking that incites this behaviour that you speak about. ther is nothing most wonderful that to have a multi cultural family as we are all part of one race the human race.
Posted by Bronco Lane, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 2:22:46 PM
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NOW what I call progress :) the diversity of comment is most appreciated.. quite a few good thoughts there.

1/ TRTL.. now.. I disagree with you only on the issue of 'degree'.
YES.. of course we must make allowances for whackos etc.. no problem there; BUT.. it is definitely in issue of 'degree' and also.. it depends on the nature of the 'whacko'ness... I think you and I would be on the same page re the Ananda Marga would we not? please clarify that. At least its a starting point.

2/ PEACHY.. I think the threat is EXACTLY as you described it *tick* but that (unrestrained capitialism) is just one dimension of the problem.
Alongside Capitalism which seeks to erode our freedoms by nefarious means, there is ALSO the pressure from these people (please view the video and listen 'carefully' to the exact words of the moron degenerate in the white cap. These rabid low lifes held a rally also at Westminster Cathedral!

3/ Foxy.. please view the same vid mate..

QUESTION. IF.... such a thing were to happen in Melbourne or Sydney, would you not have a slightly higher level of concern than you do now ?

When it gets to the point where people can carry signs calling for the EXTERMINATION of others just because they are offended..and signs saying 'British Police goto HELL' (right behind a Policewoman) I have a mild feeling of 'Maybe its almost too late'....

From what I'm seeing, the 'reaction' is building, and unless POLICY is changed now... and changed RADICALLY ...the 'reaction' will be very ugly.
Support for BNP policies is around 55%, (when the name BNP is not mentioned) it drops to 49% when people are told "These are BNP policies"

You might find this banned speech interesting also

BRONCO....Enoch Powell -proven to be a prophet..not a crank :)

Note Griffins mention of the utterly evil law 'Truth is no defense'
Well.. to put in the milllldest possible way "I disagree" -watch..and learn.
Nick has yet to learn :) "Works of art are not subject to that law"
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 3:50:37 PM
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