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No Australian Money For Gaza

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The Palestinian people as so many have testified are
not being treated in a humane way.

Miriam Margolyes, and many others, have told us how
Palestinian lives have been disrupted, made miserable, how they
had been torn from their homes, and their lands taken
away. How their daily lives are being squeezed and

How Jews have the full right of return. No Palestinian

As Miriam says:

It's just not fair. She adds:

The Israelis seem to feel that they can carry through
things without any reference to international law.
What they are doing is illegal. But nobody seems to be
taking any notice.

And now - of course the antisemites have an excuse to
support their vile bigotry.

It's lazy thinking. To hate and attack Jews because of
one's feelings about Palestine, this is not acceptable. It's the
Israeli government's persecution of the Palestinian people
that's the evil - not being Jewish. But unfortunately those
who are Jewish and speak out against the Israeli government
are tarred with the epithet of "self-hating Jew".

And of course those who aren't Jews and speak out - are

Unfortunately antisemitism has a long history not only in
Australia but around the world. But it's people like
investigative journalist Antony Loewenstein and many
others, do set the record straight.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 February 2025 8:54:58 AM
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Here is one reason for anti-Semitism in Australia.

The ‘Grand Mufti’ of Australia, Abu Muhammad, on October 10 posted, on Facebook that the Hamas atrocity against Israel was really “resistance against tyranny”, which is the “legitimate right for any human being”.

The Mad Mufti assured the weak-minded Australian Left, already seething with a suppressed loathing of Israel and Jews, that Israel was the “brutal” party, getting what it deserved.

Al Jazeera: closed down by Israel and the Palestinian Authority (really! ) for broadcasting hate, is still broadcasting in Australia via taxpayer funded SBS (really!)

The Qatari Foreign Ministry also advised that Israel was “solely responsible” for the violence against itself. The much-easier-to-let-others-think-for-you Australian Leftist morons were “on cloud nine”, just as the Grand Mufti said he was.

Around 20 Australian universities are entangled with terror-supporting Qatar. The universities’ curriculums include brainwashing on Islam, under the guise of ‘Islamic Thought And Education’. Obviously of no particular use to Australians, so definitely brainwashing.

At the University of South Australia, an activist named (Professor) Mohamed Abdalla preaches ‘scholasticide and plausible genocide’ in Palestine. Plus crap like trying to liken the racism against the Jewish race with non-racial criticism of a religion.

Creeping Islamism is revving up the natural anti-Semitism of the Left.

Arresting a few anti-Semitic nutters calling themselves Nazis is a blind that they think will disguise their own anti-Semitism. The coming election will reveal whether or not they are getting away with it.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 2 February 2025 10:28:53 AM
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Professor David Flint writes that anti-Semitism in the Labor Party has been rife for 20 years; and it is damaging Australia's international reputation. Who would have thought we would ever be compared with Nazi Germany, and would hear Jews descended from First Fleeters saying they no longer feel safe in their own country!

Flint reminds us that Bob Hawke, a true friend of Israel, revealed 20 years ago that anti-Semitism was already “rampant” in the Labor Party. The hard Left was even then calling Jews “oppressors” in their own ancient homeland. Others joined in to keep the votes of the increasing number of Arabs they were bringing into the country. No expectations from them of those immigrants assimilating and adopting Australian values!

Now, the ALP is much worse. The problem has “festered”.

In David Flint's words, “Labor has unleashed a heightened antisemitism in Australia”.

The ALP has really gone down the gurgler since one of the decent, old time Labor men, Chris Hurfurd, Immigration Minister in 1990, tried to deport Sheik Sheik Taj El-Din Hilaly for being “against Australian values”.

Of course, the truly dreadful Paul Keating sacked Mr. Hurford and awarded permanent residence to the Islamist maniac.

An election is coming.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 2 February 2025 11:10:14 AM
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Colonized people, even under the UN Charter, have
the right to struggle for their liberation, even
with an army, and the successful ending to such a
struggle lies in the creation of a democratic state
that includes all of its inhabitants.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 February 2025 11:17:43 AM
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We've had recent acts of hate crimes in Australia.
Acts of antisemitism,
islamophobia, and anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian racism.

Amnesty International writes that we should call on
governments at all levels in Australia to
support anti-racism initiatives. Education and community
dialogue to address these acts.

They say that anyproposed legislation responding to these
recent acts of hate crimes should involve debates about
freedom of religion, speech, association, and assembly.

That governments should be urged to consult with human rights
experts and affected communities, and ensure that any
restrictions on rights are necessary and proportionate.

Australian should be able to live free from hate and with
dignity and respect.

They suggest that the hate crimes should not be a matter of
partisan politics.

But as we can see from the media - partisan politics is part
of the way the game is played.

We have a process that should be followed. The Prime Minister
has made his views clear. But he's not the police commissioner.
And our political parties can choose any political path
they like.

But then so can we.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 February 2025 12:30:43 PM
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Hi Foxy

Not all of the Israeli Government’s claims about the links between Hamas and UNRWA have been independently verified. But some have. The fact that some staff members were fired after the allegations were investigated suggests that there was some truth to them.

Furthermore, UN Watch does provide evidence to support its claims. And there are other independent sources that link UNRWA to Hamas and other terrorists, and have exposed its role in propagating antisemitism and advocating violence towards Jews. In the past few days, it has been alleged that some of the Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas were held at UN facilities.

This is not a new phenomenon. Concerns about UNRWA links with Palestinian terrorists date back to at least the 1970s.

Israel is a country at war. It has every right to withdraw co-operation from an organisation it reasonably suspects of actively supporting its enemies. And I don’t want my taxes helping to fund UNRWA.

UNRWA’s long-term involvement in Gaza has been very harmful to the wellbeing of the Palestinian people. As the main provider of basic services such as health and education, it has made it possible to sustain over decades a “temporary” arrangement that denies Gazans normalisation under a competent and accountable government. It has allowed Hamas to focus on building tunnels and accumulating weapons to attack Israel, rather than taking responsibility for standard government functions. And by insisting that Gazans are “refugees” with a “right of return” to Israel – even though most are the great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren of people who actually once lived there – they de-legitimise a genuine two-state solution, which in my view is by far the best prospect of a just and lasting resolution to this conflict.
Posted by Rhian, Sunday, 2 February 2025 2:32:45 PM
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