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The Forum > General Discussion > No Australian Money For Gaza

No Australian Money For Gaza

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When funding to UNRWA was cut and with Israel's unrelenting
bombardment and blockade UNWRA's critical role in trying
to assist Palestinian citizens was made much harder.
In Gaza air-strikes, famine,
and disease grew worse.

It was these civilians who were severely punished by the
taking away of the funding.

Following the United Nation's investigation and pro-active
commitments made by UNRWA toward complete accountability
and reform, countries have resumed their UNRWA funding.
Including the European Union, United Kingdom, Canada,
Australia, Finland, Germany, Japan, and Sweden.

It is a relief that the long overdue funding to UNRWA
has been restored, so that it can continue its vital
life-saving work.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 January 2025 5:47:58 PM
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"Australian money may not be needed. The UAE is talking about funding the whole reconstruction, provided some way can be found to keep Hamas's grubby fingers off the funds". (mhaze)

Good idea. Arabs looking after their own. There are no similarities between their culture and our own. Cultural relativity, multiculturalism - the whole deal - is a lie, told over and over by a handful of self-hating lunatics in the West.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 24 January 2025 5:50:05 PM
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Both sides of politics have signed international
agreements that obligates Australian to help out
in humanitarian crises and people in need.

Australia considers itself part of the international

Those that disagree can take this up at the ballot
box on election day.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 January 2025 5:58:12 PM
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Hi Foxy,

Not much point in telling the 'Forum Usual Suspects', that Australia is part of the international community and is committed to international agreements, they don't understand that. These guys are basically haters who are only concerned about their own self interest and whats good for them.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 January 2025 5:59:35 AM
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So Foxy, you're going to ignore that the hostages were held captive in UNWRA facilities? When you don't like the facts, ignore them. Standard operating procedure for Foxy.

Here's another one for you to ignore. Al Jazeera reported that, once the ceasefire started, Hamas terrorists started emerging, fully armed out of the UNWRA hospitals. The UN had been claiming form the beginning that the hospitals WEREN'T being used to protect Hamas, but here they were coming out of hiding in those same hospitals.

Giving money to UNWRA or any other UN agency for that matter is the same as giving it to Hamas. Always has been. And we know that only a fraction of that will make it to the people who actually need it, with some being siphoned off to allow the terrorists to continue the fight against the Joos (and we know you're in favour of that!!) and some being expropriated to make the Hamas leadership wealthy.

I'm not against Australia sending a few bob over there to help out the actual Gazan people, but only if its an adjunct to Arab efforts to help them and only if it doesn't go via UNWRA/Hamas.

But I get that for some, virtue signalling is more important than efficacy.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 25 January 2025 6:21:27 AM
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The old saying that; "The first casualty of war is truth", holds so in this war, just as much as in any other war. I am thankful that a ceasefire has been enacted, whether that is down to your man Trump or Biden and someone else, probably its down to the combined efforts of many, only for the lives it saves is what's important.

BTW; Don't throw out your 'Buffalo Horn Outfit' and red, white and blue grease paint just yet, put it in moth-balls, might need it again in 4 years time when your "Commander In Chief" refuses to leave the White House for a jail cell. You might be called to action once more, particularly if the Democrat candidate wins the Presidential election in 2028.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 January 2025 7:23:00 AM
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