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No Australian Money For Gaza

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Do you denounce Russia's attack on the Ukraine?
Posted by WhiteMouse, Wednesday, 29 January 2025 6:28:40 PM
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We know you are antisemitic ... I guess you absorbed that with your mother's milk.

It is completely illogical ... sign of a disfunctional human being.

Do you support Hamas? I guess they are OK with you ... after all they kill Jews ... babies, children, the young ... and the old.

Israel is a tiny country ... less than a third the size of Tasmania. They have a duty to protect themselves.

For this conflict to stop, it needs for Hamas to release the hostages ... not just the dead ones ... Hostages from babies to the elderly. And lay down their arms. So simple really.

Incidentally, when you become critically very ill ... I suggest you check whether the medication which will save you was developed by a Jew. Then you can decide based on your conscience.
Posted by WhiteMouse, Wednesday, 29 January 2025 6:48:55 PM
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Also AC,

The Hamas leadership are billionaires living lives of supreme luxury in Qatar, well away from any risk of conflict.

They have siphoned off all money intended for the Palestinians ... and will continue to do so.
Posted by WhiteMouse, Wednesday, 29 January 2025 6:58:41 PM
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"Do you denounce Russia's attack on the Ukraine?"
- It was unavoidable. Do you denounce the Wests coloured revolutions and regime changes?

"We know you are antisemitic ... I guess you absorbed that with your mother's milk."
- Don't bring my mum into it, she has nothing to do with my opinions.

I figured since you were throwing the anti-Semitic word around accusing others of it and trying to frighten them into backing off or silence, I thought maybe you deserved a response from someone who isn't scared of the word?

"It is completely illogical ... sign of a disfunctional human being."
- What is? Please explain, coming from the pro-genocide side of the fence I'm sure your response will be very enlightening.

"Do you support Hamas? I guess they are OK with you ... after all they kill Jews ... babies, children, the young ... and the old."
- I support the right of the Palestinian people under occupation to be free from oppression and have their own sovereign state.
- Do you support Israel formally stating it's borders?

"For this conflict to stop, it needs for Hamas to release the hostages ... not just the dead ones ... Hostages from babies to the elderly. And lay down their arms. So simple really."
- They took the hostages to use as bargaining chips for their own.
Do you support Israel releasing all the hostages it has, held on indefinite administrative detention without charge?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 January 2025 1:17:14 AM
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"Incidentally, when you become critically very ill ... I suggest you check whether the medication which will save you was developed by a Jew. Then you can decide based on your conscience."
- That's kind of retarded way of thinking.
So you're suggesting that in say in 20 or 30 years, I'll be older and my health may not be so good, and you want me to remember back to our discussion here and think to myself 'Maybe White Mouse was right after all and I was wrong, maybe it really was ok for America and Israel to murder all those women and kids and journalists with bombs and then starve and deny water and medicine to the populace after all'
- don't be stupid.

"The Hamas leadership are billionaires living lives of supreme luxury in Qatar, well away from any risk of conflict"
- So what? As are the Jews in America that buy out the U.S congress with AIPAC donations.
Miriam Adelson gave Trump 100 million to help him get elected..
And then as a result, American bombs and American jets made the genocide possible, so whats your point exactly?

Let's consider a hypothetical, imagine if someone gave you an assault rifle and ammunition and you go down the shopping centre and shoot the place up, then come back and ask for more ammunition, the person is watching the live telecast of your crimes on TV and knows what you've been doing, and then happily gives you more ammunition,
- Is that person not just as guilty of what you were doing by giving you more ammunition knowing exactly what you've done already?

Thanks for your reply, it's been fun.
All you need to do now is tell me you're a devout Christian and support Israel unconditionally, because killing women and kids is just exactly what Jesus would do, and I can roll around on the floor laughing!
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 January 2025 1:26:36 AM
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'babies, children, the young'
- I heard those nasty Hamas put the babies in the ovens
(Really have to play on that word 'ovens' right?)
- Oh no - that's right it was all made up wasn't it to manipulate the TV audience.

Do you want to see some actual burned Palestinian kids?
Maybe some assassinated women and kids?
I saw footage of the Israelis shoot a pregnant woman in the middle of the street and then wait for people to come to her aid and shoot them too.
You want to see some kids shot in the head by sniper fire?
They used to just target the limbs but well October 7 gave the IDF free reign.
Do you want to see some Palestinians on fire - at the hospital that Israel bombed?
Do you want to hear about the journalists Israel assassinated, (along with their entire families of course)
Everyone knows I've already shared all of this footage and stories previously already [Rolls eyes]

Foxy doesn't support continued loss of life, and for that you attack her?
Looking at that reasoning you should be grateful I responded at all, because an attitude like that doesn't really deserve one.

- But as I said, it's been fun responding.

That word 'Anti-Semitic' only has power because people are frightened of it.
Well I just happen to be 'Anti-Genocide' which effectively results in making the word 'Anti-Semitic' null and void.

Don't blame us, it's not our ICJ confirmed genocide.
It's Israels. [shrugs shoulders]
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 January 2025 1:54:03 AM
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