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No Australian Money For Gaza

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You said that they've been advised for years
on how they could end the conflict?

Being under military fortification and control merely
makes the continuation of ongoing fighting for freedom
a reality. Being an occupator, you can't keep on demanding
peace only on your terms.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 11:51:21 AM
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Hi Foxy,

A similar number of Jewish people were expelled from nations in the Middle East. Those refugees migrated to Israel and became part of the nation. Why did the Arabs displaced from what is now Israel, after waging a war with the objective of removing Jews from the Middle East, not settle in surrounding nations as the displaced Jews settled in Israel? Is Israel responsible for the conduct of those nations in not accepting refugees?

The provision of humanitarian aid in Gaza can be provided by organisations other than UNRWA, and such aid can be given with more confidence that it will not be used to support child abuse and terrorism. UNRWA is an organisation for perpetuating hatred, abuse, intolerance and misery.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 12:26:33 PM
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In 1945 - Zionism had attracted more than half a
million settlers to a country that already had a
population of 2 million.

The local native population was not consulted, nor
was the objection to the project of turning Palestine
into a Jewish state taken into account. The settlers
managed to build a state within a state constructing
all the necessary infrastructure but failed in 2

They managed buy up only 7 per cent of the land which
would not suffice for a future state and they were also
a minority - merely one third of a country in which they
wanted to be the exclusive nation.

Although Israel today controls all of it politically,
it is still colonizing - building new colonies for the
sake of increasing the number of Jews there- dispossessing
Palestinians and denying the right of Palestinians to their

History lies at the core of every conflict. A true and
unbiased understanding of the past offers the possibility
of peace.

But I wouldn't hold my breath. Try getting hold of "Ten
Myths about Israel" by Israeli historian Prof. Ilan Pappe
from whom this information was obtained.

We can all hope that peace will occur soon in that area.
But for as long as Israel continues to be supported and
funded by the US - that's hardly likely to happen
and in the meantime resistance to Israeli control will

It's not a win/win situation.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 1:04:40 PM
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Hi Foxy,

"We can all hope that peace will occur soon in that area.
But for as long as Israel continues to be supported and
funded by the US - that's hardly likely to happen"

No, the reason you won't see peace is because you have a population indoctrinated with the belief that it is their duty to kill Jews. This expat Egyptian was given a death sentence in Egypt for converting to Christianity. He was granted asylum in Israel and has just finished making a documentary examining the October 7 massacre and the mindset of the people who did it.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 1:21:47 PM
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Why start with 7th October? Why not start with the 6th
October and the decades prior to that date and what
has caused the mindsets that exist today?

Colonized people, even under the United Nations Charter,
have the right to struggle for their liberation, even
with an aemy, and the successful ending to such a
struggle lies in the creation of a democratic state
that includes all of its inhabitants .
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 1:28:44 PM
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BTW: We're told that "Israel controls the Gaza Strip's
northern borders, as well as its territorial
waters and air-strips. Egypt controls Gaza Strip's
southern borders, under an agreement it has with Israel.
Neither Israel or Egypt permits free travel from Gaza as
both borders are heavily militarily fortified".

Perhaps converting to Christianity helps?
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 1:52:14 PM
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